The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, February 27, 1900, Page 2, Image 2

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I! i
TThe "Work Whteli In Performe r
Thin C1nft of W-t-ctlvon ayiA tk
QTmltUe For Which U Cn1t tteifc.
Ab -of Hic Womnti 'Spotter.
A little over "throe months ago thcro
alighted from an Oakland ferryboat a
demur l.'ttle wonian, who passed along
With tlie oro'wd, with scarcely a glance
to lite right or left, tier politeness nt
traeted onio mention and her mod
esty more, but no one who observed
tlie air 'of confidence with which -she
made her way lo llie public, carriage
stand would liave imagined that she
was ft Granger and thai for the llrst
time in nor life lie ww visiting San
Giving a few quiet directions and
tering a cab. she was whirled vay
from l lie hustling throng and driven to
a hotel. Later the "register contained
an unassuming "Miss Waller. Chica
go." Her room was No. 11. Calling a
private messenger. hc dispatched a
message to a firm of lawyers, and that
evening, promptly nfS o'clock, a pros
perous looking, well 'dressed gentleman
entered the hotel, glanced at the regis
ter, and. ignoring 'the clerk's question,
'To you want anything?' passed hy
the waiting elevator and walked up
the stairs.
That was Tuesday evening. 'On
Wednesday morning Miss Waller might
have been seen boarding a Market
street car bound for the ferry, where
she purchased a train ticket and cross
ed to tlie mole. She returned late on
Priday evening, and Saturday morning
the snmo messenger took a sealed let
tor 'to the same lawyers, 'but this time
there was no evening caller. "Saturday
evening she left town again for a few
days, and these trips were continued
until one day last week, when, by the
merest chance, the object of hor re
peated outings was discovered. 'On this
occasion she was the possessor of a
ticket 'to a city "near 'the Missouri 'river,
and she smilingly confessed 'that she
was 'bidding goodby 'to San Francisco
for some time to'come.
As an Illustration of the care which
she 'must exercise in order 'to 'enhance
hor value 'to the big 'railway corpora
tions In this country it Is only neces
sary to state flint in the ten years
wlildh -slio 'has devoted to the business
of spotter, or. us she would probably
prefer to have It called, private fle
tectlvo, she hns doubtless innde fewer
friends than any one else 'in the -country.
And lille she will mot n'llow any
one to get 'thoroughly acquainted 'with
hor, she -does not make enemies. That
would beirulmitu
'It Is an unwritten law of flic rall
'roads that every employee Is upon to
suspicion tint II he has been proved
guilty, and the people wlio take upon
themselves tlie task of separating the
'two't'lnsses-Jthose Who are 'found guil
ty and those who are as yet inordly tin
der suspicion are -objects of the great
est contempt 'with the army of tollers
who seek a living on the trains. To
'offset 'this unpopularity, however, they
'lui ve (the lnducmiitiiit of large financial
'returns. There Is no iroiibouud ride
governing "the amount of money which
'they receive. 'but 'the more proficient of
the elnsH probably make froin'J.noO'to
SH.OOO a year.
At times a rnl'roiid will have an lui
portion ease on lis hand, and the sorv
Ices of a (list class spotter will be In
vu'luu'lile to the company, unci on such
occasions, If successful, 'the 'Ilnnnolal
returns Increase wonderfully.
There lis a much greater demand for
this class of detectives In the east than
there Is hero, and severul reasons tire
given for this condition of affairs. In
the llrst plncu, tralllc being heavier,
there are more trains run there, mid
iinore 'men are employed by the com
lpnules. 'Besides, that section 1b 'more
'thickly populated, and way trulns are
'In many Instances run hourly, if mot
oftonur, 'but iprobubly the 'truest catiHe
'for "the 'Increased dishonesty among
Tullwuy conductors In the eust is tthe
low irate of salary whloli they 'receive.
There Is u well dollnud 'bullof umong
University Book Store.
All Students'
"kept in Mock
If you don't
sec what yon
want -aslc for
it- ::
University Book Co.
vftTdj? sk v A V.
. i n ir " ' lif"" " rl t"-'
is & I
j.--JL .. ' , " '. ' , l' "' iff;
eastern men who travel extensively
that any man who has reached that'de
gree of prosperity where he can -afford
to wear creased trousers Is hopelessly
extravagant if he pay more than one
third fare after crossing the Mississip
pi river. 1 once heard a popular Victor
giving his reasous for this assertion 1n
a resort on the Atlantic coast, -and,
after enlightening his audience with -a
dissertation on the almost utter worth-
lessness of money in the west, so far
as railroad traveling was concerned, he
"Take any train on any road west of
t Kansas City, St. Louis. Chicago -or St.
! Paul, and tlie rest 'is easy. Assnme an
air of indifference and smoke a 'cigar.
If your conductor be seedy looking,
liave a beard, an old 'uniform with
threadbare elbows and a hopeless 'ex
pression on bis face, pay 70111 fare, lie
'Is an honest man. A thousand dollars
W'ouldn't tempt him. and yon Jire out a
whole stack of dollars 'for getting 'on
'ids 'train. Had you waited for the next
'one 'things would have 'been 'different
! There you have a prosperous Hooking
'fellow, who spent his ilast hour 'before
'leaving time in a 'barber's chair and
who. but for his uniform, would pass
'for a drummer or even a lianker He
'looks as well fed and as well groomed
as a king, and you need 'have no fear
that he will decline your invitation to
'divide the cost of your 'ride 'to your
destination or at 'least To 'the 'end of
'His 'llv!slon."--San -Francisco 'Ohroul-
1 ele.
7I1h t'Me1i'HM 11 id r Dime.
"It isn't safe to start out without a
pocketful of pennies any 11101 1." 're
imarked a member of the house 'the
other day. "Yet 1 can romem'hor 'that
when 1 came down Into 'this section -of
the country In army blue In 18(555 a T
cent piece was very small potatoes.
"We were camped awhile out 'there In
Tlrgluia. and my headquarters wore In
'the 'big plantation home. A sou of the
lliouse and myself became good 'friends,
ulthough he was H and II 'nearly Jtri. -One
day In lieu of 'the candy Which II had
'forgotten to bring him from the near
'hyitovni! gave him 11 silver lhalf dime
'I had iforgotton all about the Incident,
when sonic two weeks later he cauu
Into my room and. opening his hand,
held -out to me on his little pink pulni
'the silver piece II hud glvuu lhlm.
'.Heali, "Mr. 'Captain. you -can Uiave It
Imok;' llie said plaintively, '.it wonlt
'buy inunin;'" vWas'hlugton :Star.
The A'bysslnlans make a 'tea from
'the leaves of a eertalnipliint Which 'has
sudli stimulating qualities that 'to-ohew
a single 'lour will (produce nil uhe -of-ifects-of
a strong cup of ma.
The 'mini who persistently Uilows Uiis
own ihorn will Hooner -or Uatur 'convince
Ids audience of his good -opinion tuT
himself. Wushtugton IPoHt.
11 f jyou Intend 'to Uo .11 uneaii (thing,
wall 'till 'tomorrow; If .vou 'Intend itoUo
a 'tidlile itlilng. -do It now.
You Want the Finest
We Have it
South 11th St.
Mm A.
Eastman Koda'ks !H) jper -cent -off !$&
Monroe 'Cameras ...,.,.,. .0 iper cent -off !
Diamond Cameras. .......... . . .i'O per cent off I
Chick Cameras.... i'O iper -cent -off
Premo Cameras an per -cent off L
Cyclone Cameras U ipencent off K
D- E. Dp PlJT"RnTU
il 1 Hi iMirtiUKiivi(iitli NtrfHt
1 0imlti-'Ni'M'UliiliurtlH'IIluok (LlfUCOJLn, fUEB.
Dorft Buy a thing
'i ''tllie llitte of iuiig Ocitlhlng ttiill
Stou lhawe lloo'kecl -over ttllie tnicih uiHsoiUitnent
oFttlueipatter.ns'S,hown ut
nan ) -KTiuaM'.