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About The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 27, 1900)
wM mmmmmmmmiM mmmmmmmmmm '"'r.'if;".,"1 ir ' Vol. $-29, No. 23. LINCOLN, FEBRUARY 27. 1900. Five Cunts. SECKtiTAHY WILSON TALKS TH"R , xXlJQ s NEBRASKA HESPERIAN with applause. He Bpoko, in part, as SOlPHOMOMiJS STILL AT IT, follows: I Addresses tlic Sli'tlDlits in'Cliiipel hVavf MlnlitOsoii Topics or '(Jeneral Interest. Secretary James Wilson of the de partment Of agriculture, Washington, t). '0., addressed the students in chapel TUosday morning. As he stopped upon the rostrum lie was greeted with ap plause followed by the college yell." The "I deem it a very great 'pleasure 'to .'Spend "Four "Hoars on Vriilay Afternoon stand in this place after a lapse of anil tina "With decisive thii'ty years and again look the stu-j "Split. dents in the face and say a few words The fight that started in the sopho- to them, 1 am not one of those who ' . j,..,, ,M . ini , ,,,..,. . . more class two weeks ago is still on in think that former times wore better that, these. It is generally thought fuI1 foreo v,th a,?n ot imme(llat0 that persons advanced in years are ' abatement. An adjourned "meeting was constantly going back to former times ! bold in chapel "Friday afternoon, and Chapel was crowded to its full capacity ' and thinking that those times were hot- ! th0 personalities that characterized the nd it was difficult for late-comers to j tor than the present. When 1 look into j prcViotis meeting of the class were re flnd standing room. Mr. Wilson spoke the faces of young people as 1 do this , gm0(i. The first hour was consumed in part as follows: morning 1 look into the future the I in going ,6v6r ihb gnnd ftifCady "I look in your faces this morning bns nothing fo- mo." 00Vcrcd, and no progress whatever was with peculiar emotion. The news- Speaking of the faculty of those nia(l(j Ry tne aocona i!0ur things liad Ipnpors toll us that one of the greatest days, Dr. Bonton said: "1 think we warmed up and it began 'to look dan 'dobates 'in the national congress is , bad six or eight members of the foe- j porous. coming off this week in regard to the'i nlty and one or two assistants. Now, (Philippine islands, whether they arc 'to compare 'that 'number with 'that you have today. You have a faculty today, It was finally 'moved to rescind all former action on the annual. The 'mo tion was declared out of order "by the manyofwhoinarektiown'ina'nritionai president, whereupon an appeal was uay, wliosc text books are Used 'in other schools and colleges. aken to the house, in which 'the chair was not sustained. The vote was then "Comparing the early conditions of lad anfl the proceedings in regard to general and commercial Jaw, 'history 'df. be parts of tlie 'United States, whetlier they nre to 'be 'managed as colonies, 'or Whether they are to liave a local gov ern merit. ' In looking over Nebraska I have a 'peculiar pride in much that has been ' tills school the present surround- the annunl were rescinded. 'dono liore. We have colonized Ne- ings. shall we not say that the present u W11S moved and carried after a bnlska. Wo were almost heartbroken ' Infinitely transcends anything we had gmit (l0(,i ot- aiscussion that tihe dlnss when we lost men like Dr. Bessoy, bu In the beginning? Have 1 not a right got out un annuai the following year, it was well that Dr. Bessey came here, to recognize tlie development of the j However, the motion to elect a board 1 said recently to a committee of con- slate and of the university? You have was declared to be out of order 'by the gross, 'Give me higher salaries; all our ( just begun to scratch the surface. 1In jsprGaidonton the ground 'that it was un a'blo'riiun are leaving us.' They replied ' fifteen Or twenty-five years from t'hls j contttltutlonal. It was the same stand It is good they do not go out of the time the population of the state will that tho president had taken on pre Tfnited States. We ure all Americans , double. 'It will be a groat state. You ,vlolls occasions. As the appeal to the anirwe do not lose anything by having ought "to be proud of your Stn.o, and , hotiae na(1 ueon PttrrC(i by a bare ma- these 'men go to other states. We are you 'ought to be protifl of your univor-j jority, it was impossible for this rna- (5) instructor, in public administra tion. The courses in diplomatic and 'con sular education atid in "higher 'conYmor cial education, when organized, wTffl lay stress upon special attainments along three linos as follows: (t) An understanding of tho legal rig'h'ts and duties of business relations as ex pounded in general commercial law, (21 familiarity with the evolution 'o'f industrial organizat on and 'business "methods as expressed in political, social and industrial history, a'nd '() an apprec'ation of the physical 'condi tions and economic laws under Which industry and commerce must 'bfe car ried on, as presented in the Study of commercial geography and political economy. The subjects from which the Tnaor portion 'of 'the work entering into the five courses now being considered Is taken are: "English, history, economics, sociology, statistics, international 'law, education, philosophy and languages. mot koIiik to increase the salaries.' 'It sity. Wherever you go your voice tmakfis no difference whether Dr. Bes-1 should 'be 'raised 'in ifnvbrol 'the univer- s&ls'inrfl0wa'or 'Nebraska, HowrfgriuSU t sity, Upholding Its irillUou,gc -aiuli. The motion to adJoun.wp,afmd3and it was when you enme to occupy "Ne-, power." ' jno president and a 'large 'ftumberof braska! How grand it was that tho Wise men, tho pioneers, gave you a ant 'verslty, and Such a university a? is scarcely found elsewhere in tho Mis sissippi vu.loy. I am proud of tho fa cilities of Nc-brnaku for h.glior eiluea tlon. "You Imvo ei-rtaln state assets. Yoti 'have a magniilcont so.l us one of your host usBets. if you young people hud time 'to Visit tho older parts of the (United States and boo what they have, WORDS 'OF COMMENDATION. In an address delivered before the American association for tho advance ment of science at Columbus, 0.. last summer, but just published, entitled "Tho Progress and Problem of 'Plant Pliys'ology," Dr. Clmrles R. Barnes pays tlie following high tribute to thn work of certain gradua os or the Uni versity of Nebraska: "The 'Pnytogoog. Jority to cjhunge the constitution, which required a two-thirds "vote. flora. raphy of Nebraska, published nyouror .,!, wm,.M.nh. f....lltv von would ' two K .b-v DrB- p" md 'Clements. lmvo it more strongly Impressed upon ; ' ie f.rst extended study .on .p an. ydt, that you should take care o: tills BoBmply In th b country along (lis soil. 'It is wise you should set about tlnotivaly ecological lines The care Studying what you should sell from Ne- completeness with which -their In brnsku; whothor you should send out ' vest.gution was made render if a good ... . . ,. .... n....... i uauiihiiu I in iiibiiiu OLUiiuuin in win v !. n i (iiiii run uriii lid iiiiin I'M mi v Ml LIIU DUUU IUU nun t.o wi..v. ...... dono, or Whothor you Hlioulti study how you should best sell skill, and as the 'butter men are doing, sell atmosphere ln 'the shape of butter. Nebraska Is ahead 'of 'Iowa. 'Nebraska Is !maklng augur and Iowa Is buying it. It is mug 'Uiflpont that you lmvo hero In this 'bountiful city of Lincoln tho begin nings whereby you can H.udy Into the socrots of nuture and learn to sell skill Instead of shipping oif wheat and grain." Mr. Wilson then gave some stntlBtlcH -Sliowlng'fho 'largo amount of grain and VuvIoub products of tho soil furnished l)y tho 'United States to TDoitnmrk. Tie finished by saying that ho wsib glad 'that Nobniska wiih not going to aid the SWINE 'lirtEEDERS MEET. The swine breeders' association 'met In tlie 'dbnpol Tuosday 'morning. As there had beon no mooting 'for two yours, there was a small attendance. Chancellor Ilossey welcomed tlfe asso clution and President nroneoii respond ed lo the uddross. Soorotary dr Agri culture dolivorod, a short spoooh. After this .1. I.. Barton discussed tbp "Fu ture of the Thoroughbred Hog," fol lowed by a paper liresontad 'by 'Dr. Potors. HVetlnosday morning several toplOB wore -also (llBUiissod. persons in the room departed. ' A (por tion of tho ulass, however, remained nud -ttttdmplcd a 'new class "organiza- i t:on. In the meantime nearly all of those who had lea tlie room wont to the gal lery a id caused considerable disturb ance. At tlie request of the prtrty below i Janitors McRoynolds and Ulil oleared tho gallery. Noarly all retired peace- I ubly, -but a few needed extra porsua- ,s:on. T-his persuasion was tfound in i abundance in the mnke-up of the Juni I tors and peace was restored. 'I'lii nioiiilidi'c nt tlin illhau ln iihifnul elected Ha3oubroik president and 'pro ceeded to choose a junior annual board. Fied A. Otisimdon and 11. M. Garrett wero made edltors-ln-eliiof and C. 'E. Wells and IB. C. Smith business muna nrs. 'It was 'voted to elect tlie asso .'lato'ollltors at a later date. Over?200 wasiiilellgotl toward getting out a 'book. UUloss 'matters uro.pntdhcll up at an uirly ilato'lt Is evidnul that two books wi 1 bo gotten out during the coming year. Ho.h sides are taking hold of the matter actively and dclurn that thoy are In tho right and do ifbt Intend to give up. It Is gh'ou out 'that tho side with the appointment board Is ready to lonipromlso, btu any ailvancos are ro fitBotl by tho other manibtfrs of tho CltlSB. WARVA'RD AND NEBTtASK A recent catalogue of Harvard uni versity sliows that tlie total enrollment or the current year is four thousand nine hundred and forty-sevon. The total number of teachers Is 'four 'hun dred and fortyo'ght. Tho proportion of teachers to students is 'one to 'eleven, which is almost exactly tho proportion in the University of Ndbraska. 'Of 'tihe teachers in 'Harvard thirty-one and one half per cent nre professors of various grulles, Jfilo iufe OJhTvtfrsfSy -ot Ne- 'bruska but twenty-two andone-half ipor cent'liold this rank. Tlie Harvard -college students, corresponding to tho-aca-ddmic 'college of this university, "ifUm gor one tliousnnd and two, Wliidh "Is about double the number in. this 'uni versity. In Harvard, again, the stiion tiflc school, corresponding nearly to the industrial college, numbers 'four hundred and ninety-flvo, while the in dustrial college In Nebraska numbors about tho sumo. The Harvard gradu ate school InoludoB throe 'hundred anil cwouty-stx students, as against a'bout ono (hundred and 'fifty urthe'Onh'orsrty of Nolirnska. Tlarvnrd's grout 'num bers are gvon It ly itfi large 'law Rohool. six hundred and liiitosti; its niodloal sohoolb, seven 'Utmdrod and tliroo. and Its summer soliool, eight hundred -and 'flfby-siv NEBRASKA FRATERNITIES. In tho Omalia Bee for Sunday, Fob Tonnes In their bultOMnnklng Industry ,,,m,,y 18 H (l (ne (Mlt 0f slxteoirof the !ln this matinor. I rrntornlty plus of tho University or j Noimiaaf Tj,o urtido concerning tho BENTON IN'OHAI'EL. , fratornltios says: "Fraternity llfo In Dr. A. R. nonton of Irvlngton, Intl., the IJiiIvorslty of Nebraska has becomo 'first chancellor of fhe'Universltyof "No 'brnsUagavo'irvory Interesting and 'In structive uitlllresB In ohapol "Monday 'moriiliig. iFebruary 19. The rodm xwob tniieli'to'ltB'Utjnoat capacity andtheiap ipoliranco so'r 'Dr. 'Bntitbti was greotoU u part of the Institution only In the last four years. 'Boforothls thoro wore fraternities in 'the 'university, Omt thoy wore Struggling . 'for their vory exist ence, "Wlitlo 'now 'It Ib 'rather a struggle between (ho f rritornltles." COMMERCIAL EDUCATION. The board or regents oPtf.fc I'nlvor altj of IMIChlgan at a mooting held ro lently ronslderod the allvlBub'llty of (stablishhiK several l'ow courses In the I'tnrary department whldh nvould meet more porfo'itly the pneul av iiooiIb or certain Interests or oareorB. The titles or those coupes are (1) 'diplomatic and consular 'education, (-20 (higher com tmorcilal -education, f 8') preparation 'for newspaper worlc, (T) ipropitration 'for ipaStbriil vorltmnd fptil)llcVi)lilhufthropy,t OQMWirNI CATIONS. Editors or flioNobraSkan'Hosiierian: 1 ask or you the jirh'ilago or your col umns for a Himil, ooiumuuluation. Luat Tuesday morning, uruvary good ehapel golng student knowB. Jkuibb 'Wilson, flooretary of the dejiartmout of agricul ture, Washington, aud member or 'tho president's cabinet, was permitted 'to give a short talk to the students of 61iIh university. It was, in fact, a very Shurt talk, and wo know Soiretnry Wilson could 'have spoken a.', greater length had the powers that be boot lit to-allow him to do so. -Every one knows w'hat occurred at tho finish. We seldom got to hoar a man In such 'high alroles ub Soorotary Wilson, and when tho oppor tunity did come n'flve-mlnhto talk nvaa all that was allowed him. vMton an hour would have beon too short Still, wo know or many men or loss note anditr ruli'B of much less Importance that have taken up tho next hour, -and -Still wore not so .profitable to tho students. HVo like to 'hear nvhilt a 'great nmn 'bus to Buy, and vwe 'hope 'last "Tuesday wua an dulcet 'lesson 'to BOmo. STUDENT. i! . i irlfi-nMlMMMII-itil 1 sss