' fflapyr-'ia eta Jr t j PJ' 4 IMW-" " - u ininniminiMiii.il miwi BawwKwwii"Wwn IWatSfeMtgHtMKSMMftM WaHMMMiMMi it8wMWNn w wrw wj'ULiiu luijuawt'iMiw ri-mMMiii in Bw(iwi1aaiiiMtWMwiaw THI-; NKBRASKAN-HKSPKIUAN. r S00II3TY. - " . .. Several members of Beta Theta PI gnvo an Impromptu hop Wednesday eVoning to their lady frionds. A most enjoyable affair is reported. Those present were: Misse3 Hammond, "Wil kins of Omaha, Urodt, Salleo, Hoi brook, Robinson, Nance, Jenkins, Pried sam; Messrs. Webster, Broady, Musser, Ames, Anderson, ltehlaender, Sims, Bell, Shick. Miss Gertrude Chambers gave a very pleasant valentine party on Wednesday night. Some of the members oZ Phi Kappa Psl gave-a sle'ghlng party on Monday ovonlng. Miss Nolia Cochrane gave an infor mal tea at the Delta Gamma fraternity honso on Monday afternoon. Mrs. R. It. Wolcott and Mrs. H. B. Ward entertained the facnlly woman's club nt 1641 G street last Wednesday afternoon. Members and frionds of (he Dollan literary society held their annual val entine party Wednesday evening, Feb . rnary 14. in tho university Y. M. C. A. rooms. Miss Clara King Smith ami J. Wood ard Jones wero married at noon Wednesday. They left for Chicago the same day and will be at homo afler April 2 at Wayne, Neb. Chancellor Bessoy gave a dinner party to the regents, ex-Chancellor Ben ton and Secretary J. Stuart Dales on Thursday noon at his lesidence on S street. The ex-chancellor entertained the board of regents with his stories of tho early struggles of tho university for existence. Don and Calvin Atwood gave a valen tine party Wednesday evening in honor of Miss Ilanna of Kansas City. Those present were the Misses Agnew, Loomis, Hayes, Tukey, Cole, Garten, Jackson and Hanna; Messrs. Weeks, Hayes, McCreary, Sherman, Hill, John son, Tukey, D. Atwood and C. Atwood. Miss Nellie Dean gave a dinner party Thursday evening at the Llndell for Miss Frcderika WIMard of Grand Is land. Mrs. S. B. Pound acted as chap erone for those present, who were: Misses Frederika and Abble Wlllard, Anna TIbbets, Stella Kirker, Margaret Lynn, May Whiting, Pluebe Gerrard of Columbus and Mrs. Roscoo Pound. Judge and Mrs. J. R. Webster enter tained the senior law class of the state university last Tuesday afternoon from 4 to 5. Fifty-five young men were pies ont. Mrs. Webster was assisted by Misso3 Joy Webster, Edna Polk, Lydia Mullen, Blanche Garten, Helen Greg ory and Grace Bridge. In the evening Judge Webster roturned to Washing ton. The third annual ba.iquet of the Kappa Sigma fraternity was given on Tuesday night at the Hotel Lincoln to tho resident members of tho fraternity and to a number of alumme. Mr. Ger main Towl of Omnha was toastmnster. Mr. William Adam of Kearney, Mr. Towl of Omaha and Mr. Howard Little of Madison wero the out of town guests. The Sigma Alpha Kpsllon fraternity gave a sleighing party Thursday ovon lng. After the ride tho young people wont to the chapter house for a dance. Appetizing refreshments were served. Tho following were present: Misses Watklna, Edna Harley, Margaret Win ger, Edna Wetzel, Blanche Edmiaton, Clara Hammond. Anna Hammond, Quo'o Hnskell, Hoffman, Dorrlngton of Falls City; Messrs. Bartlett, Mills, Dew, Fawoll, Holbrook, Cowglll, Do Putron, Fawoll, Stewart, Shlldor, Wal lace. A very pretty dancing party was given on Wednesday evening by tho nlumme chapter of PI Beta Phi In Mionor of Jthe active chapter at the home oi miss uaruor. rno uecornuons wore in scnrlnt, hearts and festoon's of chrys anthemums being used in great profu sion. Ice was served in the dining room under a hoop of scarlet hearts ' and chrysanthemums by Miss Lansing and Miss Wnugh. Supper was served after the dancing to the following guests: Mr. and Mrs. Risser; Misses Haskell, Lansing, Reynolds, Andrews,' Montgomery, Henry, Haze wood, Mc-j Phcoly. Burruss. Thomas, Woodward. I Waugh, Robinson, Sodgwick, Marshall,' Chap'.n, Morrell, Branch of Omaha. Wright of Schuyler, Burruss of Geneva. Dorrlngton and Custer of Falls City; Mossrn. Rodgors, Rlcketts, Edmlston. Sanders, Westerman, McK.ll.p, West, Wells. Blackmnn. Sheldon, Brown, Flshor, Everett, Adams, Brown, Kim ball, Sml'h, Shllder, Mudgo. Hopewell, St. Clair, Lovcland. Barber, Blshoff. Morrison, Barber and Molr. The annual junior prom otcurre 1 Fr'day ovonlng nt the Lincoln. Tho at-to-dance, which was larger thin in former years, shows the growing pop.:-' larlty of the event. Scarlet aid cream wore in evidence throughout the danc irg and promenade halls, l'os were I served In the ordinary. Every detail i for tho affa'r had bean arranged by the ?cnimitteo with the gi cutest of care thus adding to the enjoyment o? the occasion. Mr. H. II. Roberts, chair man of the commit ce, and Miss Jes sica Morgan led tho grand march, fol lowed by the committee. The following were among the guests: Misses Lllen Gore. Blanche Losch, Frances Gere, Wlllard, Mulr, Garten, Richards. Win ger, Robinson, Pemberton, Jackson, Welsh. Sarbach, Holbrook, W.lson, Paddock, Stownrt.'Agnew, Bates of St. Louis, Hanna of Kansas City, Post, Tukey, Jenkins. Loomis, Burrus. Salee, Emmons, Daniels, Bbnnell, Whedon, Branch of Omaha, Jessie Macfarland, Henry, Margaret Honeywell, Custer, Macomber, Brodt, Miller, Woods, Whit ing, Love, Lummery, Thompson, Ham mond, Galley, May Honeywell, Cun ningham, Jane Macfarland, Woodford, Hayes, Hoover, Hargreaves, Bennett, Gertrude Macomber, McPheeley, Wil kins, Wirt; Messrs. Kllllan, Rose. Rog ers. Sawyer, Harvey, Pancoast, Culver, Schwartz, Morrison, Anderson, Wil liams, Barker, Rehlaender, Roeder, Matson, King, Ricketts, Welch, Wing. Houck, Garoutto. Lewis, Paine, Ho man, Drain, A. L. Brown, Clark, Col lott, Sedgwick, Butler, Korsmeyer, E. II. Smith, Joyce, Fames, Sherman, Sumner, Paul Hoagland of Omaha, Mc Creory, Joe Brown, Paul Weeks, Otis Weeks, Fitzgerald, Sheldon, Hansen, Raymond, Robblns, Barnes and Mau ley. The chaperones were: Messrs. and Mesdamcs C. H. Morrill, William Mor rison, F. M. Fling and E. H. Barbour, and Mrs. Jenkins of Falrbury. Tho committee In chargo of arrangements was: II. II. Roberts, chairman; Misses Cole, Wetzel, Andrews, Morgan: Messrs. N. W. Morris, L. H. McKlllip, R. A. Drnln, H. J. Klingo and Clinton Carter. II, A. Tukey was master of ceremonies. NEW MEMBERS' PROGRAM. The following program will be gvien by the new memberB of the Deilnn soci ety at the meeting Frdlay evening: Instrumental Solo lohn Jones Books of the Hour Mildred Austino Recitation Bortha McFall Vocal Solo Bert Doano Character Sketch W. 0. Reedy ReadingA Pllgrlmage.-C. H. Hinman Music Essay Ralph M. McCracken What tho Socioly Has Bono for Me Now Members Mixed Quartet Selected Pantomime ... Legislative Gallery ... '" Portrait and Landscape Photographer 129 South nth Street, (tAM.KKY nsTAllMSIDJI) 1871. Lincoln, Neb. Waterman's Fountain Pen The Fountain of Pen Satisfaction. A Gilt of Never .-Ending" X Usefulness and a Constant X Pleasant Reminder of the A? Donor XXXXX s S L. E. Largest Fountain 155-157 Broadway Harvard University Medical Department, UOSTON, MASS. On nndnftnrJiinc, 1001. candidates for n 'h moil imiHt iircsciit u downm In Arte. Li ton , L'lilloiopln or hdViicis from n recognized co i or Hciontific prliool, villi tlio oxcoptioti of such portions, of Miltublo n nnil nttnininent, nn may im admitted It) Hpccial voto of tho Faculty tnkoti In nncti ctiK For detailed information concnniinK oo ncu of instruction, or eiitaloKiip, addrppt. Du. Wm. L. Richardson, Dean, ITarvaid Mrdicnl Collect. HoNton. Mat-B DR. JAMES STOCKFIELD, nFWTIQT Ml Street, Lincoln, Neb., op. ULIl I IO I jihte tin Pn'-t Onicc Painless Kxir.Tctlriiis. nciif-dier .alinaizi (ioUl fill hit's $1 fiOand up; Silver FiIIIiiitk r0 touts and up; White filliiiu'H 75 centH and mi llrst set of teeth $10 00; Cheap set of teeth .').00. All Work Guaranteed. Drs. Clutter & Shannon DENTISTS. Phone 426 1136 O Street Lincoln THE ALBERT TEACHER' AGENCY, Conlrul Music Hull, Chicago. Fifteenth Year 8251) Positions Filled. Nearly 00 in 00 List of Schools and Colleges in which wo 1111 positions cent free. AIMMtKSSi C. J. AliDKKT, MANAdKU. Good Work Popular Prices. Students Especially Invited to Cail R. & C. BARBER! SHOP 1144 O Street. Inflate Your Tires Without Work Without Pi Ice You are invited to use our compressed air plant to inflate your tires. No work for you No charge from us. C. L. SHADER, 31a... So, lath. Bicycle Repairing lnterco'llc$;lntc Bureau. Cottrell 4 Leonard 172 -178 HrAihwu A b.iin. New YrU M.llUTH of lilt- Caps, Gowns and Hoods To the Amciican Colleges and Univer silies. Illustrated manual, samphs. j nce etc . upon request Gowns for the pulpi and the bench. Ideal U fl Made in Large Va ricty of Styles, Sizes, and at prices to Meet Every Requirement. Offered for the Stu dent Trade ,. For Sale by all Leading Stationers, Jewelers, Specialty Houses X Waterman Go Pin Manufacturers In the world NEW YORK THE CENTURY DOUHLE-FEEl) PEN IS THE 1JEST V. E. Edgerlon, Agent, University. jisTrVcbE!) m'sm YIDDLETOWN.U. &rs CZ3 UfiASttF0iyat WARRANTED TO RUN A FULL SEASON WITHOUT REFILLING CATALOGUE fmlPOtfAPPlCArW. FOR SALE. BY. , A L. Girard Cycle Co. 1406 O St. Wholesale and Relill Dealer In Bicycle Supplies and Sundries Repairing a Specially lHCTi KX $ ifVrtSrSW ? 0 A rM J89888SK8KK w ' Siia r.. w . fc.i. ... . mi tm v