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About The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 30, 1900)
tf ..., -f. "tH H.'i'A.. JVL.L. THE NEBRASKA-HESPERIANN. A i. . ' GYMNASIUM NOTES. This gymnasium will bo open every morning at 8 o'clock to unregistered students; also Tuesday and Thursday evenings at 8 and Saturday at 2. An examination was given to secure the best three men in tho second year gymnasium classes. Four pieces of ap paratus wen used on which forty points could be made, ten to each piece. Babson secured first place with 36.88 points; Anker second, 30.11; Baumann third, 1G.37. The preliminaries for tho charter day athletic contest are about com plete. The only event yet to take place is the potato race, which will be run off Saturday. Last Saturday's event was the high kick. Jewctt and Hewitt tied for first place at eight feet eight and one-quarter inches. Itoehen was given second place at eight feet one and three-quarter Inches. Many outsiders a3 well as all stu dents are interested in the advance ment of tho university and the in structors of the university. One of the most recent advances Is that made by Dr. Hastings of tho department of physical training. Owing 10 the prog ress of the University of Nebiaska In this department while under his con trbl, and also on account of ills physi cal educational normal course which ho introduced into Nebraska, he has been culled upon to take charge gt the de partment of physical education at the Winona summer school, Lake Winona, I ml. Lake Winona is n pretty place In Indiana and has been selected lor tho situation of this unique organization of federation of colleges on account of its advantages for aquatic sports. This is called a federation of colleges be cause eighteen of its twenty-two In structors are chosen lrom the colleges of Indiana, Illinois, Ohio, Tennessee, Nebraska and Michigan. Nebraska ranking the best in physicalu training, her instructor was chosen for the in structor at tho summer school. One of the purposes of tho department of physical training in the summer school is to provide preparation of teachers and physical directors of colleges, Y. M. C. A. and Y. W. C. A. organizations for more efllclent Instruction. Dr. Hastings will Introduce courses of the ory and practice similar to thos6 used at the Harvard summer school, the Chautauqua, Boston normal and others of like character. Ho also has charge of the track, field and aquatic events. Y. M. C. A. NOTES. The religious department of tho Young Men's Christian association has never been so prosperous as it is at tho present time. The series of meetings conducted by Dr. Paine are very help ful and Interesting. A large number of young men are coming out to these services and are finding them very -profitable. The work at the state farm Is in creasing in size and Interest. Gospel meetings are held on Friday evenings 9999a99999aa939a993999993933aB3a39aaS9 Second Hand Books for the Second Semester w -AT- THE CO-OP. All tho Now Books in Stoclc. .....j.i :pr.r ft ft 822 North 1 Uli Street. with an average attendance of seventy young men. Tho association work there Is doing much to bring those boys In touch with the university life. Thoy feel that they are a part of tho great state Institution. If tho attend ance of students at the state farm In creases as it now promises to do it will not be long until the Y. M. C. A. work there will be a good sized organization in itself. Sunday, February 11, Is the day set apart by the international committee as a day of prayer for students In all colleges and universities. Plans are al ready on foot to make It a great day in the University of Nebraska. Definite announcements will be made through these columns next week. John Overturf, who has had charge of the BIbie class records, leaves this week and will teach during the re mainder of the year. His brother James will take his work in the association. A new membership canvass has been instituted with a newly well organized committee. Mr. Staley has charge of the work and the present outlook is for i a large number of new members. Tho Y. M. C. A. is doing the best work now that it has ever done and deserves the help and assistance of all young men. Don't wait to be coaxed when you are asked to join. "The Friday Talks" are proving to' be quite a feature. The last one by Dr. Wharton was listened to by a largo number of young men. The one on tho coming Friday will be given by G. A. Adams, a lawyer in tho city. The meeting is held at 12:10 each Friday in the Y. M. C. A. rooms. JSSS: THE BOER'S INVITATION. "Will you walk up to my Said the Boer to Johnny "It's a pretty little hilltop, And the grass Is soft as wool kopje?" Bull; "It rises o'er tho country, And gives a bird's-eye view Of my lines of crooked trenches, And I'll take you in theio, too. "At the top of Spion kopje You can loll and dally with All the farmers In -the trenches On the road to Ladysmlth. "If you'll walk up to my kopje, You can bellow, you can roar, And I'll tell you, too, sub rosa, I have several kopjes more." ?eGRAErr0NE TheMachinethatTalksTalk Thf fifm J"t ot Cut this ad t v i ne uem out and $end lt ,0 us v r with $1.00 and we will send you one of the m new Gem Uraphophones by Express, CUD f subject to examination You en examine it at " your express office and if found exactly as represented, entirely satisfactory in every way, and the equal in value to any machine sold at jlO andl'2, pay our agent Our Special Ulfer Price, $5 00. and express charges, less the f sent with order. For home amusement this King of Merry-Makers "'" 'l, hour Winds up like a clock Plays all the pieces of Sousa's and Gilmore'n Hands; Recites, I ells Funny Stones, will repeat you. own voice, your friend's voice, songs sunt; into It, stories told to it. You can make your records easily and reproduce them at once, as often as desired Price $5.00 includes Improved Ocm Graphophone, one extra loud alumnium Reproducer, one 10-inch horn, one Hearing Tube. Beat lixlll" bition Records (musical or talking) f a dozen, 42c each. Slot Country deaters will find a veritable gold mine In our two new slot Mnchinec: machines, The "Ideal" Graphophone $20 and wonderful 'Ray" ivincioscope tor moving picture machine; 3ig,operaicsnuionutlc- ally, requires no attention whatever, can be placed on top of show case or counter. Machines pay for them selves in two weeks. 'I he Kinctoscope does for the eye what the Graphophone does for the ear. Ob- D f iccts act and move as if alie Reproduces in miniature the same subjects as the large hundred dollar PjT Moving Picture Machines. The parlor "Ray" Moving Picture Macfiine, three bells with each machine v Send us $ and we will send ou either machine by Kxpress C O I) , subject to examination. II found exactly as represented and entirely satisfactory in every way, pay the agent our price, le the f 1 sent with order Complete new Illustrated Kinetoscopc (jraphophonc and Record Catalogue, containing lull descrip tion of large exhibition show outfits, ranging from JlO to $50, sent Iree on request. Hargcr&BIish, Western Selling Agts. 904-910 Main St., Dubuque, Iowa i7iEy ij theuniversity school"ofusic U lh lb ! is opposite the Campus. Students contemplating the study of music, and those who have Mends desirous of information concerning the advantages offered, are cordially invited to visit the school and obtain an illustrated Catalogue. You enter at airy time can WILLARt) KIMBALL DIRECTOR. ?S5XSC5XS5S3S:i52:2S A COLLEGE CALENDAR will be given to any person bringing live now subscribers to the Ni:itAnKAN IlKsi'KitiAN for iemnlnder of yenr. bee calendar at University Uooli Stote Value, $1.25. 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE Trade Marks Designs Copyrights &c. Anyono flcnrtlw? a sketch mid description may quickly nscortnlu our opinion frco whether nu Invention Isprohnbly patent nblo. Communion tiotis ntrictly cmitlilontlal. Handbook on I'ntcnts sent freo. Oldest niicncy for securing patents. Patents taken throuuh Muiiii &, Co. receive tptetal notice, without chnreo, In tho Scientific JJKieiicati. A hnndeoniely Illustrated weekly. Lnrecit cir culation of nuy srlontllln Journal. Terms, f.'l a yoir- four months, fl. Sold by ull nowsdenlcrs. MUNN & Co.3GtBroadway- New York Ilranch Olllco, (35 V Bt WnNhliiKtou, 1). U. n N these days of smokeless powders and mgn pressures wny taKc chances on filling your face with powder, losing your eycsleht and possibly your life by using a repeater that opens on top and elects Into your lace, when you can avoid the possi bility by buIng a MARLIN? The Solid Top tramc ana stae tjectlng principle is the most important Improvement made In repeating arms for many years. Complete illustrated catalog for 3 stamps. TH&MARLIN FIRE ARMS CO. NEW HAVEN, CONN. 3m-f--n---El tSsS"!. h s&r-y--7 wftftjt fn tm (k WWK MWW uVXjIL. , sStevens Rifles! JlSEcilSSLL! THE SMITHS PREMIER the Mightiest writers tiro thoso who do tho actual work In tho vast correspondence of a nation In this work one s i : i : j i t Smith Premier Typewriter fi fl fl is criint to bcoreK of pens. Tho pen has given place to The Modern Writer, Tho Smith Premier, the machine typical of progresh.the acknowl edged lender in Im provements. ;::::: 6EN0 FOU CATALOGUE. TIIHttttt SMITH IMtCMIHR CO., For further information and catalogue ad dross Smith Premier Typewriter Co,, Onmha. T"fiSjggr are guaranteed to be covir cmrn ACCURATE, TlTVom 11 10 $o.oo" Favorite" S to our most expensive Ideal." A H ti. mniHT ti v.. it n !, -:i I 1IIU lUllAU HU. 13 U IIIIU llllk. M0XI OP milt I.nAlinKS. nrlce nnlvSlO. m ....... . .:. . : r : .:. m wcijuunintccic tn every respect, notu- ing chenp about it lmt the price. i Mndo reculnrly In .23, .25 mid ,32 cal. I J Ibro rlni-llro, .25-20 6TEVKIVS, .32-40, ,38-55 nnd. -11-1(1 ccnter-Uro. IN SriJCIAIi SIZKS, S$12.00 S Send ttamp for complete Catalog and Hand Hook, J. STEVENS ARMS AND TOOL CO.. 3 to ID '.1 ft s. $ iiMK&IIIIMIIIIIM0 aafra!ffff'g