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About The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 30, 1900)
i 4 ' k: JtewhL xn nnnmm iyr 11114. 1 wMwtUU)pMklUrM4MUhMBMMI , t,'"'' - 1,1 in-T f - THK NEBRASKAN-HESPERIAN. t I LOCAL AND PERSONAL. Dv. Wontc, dentist. Gregory the Coal Man. University I3ook Store. Try Wcstorflold's egg shampoo, for dandruff. A circular of the school of art will be published In a few days. A circular concerning the- school of domestic sclonco has been Issued. For up-to-dato university 'hair cut go to Wcstcrflcld, the barber, 117 N 13th. The literary societies gave their an mini joint reception at Walsh's hal. last Friday evening. The cadet battalion has been re quested to take part in the natlona butter makers' association parade. The last number of the university news letter Is an unusually largo one, including s.x full length columns. Fountain Pens, 14 kt. gold, at 50c, G!)c and ?1.00 each at book and station ery department, Ilerpolsheimer & Co. High grade photography. Prices to suit everybody. Special attention given 10 students. Elito Studio, 22C S. 11th st. George Shedd, principal of the Ash land high school, came down to attend the Elbert Hubbard lecture last Wednesday Superintendent McHugh of the Plattsmouth schools was in Lincoln last Saturday and visited friends about the university. The visit to the university of Mrs. King, state secretary of the Y. W. C. A., has been deferred until the latter part of February. J. W. Dinsmore, superintendent of the Beatrice schools, spent a few days in Lincoln last week and visited many university friends. A fine photogravure of Elbert Hub bard will be framed and hung in the chancellor's office with some pictures of other prominent men. Have your clothes pressed and clean ed at the People's Suitorium. Suit pressed. 50c; pants pressed, 15c. Stu dents' agency at The Co-Op. M. B. Ketchum, M. D., oculist and aurist. Specialty, correction of abnor mal vision. Room 314, third floor, Richards block. 'Phone 848. C. H. Sargent has presented to the botanical department a couple of fine pods of the vanilla bean. They were secured at Cuicatlan in Mexico. The only thoroughly good place in hts city where a studunt can got any kind of board that ho wants is at Cum- eron's cufe, 114-118 South lith street. For history covers, history paper, note books, fountain pens and all other college supplies go to the book and stationery department of Herpol shelmer & Co. Dr. Hill has commenced a class in psychology for the city teachers, giv ing it in connection with Dr. Gordon's courso in theory and practice of teach ing. Ten papers and addresses have been nrranged for the annual meeting of the Nobraska conference of charities and corrections. The meeting will begin on Wednesday. The Y. W. C. A. held r- bright and lively song service hist Sunday aftor noon. Miss Florence Boose led the meeting and Miss Florence Worley di rected ne singing. President Harper of the University of Chicago has Informed Chancellor Bessey that he -will not bs able to ac cept the invitation to deliver the com mencement oration in June. The department of botany has re ceived from the department of geology several fragments of fossil wood for examination. They have boon deter mined to bo a species of sycamore. The students should remember that to enjoy thomsolves they must keop tholr health, and to have good health they must keep warm, and to keop warm they must buy coal of Gregory the Coal Man. George Snider, ex-'00, has re-entered ho university tills semester. Mr. Sill ier was a sergeant In company B, First .Nebraska. Ho ran for superintendent jn tho republican ticket in Madison ounty last fall. Dr. Bessey has just completed a 'jomewhat extended paper on forestry or the national division of forestry In Vashington. This was prepared on re- auest of Dr. Plnchot, tho chief of tho orestry division. The University of Pennsylvania has requested the University of Nebraska to send two delegates to the cere monies which will bo held in connec tion with the dedication of its new law bunding on February 21 and 22. Eugcno Curtin, '00, has re-entered the university. Ho will only take a few hours, as ho Is also finishing a course at tho Lincoln business college. Mr. Curtin has been out of the univer sity since April, 1898, when ho joined company D, First Nebraska, as a pri vate. He came out a sergeant. The meeting ol the botanical sem inar which was hold January 20 was given over entirely to the discussion of that phase of ecological botany which deals with the pollination of flowers. Ihe subject was presented by Dr. Clemrnts and discussed by Dr. Pound, Dr. Rlmbach, Mr. Bell, Dr. Bes sey and others. The members of the . W. C. A. who have not yet paid their dues are re quested to attend to this at once.- At the west end of the hall, second floor, main building, will be found a box; beside it is a box of envelopes. Put the dollar in nn envelope, write your name and address on the outside and drop the envelope In the big box. Posters at half price. Anna Held, Maud Adams, Maxine Elliott, Demlng's Indians and many others will bo on sale this week at the picture and music department, Herpolsheimer & Co. These will be sold at G5c each, and as we have but a limited quantity will not last very long. Mat board for mounting posters in all shades at 25c per sheet. The junior prom will be neld on February 1C and from present indica tions at the Lincoln hotel. If one hun dred tickets are sold during the fol lowing week It will be possible to hold the dance at the auditorium, as the hotel is wanted for another event on that date. Any Information can be se cured from H. II. Roberts, chairman of the committee. About five hundred people were given an opportunity to meet Mr. El bert Hubbard last Wednesday after noon at the home of Dr. Sherman, 1234 J street. The guests were received by H. G. Shedd and Dr. and Mrs. Sher man and presented to the distinguish ed man. Chocolate and coffee were served in the dining room by the young ladies of the English club. H. Clapp, '00, was in the city a few days last week. He had buen at a hos pital in Omaha having his wound at tended to. Mr. Clapp was a sergeant In company D, First Nebraska. He re ceived a sevore wound in his leg while on the campaign to Mnlolos. His wound is still very severe, causing him to constantly use his crutches. He went from hero to his home at Fair bury. The charter day program so far as arranged is as follows: On the even ing of February 14 a public address will be given by a member of Sigma J XI. On Thursday the board of regents "It is difficult for the world to believe that a mm is any better than his clothes." VARIETY YOU get full value for your money when you buy the HART, SCHAFFNER 6 MARX clothes. They arc "ready-to-wear" clothes with all the ad vantages of nc merchant tailoring and none of its draw backs. You get the style, the service, the good fit, the good looks, without the high price. Wckvcthc H.S.GM. suits and overcoats in all sizes, in many styles and at various prices. HART, SCHAFFNER & MARX TAILOR - MADE CLOTHES. ARMSTRONG CLOTHING CO., 1013-15-17-19 0 STREET. meets, and also the university council and Phi Bet Kappa. At 4 o'clock an athletic exhibition will bo given in the gymnasium. Dr. Benton will give the charter day address in the evening at the Oliver theatre. Several students will also receive their diplomas. The Palladian literary society has prepared appropriate resolutions upon tho death of Dr. Amos G. Warner ns follows: "Wo realize the great loss that wo, as a society, the world of let ters and the cause of humanity have sustained by his death. We, the Pal ladians of the University of Nebraska, wish to acknowledge our appreciation of his worth and extend our sym pathies to the sorrowing family." The members o. the committee were: Wal ter J. Hunting, Frank R. Miller, Miss Cora OConnoll and Miss Nona M. Johnston. Acting Chancellor Bessey has re ceived a notification to the effect that the next meeting of the north-ccntral association of colleges and secondary school will occur at St. Louis March 30 and 31. The university is a mem ber of this association and accordingly the acting chancellor Is expected to at tend. He has been requested also to designate a second representative. In connection wltn this meeting will occur the annual banquet given by the trustees of the Missouri botanica4 gar den in honor of the late Henry Shaw, and to this the delegates aro invited. The next mooting of tho Eighth army club will be on Monday evening, February 5, at 8 o'clock In Palladian hall. The following program will be given: Experiences of a first ser geant, C. C. Telleson; a talk on Borne phase of the Filipino war, Eugene Pierce; scientific work under difficul ties, Jerry Rebmann. The election of officers for tho second semester will occur. All soldiers who have seen ser vice in the Philippines are inviU4, This applies to those outside as well as those attending the university. Dr. P. A. Rydberg, '01, is just issu ing a 500 page book entitled "A Cata logue of the Flora of Montana." This is the result of the work of two sea sons in Montana undertaken in con nection with tho university botanical department. Tho book when issued will contain not less than 700 addi tions to the list of plants of that re gion over and above those which are recorded in the manuals for the Rocky mountains. Dr. Rydberg is now ono of the officers of the New York botan ical garden, a position which ho at tained on account of the excellence of work done in this university. TO WHIST PLAYERS. Everybody in tho university interest ed in waist is requested to come to room 310, university hall, at 11 o'clock baturday morning, February 3. The object of tho meeting is 10 organize a university whist tournament. Signed William R. Heartt, N. C. Abbott, Fred France, B. F. Skiles, G. D. Talbot, Wil liam O'Connor, F. E. Snider, T. F. Roddy, T. K. Hollenbeck, C. L. Davis, H. J. Wertman, F. H. Alexander, A. A Sims, John Plowhead, J. li. Baker, Charles E. Foster, J. R. Langer, W. A. Coffman and R. B. Morgan. RESOLUTIONS OF SYMPATHY. Whereas, God in His providence has seen fit to call to his final reward the brother of our fellow student and brother Delian, Harry M. Garrett; therefore, be it Resolved, Inat wo, the members of the Delian literary society, express our sincere sympathy to our bereaved brother; and be it further Resolved, That a copy of these reso lutions be filed with the secretary of the society; also that these resolutions be published in tho Nebraskan-Hes-perian and a copy sent to our brother. MAY M. BUCKMASTER, MABEL F. WILCOX, M. D. BAKER, CHAS. J. ALLEN. .. -M 13 4 -t 1 A m 11 41 V BW8XWWC i5jaftBjlMte