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About The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 30, 1900)
; THE NEBRASKAN-HKSPERIAN. ; n m ii r H H THE NE&RASKAH-HESPERIAN A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER Published at 225 North Eleventh Street. iMUed Every Tuesday Noon by the Unlvor slty Publishing Company. Entered as Second-Class Mail Matter. M. I. Stewart, II, M. Garrett, Managers. Uoard of Editors. Managing Editor A. II. Maxwki.l City Editor F. A. Cuscadkn ASSISTANT C1TV ED1TOUS. Onna L. Hull. it. 11. Vossel. HEPOUTKI1S. Maude Hazlott K. D. Androson II. a. Roberts J. S. Ellis I. P. Howltt F. W. Hewitt It. A. Huston W. II. King Frank Mauchostor Q. Jay Tho Nebraskan-Hesperian will bo sent to any address upon receipt of. tho subscription price, which is one dollar a year. Contributions are solicited from all. News items such as locals, personals, reports of meetings, etc., are especially desired. Tho Nebraskan-Hespcrlan will be glad to print any contribution relatlvo to a general university subject, but the name must accompany all such. Address all communications to the Nebraskan-Hesperian, P.O. box 215) Lincoln, Nebraska. Telephone 470. In the University of Chicago there is a ruling to the effect that no under graduate may be approached, solicited or pledged by a Greek letter fraternity . until he has been in college for three months, has passed creditably in three branches of work and has, for the en tire time, conducted himself in a mor ally becoming manner. According to some of the Chicago dailies this priv ilege has been abused by certain fra ternities, and in a short time action may be taken by the faculty to correct certain abuses. In spite of little dis sentions of this kind at times, we are of the opinion that the student body of the University of Chicago is well satis fled with the condition. The evil effects of such a system as is in vogue in the University of Nebraska are no more fully realized by any one than by the members themselves. Yet no attempt has been made to bring about a change for the better. In an institution such as this action upon such a subject must come from the fraternities themselves and cannot be made a faculty ruling. In the past it has been the custom to go after men while they aro yet in tho high schools or Immediately after their entrance into the institution. Througn out registration week knots of men may be seen in tho armory working diligently with the unsophisticated freshman, planning for his entertain ment and compelling him to believe in spite of himself that he is about the best fellow that ever struck town. A few days later the same freshman wears the colors of one or the other of the fraternities that has invited him to join them. The initiation follows and he Is one of them before he has more than a vague Idea of the university and boforo he knows anything whatever about tho life of tho Institution. After it Ib all over there is time tit think. Ho wonders what the other men in school are like, and pictures how ho could have been had bo waited and possibly to have been asked to join elsewhere. Often regrets follow such musings, and oven sore disappointment. Yet noth- should come together voluntarily and should attempt some reformation In this respect. Let us assume that by a harmonious vote It were agreed that no man entering tho Institution for tho first time should be given a chance to join any fraternity for one semester; let the samo apply to tho sororities as well. Let us assume that such other regulations in regard to scholarship similar to those employed at Chicago should be brought up here and adopt ed. Is it not true that men would have time to study the fraternity situation and the fraternities would have tlmo to Btudy the men? Is it not true also that at the end of this time each would know better tho thing wanted? Does It not follow that each would be adapt ed to the other and each bo satisfied? Tho man finds his peers, coins his friendships out of congenial and help ful companions, feels like working, puts his shoulder to tho wheel side by side with the others, and with the united action that follows something is accomplished for the individual, for tho fraternity and for the university. The same spirit that characterizes the man with his associates will mark him in the class room, and If this is culti vated In a helpful way In the one place It will communicate itself to the other. For the fellowship of the University of Nebraska something of this nature- ought to bo undertaken. For the sake of our athletic teams, our debaters, our orators, our representatives In every line, something of this nature ought to be done. As long as -there is a lack of Harmony in the composite parts of the university, so long will it be impossible to get a truly representative team of any kind, and so long as the naphazard way of choosing members exists so long will the internal dissensions occur. It may be said that what is ap plicable to the fraternities fits almost without exception every organization in the university. The movement that reaches one must invariably reach all, and whatever change that is ever brought about must apply to all by striking at the root of the evil. Medical School The high standard and progressive melh. ods which have given this School its envi able reputation for over thirty years aro carefully maintained. For circulars of detailed information ad dress tho Secretary, dr. N. s. DAVIS, 2431 Dearborn St., CliicagoJII. lETWHl Among eastern colleges great Im portance is attached to general college club3. At Princeton Whig and Clio "halls" practically divide tho student body between them, and constitute to gether the great source of college fel lowship and enthusiasm. The Houston dub at Pennsylvania perforins similar functions. It has been of great value, says the Pennsylvanian, in fostering a spirit of fellowship before unknown in Pennsylvania. Here men from all the schools come together, and there has grown up a spirit and university feel ing of loyalty before unknown. The need of such a club at Harvard has long been recognized, and of late a strong movement has been started for the erection of a university club of a broad, democratic kind; a donation of $150,000 has mado the carrying out of tho long contemplated plan sure. Yale, too, has of late keenly felt the need of some organlzattion to hold together, In a close college democracy, the under graduates in its various departments some center of a common Yale life other than the famous Fences. Tho Yale' News says tills may safely be termed Yale's greatest need, from the undergraduate point of view, and tho Alumni Weekly joins It in emphasiz ing the necessity of taking steps to pre serve, In institutions adapted to the new conditions, the spirit and charac ter of the student Ufo of Yale tho uni- ing can bo done. At the samo time the versity's greatest treasure. man is not alono In his feelings. If ho character of his teachings and his qual- NortllWeSteM University itles as a man, that ho will be missed so long as his name is known, but his work as a scholar and a leader in tho active world in which he was so potent a factor before coming to our univer sity was of such strength and practi cability that there, too, will bo a va cant clinlr. His cheerful nature, his power, his sympathy, his common sense combined to make of him a man who, once known, could never be for gotten. But his end has finally come, and wo must accept tho inevitable as he himself accepted it, never ceasing, however, to regret that we are to see him no more, nor to rejoice that he was once an active force among us." In a recent address before tho Union League club of Chicago John Barrett, formerly minister to SJam, declared that the Philippine islands wero the key to tho commerce of Asia, and with them controlled by America the bulk of the Asiatic trade would bo diverted to this country. In his statements upon tho subject ho brought up two men, both residents of Nebraska, and placed their opinions in direct opposi tion and asked the members of the club which was the more feasible. Follow ing out the idea he took up the justi fication of tho war, and spoke as fol lows: "Are we to accept, the opinion of Colonel Bryan of Nebraska, or of Colonel Stotsenburg of tho Nebraska regiment, who died leading his men on the field of battle? The former says we provoked the conflict and we alone are responsible; the latter, in command of the regiment at that point of tho line around Manila where the fighting first began, went on record that the Filipinos provoked the outbreak after he and other officers had done all in their power to prevent it. Tho Fill. I pinos had deliberately fired upon our flag, and there could be no satisfaction except unconditional surrender." This recognition of Colonel Stotsenburg is more than gratifying to the students of the university. n 1 1900 For Paris Are You Going? is out of place in the fraternity, it, on the other hand, is weakened by him self. Not being In harmony with them, ha is not one of them and can not carry out their plans with justice. Suppose, on tho other hand, represent atlves of tho different fraternities The Daily Palo Alto of Leland Stan ford, Jr., university speaks ns follows in a recent issue: "In tho death of Dr. Amos Griswold Warner there passes a man whoso place cannot be refilled. Not only did ho occupy a posiilon at Stanford so distinctive, both in the winter sports. Director Kimball of the university school of music announces that the out of town sale of seats to the Paderewski concert has been much heavier than was expected. The number previous to the time that seats wero placed on sale for residents of Lincoln had reach ed almost one thousand. From all in dications tho auditorium will be taxed to its utmost seating capacity upon this occasion. Residents of Lincoln and other cities in the state have learned to appreciate good music and will sacrifice a great deal to hear it. The Omaha Excelsior speaks as fol lows concerning the event: "Lincoln is to bo congratulated upon having Paderewski for a concert on the even ing of February 12, the occasion being the dedication of their new auditorium just completed. The Excelsior trusts that our Omaha people will show their appreciation of genius and their love for music anu their good will toward Lincoln also by going down in largo numbers to hear the greatest pianist of our time. Mr. Willard Kimball of the Lincoln conservatory of music has the matter in charge and if a suffldnnt number signify their intention at the Excelsior ofilco of going a special train will bo secured, leaving hero at 6 o'clock and returning in time to catch the last street car." Tho victory of tho basket ball team ?nat!.K0M0r,,IP 8hould arouso moro Ei,fSUn thls llno amon8 the sclent body. The score was entirely too de cisive to leave any doubt of the fact that the un versity can put winning teams in this line. In a short time the Omaha Y. M. C. A. willsenu a team hero to compete, and a little later tho University of Kansas will do tho samo. Nebraska must win theso contests, and to do so it is necessary to lend hearty support to tho players. Let us put a little foot ball enthusiasm Inrn mi- Arrangements should be made early. I have literature descrintivn m of short and lone tours in Enplane? JJJ Franco, Germany, and in fact all of JjJ Europe. Call and let me supply ip you with literature before deciding f on your trip. I GEO. W. BONNELL, C. P. & T. A., 4 Lincoln. Nnh. --? - n n California and Oregon Excursions. Leave Missouri Jiiver and Nebraska Points Every Week, also Daily Ordinary Slppninn l; a::::?. vjursjur y Tourists ,T 'o xr ,rvv "Jim. PICTOH JTomcsecl-er The Only Direct Route. ,.nnL?,e.rV,CC:,.,,CU" t,In' ,0W ". P'CtUr- esciuo route, and tho Kreatebt degree of comfort rIn,iVll:ltrftc.,,V0 f.0,Uurefl which combine to fn n J?.r,e;e",ne,ntly I,rPer these excursions In ordinary sleeping cars to the Pacific coast. Steam Heat I'lntsch Light. f2T For time tables, folders, Illustrated books, pamphlets descriptive of the territory traversed, call on ' E. 1$. SLOSSON, Agent. 4.VI U' rt m m m m SSW ift :- is m iw-' Short line and quick service to Nebraska & nl84Clt?,St Luis and a11 Pins South, East and West. City Tloket OHIce, 1039 "0" St. H. C. Townsend, G. P. & T. A. F. D. Cornell, C P. & T. A. J??iE35?S r"a E5&. J, mufcf- --"