4 . '' ' ,W1 ihi im lyy mEtif THE NEBRASKAN-HESPERIAN. . SOCIETY NOTES. Mr. and Mrs. William T. Edge and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Edmiston chanor oned a carO parly given Friday even ing by Sigma Alpha Epsilon at their chapter house, G43 South Eleventh street. The rooms were pleasingly dec orated with palms and the fraternity colors, royal purple and gold. Hearts was the game, the prizes going to Miss "Watkins and Mr. Fawell. Light re freshments were served. The guests were: Messrs. and Mesdames Edge and Edmiston; Misses Kenny, Watkins, Honeywell, Holbrook, Richards, Houtz, Wetzel, Jenkins, Hammond, Harley, Woodward, McPheely, Andrews, Sedg wick, Morrill, Griggs, Edmiston, Ham mond, Wirt, Morgan; Messrs. Elliott, Fawell, Crooks, Buckley, Brock, Sip Pursel, Klllian, Cowgill, Edmiston, Wallace, Bartlett, Dew, Do Putron and The members of Phi Kappa Psi fra ternity gave informal dances Friday and Saturday evenings at the chapter house, 1G20 G street. The lioors were canvased and good music provided. About twenty young ladies were in vited for each occasion. Friday night Dr. and Mrs. Ladd and Mrs. I. S. P. Weeks were the chaperones. The other guests were the Misses Haecker, Polk, Frances Gere, Ellen Gere, Wiggenhorn, Hammond, Loomis, Lasch, Jackson, Woods, Welch, Salee, Bradt and Web ster. On Saturday evening Mr. and Mrs. Morrison chaperoned the fol'.ow- lne: Misses M. Macomber, E. Macom-J ber, Gregory, Holbrook, Cunningham, Jaynes, Outcalt, Tukey, Steiner, Hayes, Douglas, Post, Cole, Wirt, B. Emmons, Macfarland, Garten and E. Emmons. Phi Gamma Delta gave a delightful afternoon dancing party Saturday at Walsh's hall. These daylight parties have been very popular with the east ern fraternities and It would seem that they will take well in Nebraska, judg ing from the Delta party. The parlors and hall were decorated with frater nity banners and the royal purple of the fraternity. Mr. and Mrs. Crancer, Professor and Mrs. Maggl and Mrs. Gates chaperoned the party. The members of the Palladian, Union and Dellan literary societies as sembled In Walsh hall Friday evening for their annual union party. The care and worry of examinations were over and the members made this an oc casion to relieve their minds from the strain they had undergone during the last month. ' Throughout the rooms stands were arranged, upon which games of different sorts were found. In the dancing hall an orchestra dis pensed music, which mingled pleas antly with the-joyful voices, and those so inclined Indulged in the pleasures of the waltz and two-step. Various other amusements were planned by the committee on entertainment, to whom much credit is due for their ad mirable work. Acting Chancellor Bes sey and wife, Professor Caldwell and wife, Mr. H. H. Wilson and Mrs. Wil son, dean of women, were guests of the societies. FAMED PIANIST. Ignace Jan Paderewakl, Indeed, is by nature of a strongly emotional temper ament tending to melancholy. He Is a Pole, and Poland is the Nlobe of the nutlons. Tho heritage of hor children Is tho mocking tradition of a brilliant but Irrevocable past, and the Iron of vassalage has entered Into Uiolr very houIh. "Always In tho minor hoy, ' ho tic of tho people, tho singing of a enid of their music, "it Is charactorls broken heart." Nor hai the enrich ment of personal experience been do tiled him. for his early manhood was clouded by sore bereavement, by a long struggle for baro existence, nau ni Intellectual equipment been less, his emotionalism might have taken a mor bid trend; by this saving grace it ha developed a spiritual aloofness from the spurious realities of life, a vivid insight Into Its Inner mysteries. It Is this quality, not elsewhere dis cernible, which I concelvo is the secret of tho extraordinary fascination that Paderowskl exercises over an audi ence. To suggest, as some do, that this luotuiuiiuii la uituuuua, liiu v;uil ul r$. mirlnsltv. Is miltn nhanril. An n tnnttnr w ..rf , -- ,&...w .... H ...vvv 3S &&&J&GM&3,3&&&&&&3&&&&&&&&&&q v ffi of fact, Paderewsu- is singularly free from pose or other affectation. He does not throw "nods and becks and wreathed smiles" at his audience like the "great Choplnzee," nor cast him self into a fine frenzy on tho platform like Sauer or Rosenthal. Even his much ridiculed "aureole," like Mr. Gladstone's collars, is mainly the crea tion of tho caricaturist. That some times tho hero-worship of his admirers has taken an hysterical and very ludi crous form when, as Punch has It, "all tho ladies in dabbling dresses weep and gasp and shriek out 'dlvvine,' " is, I am quite sure, as distasteful to him as to his critics. Nor can It be argued that It Is simply the perfection of his technique that draws the crowd. Vir tuosity is common enough today; and. although his technique Is undoubtedly superb, it is not of the character which Impresses the multitude. At no time did he arrest attention by digital agil ity or merely dynamic effects. Digital facility ho has cultivated, but only as a means to obtaining a pure singing tone and absolute control of tone-color under all conditions. TO GET ORATORS. Committees have been appointed by the literary societies to secure a regis tration of contestants for the prelim inary oratorical contests. The con tests are open to all university stu dents, and the Pailadian and Delian societies each offer a first prize of $10 and a second prize of $5 to the win ners. The Union society has no stand ing prize, but expects to make a sim ilar offer or an equivalent. Those wish ing to enter should see the chairmen of the several committees at once. They are: W. J. Hunting of the Palla dians, 0. A. Davis of the Delians and E. W. Meier of the Unions. The Masterpiece $ of and Artist in the shoemaking trade is the hand- Qr) some and stylish Shoe for ladies that j$ we are showing in our exquisite Fall S ' stock. Pretty as a picture, durable (5) and the acme of perfection in footwear we claim for our fine Shoes. Our nj Shoes are as good as they look, and Qj) that is beyond competition. Perkins, Sheldon & Chamberlain Company, ! - I 1129 O Street, LINCOLN. THE FAILURE THAT FAILED. He had tried and failed, as you under stand, So his comrades flocked and lent a hand, Which made the man, you will promptly guess, E'en as a failure, not a success. IT IS DANGEROUS TO NEGLECT A COLD. Pneumonia is one of the most dan gerous and fatal diseases. It always results from a cold. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy will quickly cure a cold and perhaps prevent an attack of pneu monia. It is, In fact, made especially for that ailment and has become fa mous for Its cures over a large part of the civilized world. 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