The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, January 30, 1900, Page 2, Image 2

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'Measure (or Measure."
O, Mistress Mine Frederick Barry
"Twelfth Night."
When That I Was R. Schumann
"Twelfth Night."
Ophelia's Songs Traditional
Blow, Blow, Thou Winter Wind..
J. Sargeant
"As You Like It."
Hark, Hark, the Lark (transcribed
ty Liszt) Schubert
Nocturne from music to "Midsum
mer Night's Dream". Mendelssohn
Wedding March and Play of the
Elves (transcribed by Liszt) .
"Midsummer Night's Dream."
A long felt want in Lincoln has at
last been satisfied. Now there is one
place at least where the people of Lin
coln can assemble and a place which
will comfortably seat the largest gath
erings. The new auditorium is very
nearly completed. This building is the
result of an enterprise taken up among
the business men of Lincoln, each man
placing a certain amount of in
the building and thereby holding a pro
portionate amount of shares. The
building has about double the seating
capacity of any other building in the
city, thus giving It much value. Lin
coln has never had a suitable place to
hold the many gatherings wnich take
place within her limits, although
many societies and orders congregate
here for their state and interstate
meetings. Many more and larger ones
will now come since such a desirable
place has been secured. Another im-j
portant feature In favor of the audi-
great wooden arches which, based on
the ground, extend from side to side.
Above the stage in the rear end, the
roof being drawn down, has the appear
ance o an Immense funnel. On either
side of the stage and extending below
are roofns, and just beyond on either
side extend from the basement two im
mense chimneys nbout ten feet above
the stage. As you look down the stage
to the front of the building you see on
either side of the entrance all the com
mittee rooms, above which the gal
lery extends. The gallery extends
from either side of the stage, making a
complete circuit of the entire hall. It
is supported on braces extending from
the base of the arches. Above and
below the gallery between the arches
are windows, making plenty of light
for the room; also in the front above
the, gallery are windows. The seats are
tae movable opera chairs, which can
be placed in any position and made to
& && &
You Want the Finest
We Have it
torium is that it -will afford a place to ' to plav,
froldthe exercises of the state uniyer-
MENT. The following rules have been pro
posed for latification by Stanford and
the University of California;
The foot ball season shall be short
ened. so that the last game instead of
being played on Thanksg.vlng day
shall bo played not later than the sec
ond Saturday in November.
Second, that the coach must be a
graduate of the university for which
he serves. He may be assisted by non
graduates, but to no one may a salary
be paid.
Third, that a list of eligible players
shall be exchanged by the cha.rmen of
the facul:y athletic committees instead
of by the managers and captains of
the teams, as heretofore. The object
of this Is to prevent any possible trad
ing of ineligible players.
Fourth, no person receiving a salary
from the university shall be eligible
H li- 'fr in IK lf T Jl 'ft Jft 'h Zfi Jf!
sity. In previous years the doings of
the university could only be held in
n1artfX2 wfilnn wniilfl tinf mo mft
J-.-W .......U ..W...V. w -.. ....
than seat the student body of the uni-'' a
versity, regardless of outsiders who UflBVCrSltV BOOk StOf0.
have an equal right to enjoy these ex- (
ercises. For instance, the charter day j AH Students'
herd, 31111s, Klinge, Shidler, Holbrook, . SUPPLIES
addresses and the commencement ' kent in qtnrk
If you don't
week of intellectual festivities could
only be enjoyed by a comparatively
few, owing to the lack of a place large
enough to seat those who wished to
The auditorium is situated on the
block whose west side borders on Thir
teenth street and its north side on M
street The building fates Thirteenth
street and occupies the entire north
west Quarter of the block from the
alley north except about fort; feet bor
dering on 31 street, which is to remain
for a park. As the building is ap
proached from the east, going west on
31 street, it looks like an immense
animal, something on the snail order.
The arched roof forms the back, which
draws toward a focus about thirty feet
from the rear end at an angle of forty
five degrees, thus forming on the inner
side a funnel-shaped sound rebounder.
From the rear end extends the ani
mal's tail, the chimney, and to the
center of its back a small shell is at
tached, the cupola, adding somewhat
to the beauty of this magnificent sliell.
There will also be noticed the horns
of the animal extending from the fix
tures on the front wall an"i the arch
The front wall, the head, which ex
tends some feet beyond the arched
back, stares at you from its numerous
eyes, the windows. The main door in
the center aad the two side doors are
the animal's mouths. The arched back
forms a quarter moon above the pro
jecting head. As you enter the main
door you pass through the lobby, from
beyond -which you behold the spacious
hall. The roof is upheld by seven
see what you
want ask for'
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