TflE NEBRASKAN-HKSPERIAN. RUL13S Wr S5T5B ttEQi'Mv'Tross. In tho first flaSo, llo low when yoti don't know a thing, And give someone else tho first chance ' in the ring. If sho misses, you know, and it is passed on to you To guess, then the other is easy to do. If you do know a thing when the ques tion comes around, In great inattention bo suddenly found ; Gaze out of the "window, with far-away look, And mind everything but your lesson and oook; And then 'when the tcaohor is caught by your wllo, Spout forth what you know with an innocent smile. Try to study your losson each alter-' natc day, (A little will go, if you're wise, -a long way), And if you do fail, after class stay and ask Some questions that shows how you've "worked "o'er your task'. Find tlliMtcacher's pot hobby and work 'upon that, And get 'all the long definitions down pat. Don't expand things too much. Now and then make a guess, And remember "that nothing succeeds like success." Df. Shoemaker's Private Hospital. Special attention given to all Diseases of Women. (All surgical diseases arc treated by the most approved methods. Every con venience for Pelvic and Abdominal Surgery Baths for Ladies Only. Special atten tion given to Massage and Swedish Move ments in their most recent developments by the trained manipulator in charge. C. A. SHOEMAKER, M. D., 1 1 17 L St. We Wan Student Boarders Htytf'mshcrf Rooms in Connection THE PALACE. 1130 N St. OLYMPIAN GAMES AT PARIS. The dates of tho Olympian games to be held in Paris next summer have beon definitely decided upon. First wfll come the lawn tennis champion ships, Svhich will be 'played in the lat ''Icr'pat't 'of thine. Three days early in July have been set aside for the pro fessional runners, and the amateur track events, in which the University of Pennsylvania and 'Princeton track teams will participate, will take place in the middle of the month. Crickot will probably be played late in July, but no matches have yet been ar ranged. September 9 and 10 have beon allotted to base ball. France will meet Belgium at hockey on Septombor 30 and England on October 7. In tho latter part of Septombor Franco will play association foot ball against teams representing Switzerland, Bol gtiim, Germany and 'England, respect ively. Rugby foot ball matches will bo played in tho middle of October bc tweon Franco and Germany, England and Germany, and France and England. A Word to the Wise. THE "Odell No, 2" TYPEWRITER. Will do work which cannot be sur passed by any $100 machine and COSTS ONLY $20. Any one can learn to operate it in a few minutes. It is strong, dur able and portable, and does not get out of order very readily. Agents Wanted Everywhere. Write for catalogue, samples of work, etc Favorable terms to agents and dealers ODELL TYPEWRITER CO. 358364 Dearborn St. CHICAGO, IS 4? 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 4? 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 111 RI'OI SIILIMI k & CO. mmM m w New Wash Goods Spalding's Official Athletic Goods Officially adopted by the lead ing Colleges, Schools and Athletic Clubs of the country Every requisite for Base Ball. Fool Ball, Golf, Tennis, Ath letics, Gymnasium. Spald ing's Official Lengue Ball is the official ball of the National League and all the leading college associations. Spnld ings's Base Ball Guide for 1S)00, 10 cents. Handsome Catalogue of Athletic Sports free to any address. A. Q. Spalding & Bros., it R$& m CHICAGO. NKW YORK. DKNVER "WEBSTER'S INTERNATIONAL .DICTIONARY Every Home, School and Office should own Webster's International Dictionary of ENGLISH, Biography, Geography, Fiction, etc STANDARD AUTHORITY of the U. S. Supreme Court, nil tlic Slntc Supreme I Courts, the U. S. Government I'rmlliiK Office, ami of neurly "II tlie SdioolnooU. Wurmlv commended by btate Superintendents ot bcliools, College rrcsiucnib, mm other Educators almost without number. WEBSTER'S with a Valuable Glossary of &? twULLULrl A 1 JC UL 1 1CU.N AI. X ocoicn woros auaiuva,, wrnsTOTS A new book, (he largest of tlic nl.ridijmcnts ol ilm International. It hiu 11 limlile vMCOjgJJ;i uiary, cnnipieic ticiimiioiiniinu iiuciiume viy "")" Illustrated, Its uppcmlix ih 11 Morehouse of valuable infi 19 ? 4? 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 4? 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 Gowns for the Auditorium Ball. A great part of our season's showing of washable Dress Fabrics is now displayed in the wash goods department. All the most popular fabrics and col orings of the coming season are represented and every conceivable pattern and design demanded by fashion will be found in the collection. Imported .nd Domestic Dimities, Swiss, Lawns, etc., etc., Marlboro Cloth, Cotton Poulard, Imported and Domestic Ginghams, Fancy Cords, Plain and Satin Weaves, Pina, Organdies, Plain and Fancy Batistes, Fancy Linen for Suits, etc., etc Imported Moui Do Soiii, especially adapted for evening gowns, a Ibeautifu'l material of the richest effect, comes in the daintiest o'f shades, for snmmer and evening wear. AVe show an unusually 'large line bought especially 'for the Auditorium Ball. mmmm MkyoiJk yfe.f I bb bb 0 bb bb bb 0 0 ofr bb 0 0 a bb ofr bb 0 0 0 0 of bb 0 O bb o 0 bb bb bb 0 bb bb bb 6 0 bb bb 0 bb bb bb bb bb b b bb bb bb bb 0 bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb LINCOLN, NEB. Has over ii"" iit'b and in richly ormation. Specimen jKifcn, etc,, uf Imth hnului nod un application. G. & C. MERRIAM CO., Publishers, Springfield, Mass,, U. S. A. c S"f3 A BEAUTIFUL ATTACHMENT IMITATING STRINGED INSTRUMENTS lias been ndded to the woll known IIospc EfiJoyTTimwftiiK5!a ft '11 1 1 tT fTitiTr IBrflB a id r;mMii j 1 1 "n 3S WmSi $25 CASH, $20 MQNIHLY. With Stool and Scarf. MADE IN OAK, WALNUT and MAHOGANY 6 be University of iRinnesota. College of Mwllolne mul Surgery. IDhc Twelfth Annual Course of Lectures will com mence on the TOt'h day of September, T809, and -will continue eight and one-lhalf months. The course is graded and covers a period of four years. Medical Hall, the Laboratory of Medical Soiences, t'he Laboratory of Medical Chemistry and the Laboratory of Anatomy are. situated upon the University campus. The clinical op portunities afforded by the hospitals and dispensaries of Minneapolis and St. Paul are at the command of the College. For out-door clinical service a new clinical building has been built in a central location. For information address Dr. Parks Ritchie, 15EAN UNIVERSITY OF "MINNESOTA, MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. bb bb Write For Particulars nKTraaaHKim'i.Niiaifl EVERYTHING IN MU8IO