The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, January 23, 1900, Image 1

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Vol. 8-29, No. 18.
Five Cents. '
Expressions of Opinions Show Unmistak
able Desire For Such an
.Annual Event
A few weeks ago the Nobraskan-Hcs-perlnri
suggested an alumni foot ball
game to bo played here early this com
ing season. From the start there has
been no questlton as to the popularity
of the move, and It Is with pleasure
that the editors quote letters from men
prominent In this line supporting the
plan. It Is hoped that a free expression
of opinion will bo given by all Inter
ested. Chancellor Bessoy says:
"I am much interested in the edi
torial in regard to the alumni talcing
part in foot ball matters. I think ic
a good idea which you bring out here,
and hope that you will push it. Last
September while in Iowa City I wit
nessed a game of foot ball between the
university team and the alumni. Of
course, the alumni were beaten, but
that was what they were there for. It
gave some excellent practice to the uni
versity team and did not hurt the
alumni. I noticed, however, that at
the beginning of the game the alumni
made It very lively for the young fel
lows 'of ' tlie undergraduate depart
ment's. I should like lo see such a con
dition of things here. Take hold of
this matter and push it.
. President White of the athletic
board favors the plan, as is shown in
his statement, which follows:
"I noticed in your issue of January
2.aa-edil5riai v.-hMh impressed me
very favorably. The suggestion is
"No subject under consideration as
relating to foot ball could nrlso with
moro assure of being accepted than
the proposition of having an alumni
game next fall. There is no doubt that
it would aau an impetus to this col
lege sport such as wo have not had.'
"There has been an indifferent spirit
running through our student body
when it came to support this, the most
manly of college sports. We cannot at
tribute this to an indifferent disposi
tion as regards the success and honor
of the university, but that as a rule
there has been a lack of that sense of
duty which seeks not only to get a.l
there is to be received from a univer
sity career, but to negligence In dis
pensing a support and enUiusiasm, the
obligation we owe to all legitimate
efforts put forth In the university,
whether they be intellectual or phys
ical. "I sincerely trust that this proposi
tion of having an alumni game will
meet a just approbation by the alumni
and student body.
"It may not be out of place to say a
word here as to procuring, if possible,
alumni coaches prior to our big games
next fall. It must be admitted that the
state- university has had players sec
ond to none, men who were capable to
cope with any who entered upon the
gridiron. Then why not have these
men whose experience and ability en
title them to coach in their respective
places with more posslbll.iy of obtain
ing the required results than any one
coach? individual coaching is the
need most lacking in our university.
Jfthis can be brought about, an3nrith
the present material in sight, there is
no question as to who will have the
there made that something could be
done in the wav of arousing interest I winning team of the west in 1900.
in athletics by planning for alumni
foot ball games. The suggestion is a
good one. It is evident that the result
would be to quicken interest amongst
the alumni, and it would undoubtedly
Passes Away in New Mexico Where Ho
Had (joiie in Search of
Dr. Amos Grlswald Warner, '85,
;,died at Las Crucas, N. M., Wednesday
'afternoon at 7:30 o'clock of consump
tion. The remains were brought to
Nebraska for Interment. Dr. Warner
has been a constant sufferer for sev
eral years an J his death was not un
expected by his relatives and friends.
Ho had traveled over several sections
of country in the western part of the
United States in hope of finding a cli
mate beneficial, but in no case did he
find more than tempoiary relief. The
funeral will be held at Roca'thls after
noon. Students and friends wishing
to attend may leave Lincoln in the
afternoon at 1:35 o'clock and return in
the evening.
The parents of Dr. Warner were pio
neers of Lancaster county and still
have their home at Roca, twelve miles
south of Lincoln. Dr. Warner was
born at Elkader, la., December 21,
1881. It was not until after he en
tored the state university that his
strength was first observed. He grad
uated here in 1885 with the reputation
of being one of the broadest scholars
that this Institution has ever sent out.
He first went to Johns Hopkins uni
versity, Baltimore, winning an Impor
tant fellowship in his first year. In
1888 he obtained the degree of P.bD.
from this institution. He was nade
general agent of the Baltimore ctidnty
roSjgonlzation, which position h3 occu-,
pied from 18S7 to 1889. He resigned
this to take the chair of political econ
omy at the University of Nebraska,
where ne remained two years. During
this time he wrote and lectured on so
ciological subjects, gaining such a na
tional reputation as to be offered
ting worse, so when the report of his
death was published his friends in the
east, in Nebraska and In California
were not surprised.
Probably no other student from:thiB.
institution has gained such a national
reputation in so short a time after
graduation as did Dr. Warner, His
opportunity for work lasted only from
1885 to 1891, and though he has .since
contributed nothing on the subject of
charities, ho is still recognized as .thq
leading authority on that, .branchjof
economics. Thoso knowing, him, .jbost.
are confident that had his health. rp;.
malned good ho would have become
prominent in many other lines of eco-.
nomic work which he had mapped out
for himself. His death left a gap In
the educational world which cannot-bo;
filled for some time. Ho was ono of
the very few alumni of this university
whom practically all of our students
have heard of and are proud of.
Dr. Warner married Miss Cora- E.
Fisher, 8C, of Lincoln, September
1888. Two children were born ;to .thig
couple. His family has been .with,
him part of the time during his ill;
ness. Last February ho was joinod by
Mrs. Warner and their two children
and later by his mother, and they re
mained with him up to the time ofhls
death. Relatives of both Dr. and Mrs.,
Warner reside in this county.
"F. H. BREW,
"Captain '00 Foot Hall Team."
Many others have made statements
equally desirous. Dr. Roscoo Pound
says: "I am In favor of anything that the unsought position of superintend-
also stir up considerable enthusiasm will promote the interests of athletics ent of the charity organization
i. i .i.-nnnnnn o nn In tho Institution. T would 1m in fnvnr society of the District of Co
rn iiiu curiy iui t ul iuu dcujuh, u nmv - -- -
when it is especially needed for then, f a game if I had to go out and play
if ever, the team should receive espe-! myself." Mannger Tukey suggests that
clal encouragement. The benefit, too, October 13 would bn thn most advan
to the team would be much greater , tageous dato for tho game, as it would
than that obtained from any other be early enough In the season to give
form of nractlce came since each I the university team the desired prac-
player would have the opportunity of , tlco. Wo hope to quote more exprcs-
contrasting his own work with that of sions In tho near future.
a man who has distinguished himself
In that particular place, and of profit- CONFERENCE ON GRADUATE
ing thereby. I think, too, that moro WORK,
of the alumni would be willing to as-1 The presidents of Harvard, Colum
slst In coaching the team and of doing bla, Johns Hopkins, tho University of
all they could to aid in turning out a Chicago and tho University of Call
foot ball team which should bo a credit fornia have issued invitations to tho
to the university. This interest on the leading universities of America for a
part of the alumni has done much in conference to bo held in Washington
the eastern universities in the develop- In February, 1900, for the consider
ing and maintaining of first-class tion of problems connected with grad
teams and of keeping up the interest unto work. Tho conference has been
of the entire student body, as witness prompted, in tho words of tho invlta
the result at Yale after her defeat by tlon, "by a desire to secure In foreign
Columbia, at Princeton after tho Cor- universities a co-operation with tho
nell game and at Pennsylvania after federation of graduato clubs; second,
her defeats early in the season; every ' in raising tho opinion entortalned
available alumnus of each of these in- abroad of our own doctor's degrees;
stltutions flocked to her assistance and third, In ra sing tho standard of our
the student body turned out on masse own weaker institutions."
to encourage their pots to greater ef- Tho invltatlton has been extended to
fort. If we could secure such a spirit the following .universities: California,
hero our battle would be won; no fear Chicago, Columbia, Cornell, Harvard,
need then be felt as to tho turning out Johns Hopkins, Michigan, Ponnsyl
of winning teams. If by adopting vanln, Princeton, Leland btamoru, .Jr.
your suggestion this can bo accom
pllshed, we should not hesitate an in
stant in doing so. JOHN WHITE."
Captain BrewYof this year's team ex
presses himself as follows:
Wisconsin and Yale. The United
States commissioner of education has
been Invited to take part In tho confer
ence, and tho federation of graduato
clubs has been 'Invited to send a delegate.
lumbla. The politicians told Presi
dent Harrison that he should have
given such an Important appointment
to some one who had done something
for the party. President Harrison
answered that he had conferred with
authorities on the subject, who in
formed him that but four men In tlie
United otates were competent to fill
tho place, and that Warner was his
choice. He occupied this position from
1891 to 1893. Ho then resigned to ac
cept the cnalr of economics at Leland
Stanford university, California, he
was In this position but one year when
his health failed entirely, causing the
university authorities to order him to
take a rest. Within a few weeks after
leaving the chair of economics he
finished his manuscripts on "Ameri
can Charities," now recognized as na
tional authority on tho subject.
It is thought he contracted consump
tion as he visited the charity hospitals
of San Francisco while in a weakened
condition. From 1894 until the time
of his death he has been constantly
fighting for his life, going from ono
section of tho country to another in
hopes of finding a climate better suit
ed for him. He tried the dry air of
Arizona, then California, Colorado,
Nobraska and Now Mexico, and though
he only succeeded in securing tempor
ary relief, ho was always cheerful.
Previous to his death ho lived In
Las Crucas, N. M., for over a .ear.
His health has been constantly get-
The largest if not the finest set of
chimes In this country has been placed
In the campanile erected for that pur
pose on the campus of the Iowa state
college. The nhigiaa were presented by
E. W. Stanton, professor of mathe
matics here. Professor Stanton was
the first one to receive a diploma from
the Iowa state college. This was in
1872. The chimes are ten in number
and each bell has engraved on it an ap
propriate quotation or saying. They
are dedicated to the memory of his
dead wife. The campanile was built
by the state in 1898 . It is 110 feet
high and is a very stable structure,
being built of the very best compressed
brick, with terra cotta trimmings and
ornamentations and a copper dome.
It has been definitely announced
that tho University of Pennsylvania
and tho University of California will
meet in a dual track contest some time
in May. The Californians have de
cided to send a team east this year to,
the intercollegiates, and are anxious
to meet the Quakers before they re
turn. Their athletes are already in train
ing for tho meet under the care of a
brother of "Mike" Murphy, who has
had such exceptional success with -the
red and blue.
In accordance with tho will of the
late Dr. Cark D. Howland of Lawrence,
a $1,000 scholarship has recently been
established in tho University of Kan;
sas. This Ib to be known as tho Mar
cella Howland scholarship, and will be
awarded to some worthy young woman
in tho school of arts, preierenco being
given to an undergraduate studpnt.
Chancellor F. H. Snow, Professor, W.
H. Carruth and Miss Genevieve How
land were named in tho bequest as, the
trustees of tho scholarship .fund. ,.
m m