The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, January 16, 1900, Page 7, Image 7

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Miss Canfleld are attending the lec
ture course at the Sorhourno univer
sity, Paris.
Tho following appointments for the
cadet battalion were announced Frl- j
day evening: To bo first sergeant of
company B, Sergeant J. T. Langer; to
bo sectfnd sergeant of company D, Ser
geant H. 0. Swallow; to be third ser
geant of company D, Sergeant T. ..
Hewitt; to bo fourth sergeant of com
pany D, Sergeant W. T. Demlng; to bo
fifth sergeant of company B, Corporal
C. A. McMasters; to be fifth sergeant
of company 0, Corporal S. Anker; to
bo corporal of company B, Private' S.
V. Cortelyou.
Professor Wilbur C. Knight, an
alumnus of the university, now pro
fessor of geology and mining engineer
ing In the University of Wyoming,
visited the university last week, look
ing over tho campus and noting the
changes and improvements that have
been made. He was just returning
from a meeting of the geological soci
ety of America held at Washington,
D. C. He had been sent cast by the
state of Wyoming to look up plans for
a new museum to be built next spring
in that state.
It is practically certain that Wiscon
sin will play Illinois next Thanksgiv
ing day. No definite action was taken
by the board, but the opinion of the
members is that Illinois should be
given that date. This leaves the mat
ter in Illinois' hands. If it wants the
date the Badgers will agree to it.
Michigan will take an eastern trip
with its base ball team in the spring.
A series of three games has been ar
ranged with Cornell, one to be played
in Ithaca, one in Ann Arbor, with a
third provided for in case of a tie. The
only other eastern game in the spring
will be Pennsylvania in Philadelphia.
The University of Illinois has se
cured a Princeton coach for next year's
foot ball season in the person of
"Fred" Smith, the veteran head grad
uate coach of the Tigers. Smith will
have full charge of the team and Illi
nois will try hard to regain her stand
ing among the first teams of the coun
try. The Weld and Newell boat clubs
have recently been given a new launch
by George Walker Weld, founder of
the former club. The new boat Is being
built at Morris Heights, N. ., and will
be completed by the middle of March.
In general design it resembles the
Frank Thompson, which was recently
burned, except that it will have greater
All rumors to the effect that Har
vard would throw over Pennsylvania
in foot ball In favor of a league. with
Yale and Princeton were sent flyinc a
few days ago when Graduate Manager
Fuller wrote to the Quakers saying
that the crimson wished to continue
its relations with the red and blue, and
suggesting a date for the match. It is
likely the game will be played in Cam
bridge November 10.
A strong movement is on foot to
stimulate interest in athletics at Lom
bard University and to secure a con
tinuation of the good work of last fall,
when the foot ball team made such an
excellent showing. Roy L. Sanford
has been re-elected foot ball coach and
will have several good players of last
fall's team as the nucleus of the new
one. There was recently completed a
quarter mile track on which the stu
dents will ere long begin work. The
sentiment is strong for a base ball
club, and Frederick Dickinson has been
elected manager. Lombard also boasts
a basket ball team and a full schedule
of games has been formulated. Knox
college also has a basket ball team.
In order to secure regular system
atic training for tho improvement of
university records tho athletic board
of last year adopted the following
rules, which Dr. Hastings wishes all
athletic men to notice:
"Every student who represents tho
university In track or field events must
have at least one semester of physical
"The requirements for entry as a
contestant In athletic events are reg
istration for physical training, phys
ical soundness, fourteen hours' univer
sity work with satisfactory class
standing and regular attendance and
practice of a prescribed course of
physical training three times a week."
Since the adoption of the above reg
ulations a strong advance has been
made by tho university in track and
field athletics.
The preliminary event for the char
ter day athletic contest held last Sat
urday was the standing high jump. It
resulted In a tie, Jewett, Swallow and
Doputron jumping four feet five and
one-half inches. Saturday, January
20, the running high jump will take
The gymnasium is open Tuesday
and Wednesday evenings at 8 o'clock
for any who wish to take work at that
hour. Attention Is called to the hour
8 o'clock for by mistake the time
was set In last week's paper at 7
The first basket ball game of tho
season will be played in the gymnas
ium Saturday, January 20, at 8 o'clock
between the university and city Y. M.
C. A. teams. A game is also scheduled
for February 5 with the Omaha Y.
M. C. A.
TION. President Hadley, as quoted In a
late journal, gives his ideas of educa
tion by the following answers to cer
tain questions:
"1. What do you consider the chief
characteristics distinguishing the edu
cated from the uneducated person?
"Breadth of view. A good general
education should give a man broad
views of life as a whole. A good tech
nical educatiton should give him broad
views of his profession.
"2. What special advantages does
the college-trained man gain over the
self-made man, so called';
"He tends to get the experience of
other men and other ages In better
proportion to the results of his own
"3. How may a person best make
up for the lack of college training?
"By dealing with large things,
whether in business, in society, In art
or in literature.
"4. How would you differentiate the
education of women from that of man?
"The general education of the two
should, It seems to me, be nearly sim
ilar. The technical education will
necessarily, in the present stage of civ
ilization, be, in the majority of cases,
widely different."
As a result of the fall term examina
tions forty-six students were dropped
from the Cornell university. Of these
three were in arts and sciences, eigh
teen in Sibley college, three in medi
cine, nine in civil engineering, two in
agriculture and eleven in law. Of the
eighteen dropped from Sioiey soven-
!tejn were from the class of 1902; 1903
lost only one in the civil enginering de-
1 partment.
"How on earth did you get such a
"I swallowed a germ.-"
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On and after Jnno, 1001, candidates for admia
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persons, of snitnblo nijo and attainment, as may
bo admitted by special vote of tho Faculty takon
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