The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, January 16, 1900, Page 3, Image 3

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A very prelty reception was given
by Miss Morgan and Miss Lulu Wirt
on Friday evening at Walsh hall. Mrs.
Morgan of Hebron and Mrs. Wirt of
Council Blurt's assisted their daughters
In receiving. The dancing hall and
parlors were decorated in red. Miss
Edith Foster and Miss Helen Laws
served ices during the evening. The
guests during the evening were:
Messrs. and Mesdames Latta, Ladd,
Edgren, Weeks, Laws; Misses Barr,
Woodford, Loomis, Post, Millar, Din
widdle of Sheridan, Wyo., Douglas,
Harper, Cunningham, Wiggenhorn,
Macfarland, Stewart, Cramer, Wilson,
Cunningham, Macfarland, Watklns,
Wilson, Marshall, Sarbach, Paddock,
Honeywellr Agnew, Paddock, Jenkins,
Edgren and Foster; Messrs. Weeks,
Lau, Marlay, Brown, Tukey, Hobbins,
Adams, Wittman, Pancoast, Crandall,
Roddy, King, Johnson, Sedgwick,
King, Crandall, Deweeso, Roberts,
Korsmeyer, Case, Atwood, Manchester,
Holt, Kennard, Davidson, Killian,
White, Groff, Hanson, Hopewell, Piper,
Broady, Cunningham and Breene of
Iowa City.
The members of Delta Delta Delta
sorority gave a dancing party Satur
day evening at Walsh hall. The rooms
were decorated with the sorority
colors, gold, sliver and lignt blue, flags,
meteor roses and palms, ices were
served during the evening. The in
vited guests were: Messrs. and Mes
dames Barbour, Fling and Manahan;
Misses Honeywell, Emmons,'' Burt,
Cole, Cochrane, Macomber, Harper,
Howey, Macfarland, Emmons, Wilson,
Kelley, Mackln, Pugh, Cunningham,
Auld, Andrews, Thomas, Robinson,
Cunningham and Whiting; Messrs.
Shedd, Whedon,. Roddy, Mansfelde,
Farnsworth,. Clark, Haecker, Deweese,
Collett, Manchester, Morrison, Hewitt,
Culver, Ely, Adams, Williams, Roth,
McKillip, Hill, Wittman, Case, St.
Clair, Elliott, Bliss, King, Noyes, At
wood, Beans, - Hollenbeck, Diain, Yo
der, Poynter, Langley, Mann, Roberts,
Sanders, Hedge, Heuck, King, Gar
rouette, Wehn, Davidson, Killian,
Jonps, Smith and Crandall. The mem
bers of the sorority are: Misses Bon-
nell, Millar, Sails, Wilson, Gund, Ames,
Smith, Dean, Lasch, Cady, Bonnell,
Thompson, Du Teil, Lumry, Hazlett,
KoJhler, Vore, Steele, Du.Bois and
Alpha Epsilon chapter of the Sigma
Chi fraternity celebrated the seven
teenth anniversary of the founding of
the chapter ly a banquet at their fra
ternity house at 1708 0 street last
Thursday evening. Several toasts liy
alumni and active members were
given. Those present were: J. V.
Wolfe, C. R. Richards, J. H. Mockett,
jr., H. A. Shannon, R. D. Montgomery,
A. A. Blschof, V. P. Sheldon, L. R.
Ewart, M. N. Liebmann, A. J. Stratton,
F. D. Stratton, C. A. Patterson, F.
Hawksworth, W. P. Fitzgerald, E. A.
Wehn, M. F. Swartz, H. D. Landis, 0.
G. Home, D. Hauser, E. L. Brown, R.
H. Hinshaw, J. L. Van Burg, V. B.
Phi Gamma Delta gave a taffy pull
Saturday evening at Its chapter house
on H street. Those present were:
Professor and Mrs. Mageo, Mrs Cran
cer; Misses Chopin, Rtfbinson, Sedg
wick, Haskell, Lumery, Ow.en, Harley,
Stolner, Andrews, Barber, Woodward,
Henry, Stewart; Messrs. Sanders,
Hopewell, Rose, Cunningham, France,
MacDonald, Mann, C. Mudge, L.
Mudge, Kimball, WellB, Adams, Pan
coaBt, H. R. Harvey, E. 11, Harvey,
Plym and McGeachln.
order by President Thorno. About JS &&
nfty members were present.
L. W. Pierson, chairman of tho com
mittee on class insignia, was present
with an assortment of caps of various
styles and colors. Upon motion tho
class decided to adopt canes and caps
for tho insignia for the boys. The lat
ter wero chosen after a sharp debato
Sver class pins. The main argument
was that the juniors would be disap
pointed if the class did not have some
thing which would bo contraband of
war. I
J. E. Boyle was appointed as a com
mitteo to arrange for inter-class basket
ball games, and Misses Olive Stratton '
and E. T. Miller were appointed to as-
Slut. Mica AT T TrY,.i.. i '
orders for caps and gowns from the $ tUPlU S lUlCrFlflQ AllH
ww...wi 0..a. limit ui ?o was piaceu
upon the price of canes. The class then '
That the Young Men's Christian as
sociation is a growing institu
tion is shown by its capacity to
reach out into the new fields. One year
ago when the students came into the
agriculture college a small work was
done among them. The work starts
out this year with greater vigor. Last
Saturday night the Y. M. C. A. boys
made a trip to the farm and with the
co-operation of the faculty of the ag
riculture department gave a reception
to the one hundred and nineteen new
students. Professor and Mrs. Davison,
Professor Lyon, J. J. King and some of
the committeemen acted as a reception
committee. A short program was
held. J. J. King gave an account of
the Y. M. C. A. work as conducted in
the university and suggested that a
branch of the organization be estab
lished at the farm. The suggestion
was kindly received by all students
and professors. A committee has since
been appointed and in a short time
there will be an active department of
the association at the farm. Warm
words of welcome were heard from
Professors Davison and Lyon. Col
lege songs and yells were not wanting.
The true university spirit wa3 shown
and the boys at the farm fully real
ized that they were a part of the Uni
versity of Nebraska. Substantial re
freshments were served. A practical
test was made of the cream, butter
and other farm products and many ex
pressed a desire to enter this depart
ment If all experiments were as pleas
ant as these.
At a recent meeting of the board of
directors of the Y. M. C. A. it was de
cided that the association should give
its annual entertainment some time
the latter part of February. The en
tertainment of last year was one of the
best given in tho university, but this
year the committee will profit by the
experience of the past and make this
one even better. Tho proceeds will lie
used in purchasing furnishings for the
C. J. Piatt has left for Pasadena,
Cal., where he will engage In husiness
with his brother.
The noonday moetlngs of the Y. M.
C. A. have never been so well attend
ed as during the past week. Special
leaders were secured and the average
attendance has been thlrty-ssven.
is often shot from a handsome shoe on a
neat and pretty foot. He is hiding in
many a dainty Oxford tie in patent leather
and Vici kid, also in our elegant and well
made stock of ladies' shoes. We have them
in all sizes and styles. See our $3.00 to
$5.00 Men's Shoes at 95c. See our $3.00
to $5.00 Ladies' Shoes at 90c.
Perkins, Sheldon & Chamberlain Company,
The. senior class met in chapel Fri
day at 1: 15 o'clock and was called to
"You haven't been to see me since I
came back."
"No; I'm not supposed to know you
have been away until you come and
tell me good-bye."
"Does your -wife lot you sit in the
easy chair she gave you ChrlBtmas7"
"No: Bhe sits In that, l)ut now I get
to sit In the one she gave me last
ii2o O Street, LINCOLN.
GloaK Department Bargains.
Monday and Tuesday we will
continue to sell Ladies1 Suits
One-Third Off.
Ladies' Cloth Jackets
One-third Off.
Cloth Capes, worth $4.00 to $7.00
$2.00 and $3.00 Each.
Miller & Paine.
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