The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, January 16, 1900, Page 2, Image 2

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Dr. William W. Hnstlngs of the de
partment of physical training has re
turned from Mexico after a month's
leave of absence, "where ho has been
conducting anthropometric investiga
tions. Material obtained on th!s trip
will be used in the preparation of a
paper for the physical education con
ference which will convene during tho
Paris exposition. Dr. Hastings was
considerably hindered in his work by
the general lack of knowledge along
this line and by a lack of time. In
spite of these drawbacks tho measure
ments secured are very satisfactory.
About four hundred individuals were
examined as fifteen different qualities.
One hundred were school children and
the remainder Mexican soldiers sta
tioned In northern Mexico. As the lat
ter class came from all parts of the
republic, it formed a very satisfactory
basis for comparative study.
tanical expedition along tho Missouri
river. Miss Fowler read a parody on
Hamlet's soliloquy, which was well
written and well delivered. Miss
Doano rendered a beautiful piano solo
and responded to a hearty encore.
Schuyler Miller appeared on the pro
gram and pleased the audience by a
few prefatory remarks and then pro
ceeded to show by tho example of Rich
ard Brlnsley Sheridan what a man of
brains and daring can accomplish.
Miss May Hopper read a story entitled
"Oversight," which was well received
by the audience and in which she
clearly showed how trifles may make
or mar our happiness. Tho last num
ber was a vocal solo by Bert Doane.
g S5 &
The Univorsity of Michigan is about
to establish a business men's course
in the university. President Angell
states that the object of the course is
to fit college men to hold positions of
trust and honor, and to render them
capable also of performing satisfac
torily the duties of the various offices
in tho consular service or the United
States. Continuing, ho say.: "I may
say that every student in the course
will bo expected to obtain a thorough
knowledge of the history of commerce,
with its bearing on international law;
also the conditions of international
trade and banking and of the condi
tions of home products."
On Thursday afternoon the usual
routine of university life was some
what disturbed. At about 3:30 fire was
discovered in the lumber room in the
basement of the main hall. John
Green, the engineer, turned in the
alarm. He immediately secured one
of the fire extinguishers recently pur
chased by the university and had
nearly put the fire out before the city
department arrived. Little damage
was done.
The law library is in the room above
the place where the fire originated.
Students in the room moved out all
the books before water had done any
damage. Miss Smith had all her val
uable records out of the building in
loss than five minutes.
The Vidette-Reporter of the Univer
sity of Iowa contained the following in
a recent issue:
"A course of instruction in journal
ism will be started this terra under the
instriKitorship of Sam 13. Sloan, as
sistant to Professor Ansley. The in
struction will be open to students who
have at least ono year of college En
glish or of some experience in journal
ism. The work will be entirely prac
tical. Tho fact that It will be given by
Mr. Sloan, one of the two brilliant as
sistants which Professor C. F. Ansley
brought with him when he came
from Nebraska to take tho chair of En
glish here, is sufficient guarantee of
the excellence of the course. Mr. Sloan
Is a journalist of wide experience and
is able to sot those in his classes far
on their way through tho easy paths of
Last Friday evening 'occurred the
Dolian alumni program. For the open
ing number Miss Ruth, PyrClo sang a
very pretty molodyf Mr. William
Howe read a papor, ontitlea "A Ram
ble," in which ho portrayed vividly
some of his experiences while on u bo-
A short time ago Professor J. 1.
Wycr of the library notified the alumni
and the students that not a copy of
the college paper was to be found on
the shelves of the library. Mr. Wyer
now reports that he has received seven
complete years of the Hesperian and
four of the Nebraskan, besides some
odd copies of each. The first four vol
umes of each paper are short quite a
few numbers and all contributions will
be gladly accepted. J. F. Boomer do
nated about seventy odd numbers in
one lot.
Professor Miss Flavilla, mention a
few of the most wonderful scientific
Inventions of the nineteenth century.
Miss Flavilla Yes, sir; the tele
phone, tho photograph buttons, golf
capes and ice cream soda.
University Book Store.
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