The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, January 16, 1900, Image 1

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Vol. 8-29, No. 17.
Five Cknts.
State Association Concludes mi Interest
ing' Session in Nebraska Hail .
Last Wednesday.
The annual meeting of the state hor
ticultural society was hold at ho state
university last week.. The first ses
sion occurred Tuesday in the botani
cal lecture room in Nebraska hall. A
good attendance of fruit growers was
in the city. The first part of the day
was occupied with the arrangement of
a display of apples, which the incom
ing members inspected and sampled
lator. At 2 o'clock the session was
called to order by President George A.
Marshull of Arlington. A few words
of welcome were spoken in behalf of
the university and afterwards Presi
dent Marshall read his address.
A short time was taken up "with
business and the following committees
were appointed: Committee on policy
of the association for the coming
year, Secretary C, H. Barnard, E. F.
Stephens, V.J, H. Hadkinson, Peter
Youngersvantl C. S. Harrison; on aud
iting' treasurer's books, L. C. Chapin,
G. S. -Christy and A. J. Brown; on
obituaries, C. S. Harrison, Luke Rus
sell and Lewis Henderson. Memorials
will be passed for Chris Hartman and
Alvin L. Saunders.
The legislative committee gave a
complete report of the work done dur
ing the last legislature and what the
society JslJ. a sight to expect f rom Iffe
legislature. This with the president's
report was referred to the committee
on the policy of the association.
An additional committee was ap
pointed on revising the premium list
composed of J. H. Hadkinson, W. J.
Hesser and Peter Youngers.
An interesting paper on cover crops
was given by Professor Emerson of
the state university. The discussion
that followed was along the line of
how to ward off the results of a severe
winter, such as has just been experi
enced. On Wednesday the meeting was
along slightly different lines. W. R.
Harris read a paper, "Varieties of the
Cherry Best Adapted to Nebraska."
Ho was followed by a paper on "Plant
ing and Cultivation" by E. F. Stephens
of Crete. A. J. Brown of Geneva read
a paper on "Description and Classifica
tion of Cherries," which was interest
ing to the initiated.
Professor Lawrence Bruner's paper
on "Insect Enemies of the Plum and
Cherry" was attentively listened to
and an active discussion followed.
Acting Chancellor Bessey's paper was
"Are the Native Forest Tracts of Ne
braska Increasing in Area?" Dr. Bes
sey held that they were where the
forces of nature are left to work alone.
The trees mentioned were those that
grow along the creek and river banks.
The afternoon session was very in
teresting, the papers read being as
follows: "Plants Suitable for the "Farm
House," J. H. Hadkinson of Omaha;
"Bulbs," L. C. Chapin of Lincoln;
"Pajonies," by C. S. Harrison of York;
"Care of House Plants," L. Henderson
of Omaha; "Propagation of the Plum,"
G. A. Marshall, Arlington.
The following officers were elected:
Mr. G. A. Marshall, Arlington, presi
dent; J. H. Hadkinson, Omaha, first
vice president; W. J. Hesser, Platts
mouth, second vice president; C. H.
Barnard, Table Rock, secretary; Peter
Youngers, Geneva, treasurer; L. M.
Russell of Wymore, G. S. Christy of
Johnson, Louis Henderson of Omaha,
board of directors.
One of the important steps of tho
meeting was the recommendation that
six experimental stations be started
at Valentino, Minden, Purdan, York,
Omaha and Arlington anil that an ap
propriation of $100 from the society be
made. Tho work will be done by men
already in tho nursery or fruit busi
ness, the appropriation being to defray
necessary expense. It is tho Idea to
try new things with a view to the ben
efit of the entire state. At York and
Omaha the experiments will be on
shrubbery and at the other places on
A cast of me medallion adorning tht
statue to Linnrcus at Upsala was un
veiled in the zoological department
last Friday. The exercises in the lec
ture room consisted of a talk by Dr.
Wolcott on the life of Llnnreus. Pro
fessor Bruner followed with a discus
sion on his" great work, "Systema Na
turae" At the conclusion of this talk
the meeting adjourned to the labora
tory. Dr. Bessey talked concerning
the work of Linnams in botany. He
gave a summary of the influence of
Linnanis on botany. Tho binomial
nomenclature as originated by him
was in use for one hundred and fifty
years. He also gave to' botany its first
simple and complete classification.
However, at the present time his sys
tem has been abandoned for a better
one. While It existed it served a good
purpose. Dr. Bessey then unveiled the
cast. It will hang on the south wall
of the laboratory.
Dr. Ward closed the exercises with
a short history 01: the cast and of the
circumstances connected with obtain
ing it. There are only six of these
casts in existence, and they were ob
tained through what was considered a
great concession by the government.
A Swedish sculptor was permitted to
make a cast of the medallion for an
other statue. This one came into the
possession of the university through
Dr. Joshua Llndahl of Cincinnati. Dr.
Lindahl is one of the foremost Swe
dish scientists of the United States.
Miss Barr has on foot a plan which
will be of interest to all advocates of
athletics for women. Although kept
very busy with her large classes at the
university, she wantB to organize later
in the season an inter-scholastic ath
letic association to encourage basket
ball and forma of out-door sports
among tho women of Nebraska, and
for this purpose will soon begin a cor
respondence with the principals of the
various high schools throughout the
state. This is being done largely in
the east. In Connecticut a splendid
organization of this kind has been
firmly established. Miss Barr thinks
if the New England girls can depart
that far from conventionalities that
the western girls should not hesitate.
Her. object is to so inspire the people
with athletics that gymnasiums will
be put into all tho high schools of our
Animal Session of tho Stale Historical
Society Held in Chapel
Last Week.
Tho Nebraska state historical soci
ety closed on the evening of January
10 its twenty-second annual meeting,
perhaps the most enthusiastic and well
attended one in its history. The ses
sion coveret- tho evening of January 9
also. On the first night tho president
gave his annual address, which out
lined differences between transporta
tion in 1855 and transportation at the
present time. He instanced cases in
h!s own experience of raising and
transporting crops to Denver overland,
showing cost of freighting and amount
of profit. A crop of potatoes brought
in Denver $1,090, but the cost of get
ting it to that place was $1,050, so that
the profit was but $40, and out of this
the bags had to be paid for. The style
of Mr. Morton is peculiar in its forci
ble and original use of long words and
the audience was interested, in spite
of the fact that he frequently. express
ed his views on money and trusts. His
references to "mastodon octopus" and
the like causdd much merriment.
The paper of Dr. L. J. Abbott of
South Omaha dealt with the state re
publican convention of 1870 and with
the character of Governor David But
ler, first of our state governors. The
greatest interest of the paper centered
in the relation of an incident of the
following campaign, in which the re
publican nominee, David Butler, out
witted the democratic nominee, Mr.
Croxton, at campaign meetings in Fre
mont. The most carefully prepared paper
of the first evening was that of Mr. C.
C. Chase, University of Nebraska, '83,
editor of the Omaha Excelsior, con
cerning the life and services of his
father, Champion S. Chase. .The open
ing of this paper was an artistic p!ece
of work. The papers of David Ander
son of South Omaha and of John
Turner of Indianola, neither of whom
were present, were both excerpts from
larger manuscripts of Nebraska rem
iniscence. The writings of Mr. Ander
son, from which the selections were
made, are quite an extensive work,
covering the history of the territory
and state up to 1888. Mr. Turner's
whole manuscript, of about five hun
dred pages of large paper, deals with
tho writer's experiences in settling In
Boone county.
On the second evening, which was
to have been given up to old overland
freighting, a paper by Mrs. Wilburn
of Greenwood was read concerning
Hon. W. S. Chapin, who was prom
inent in Nebraska politics two decades
ago. After . this short paper Major
Anderson of York, a very interesting
old trapper, told of some of his wan
derings west of the Missouri, begin
ning in 1843. He is one of the few
men left who had experience In the
"Indian country" before it had been
named Nebraska. He went up the
Arkansas river to Fort Bent, and from
that neighborhood as a basis trapped
and dealt in furs all ovor the Rockies,
far up into British America, In the
valley of the Columbia, at San Fran
cisco and in New Mexico and Arizona.
Ho was for a year and a half up in tho
mountains to the north, when his
party lost its tally stick, and when it
emerged into civilization again it was
found to bo two months out of its way
in the estimate of the time of year.
After an interesting talk by Rev.
Mr. Tyson of Western, Governor
Thayer was called upon to correct
some statements in a paper which had
boon read the evening boforo. Tho
matter given out by tho governor con
corning tho expedition to quiet the
Pawnees in 1859 had, porhaps, not ever
been so carefully presented boforo or
porhaps never written so truthfully.
But tho governor took so long to toll
it that many who had come from a
distance to say a few words on freight
ing were prevented. It was very late
when Mr. Thayer finished and tho so
ciety went Into business session by gas
light. The old officers were re-elected
except the second vice president, who
was succeeded by Charles S. Lobingicr
of Omaha, B. A. University of Ne
braska '88, later M. A., and a very suc
cessful and well known member of the
Omalia bar. Mr. Lobingicr is in sym
pathy with the work of the society
and will add much to the activity of
historical interest in his part of the
state. Among tho new members
added, numbering about twenty-five,
wore C. E. Persinger, Mr. Heitzman,
N. C. Abbott, E. O. Miller, Miss Sara
Harris, 'S8, and the mayor of Lincoln,
Dr. H. J. Winnett.
At a recent meeting of the Ameri
can historical association held at Bos
ton Professor H. W. Ouirtwell was se
lected as a member of the public
archives committee created at that
time. This is the highest honor yet
placed upon Professor Caldwell and
Nebraskans join in their appreciation
of seeing one of their citizens thus
recognized. The American historical
association is the only great American
society of Its kind. It has over one
thousand members, including all the
great historians now living. A largo
number of celebrated foreign his
torians nro honorary members. The
American Historical Review is pub
lished under the auspices of this asso
ciation. For several years tho project of a
public archives committee-has been in
tho minds of tho council of the asso
ciation. Other large undertakings
begun have held bacit the beginning of
Oils department until now. The work
of this committee will bear upon the
collection of records in the different
states and territories. The committee
Is left free to shape its work according
to its own judgment. The general plan
will bo to inquire into the character of
public, state and local archives. The
state archives will likely be first dealt
The other members of the committee
are Professor J. H. Robinson of Colum
bia, Frederick Bancroft of Washing
ton, D. C, Professor Lester G. Bigbee
of the State University of Texas and
Professor William McDonald, who Is
chairman. Profesor McDonald will be
remembered as the author of "McDon
ald's Public Documents." In selecting
the commission the members were
chosen whose historical training and
interest could be relied on and who
would be willing to undertake this dif
ficult work. Professor A. fl. Hart of
Harvard, Processor Robinson, Profes
sor J. F. Jameson and Professor Wil
liam McDonald urged the appointment
of Professor Caldwell. This commit
tee is a permanent one.