itei THE NEBRASKAN-HESPKRIAN. 5 mt0 the m- ii(c T. ALUMNI NOTES. Tuesday, January 10, the Latin col lqquium will meet in U. 205 at 'i:30. A. E. Henry, '07, a fellow in the po litical economy department of Wiscon sin university, hap been visiting uni versity friends thiii week. 0. A. Wright, 'PV, is teaching in the high school at I-ead, S. D. During the summer vacation Mr. Wright is em ployed by the Star stamp mill of Leau. James E. Slme, '90, who has been connected with various mining con cerns in Wyoming since graduation, Is at present at Humboldt, where he Is Installing an electric lighting plant T, F. Dannigan, '92, now of Cripple Creek, Colo., brought into the geologi cal department last week specimens of sylvanite ore, he has promised to con tribute to the collection in future "years. William Dungan, '9C, who played tackle on the 'varsity team for several years, has been visiting In the city during the past few days. He is now employed as surveyor in one of the Union Pacific surveying parties in the west, J. W, McCrosky, l, who is now chief electrician for the Buenos Ayres tramway company In Argentina, is on his way to visit his old home at Te cumseh. He will be at Lincoln and will probably deliver a lecture to the electrical students. WORK IN PHYSICS. Three hundred and flfty students have registered for work in the physics department The class is so large that it was found necessary to divide it into two sections. Six research papers have been published this year by the physics department Dr, Brace has published in the London Philosophical Review an article entitled "A New Spectropho tometer," describing a new and impor tant instrument for scientific and tech nical use. This contribution also ap peared In the Astro-Physical Journal with some important additions. An other paper has appeared in the Phil osophical magazine, contribguted by B. V, Hill, former fellow in physics in this university. Two papers are now in the press of the Astro-Physical Journal written by graduate students. Papers by Professors Moore and Jiore are also with the publishers of the Physical Review and the Philosophical magazine, respectivel'. Seventeen invoices of now apparatus have been imported this year for the department Dr, Shoemaker's Private Hospital, Special attention given to all Diseases of Women. (All surgical diseases are treated by the most approved methods. Every con venience for Pelvic and Abdominal Surgery Baths for Ladies Only. Special atten tion given to Massage and Swedish Move ments in their most recent developments by the trained manipulator in charge. C A. SHOEA1AKER, At. D., 1 1 17 L. St. 5 We Want Student Boarders lurntehed Rooms in Connection THE PALACE. 1130 N St. A Word to the Wise. THE "Odell No, 2" TYPEWRITER. Will do work which cannot be sur passed by any 100 machine and COSTS ONLY $20. Any one can learn to operate it in a few minutes. It is strong, dur able and portable, and does not get out of order very readily. Agents Wanted Everywhere. Write for catalogue, samples of work, etc Favorable terms to agents and dealers. ODELL TYPEWRITER CO. 358-364 Dearborn St. CHICAGO. Spalding's Official Athletic Goods Officially adopted by the lead ing Colleges, Schools and Athletic Clubs of the country Every requisite for Base Ball. Fool Ball, Golf, Tennis, Ath letics, Gymnasium. Spald ing's Official League Ball is the official ball of the National League and all the leading college associations. Spald ings's Base Ball Guide for 11)00, 10 cents. Handsome Catalogue of Athletic Sports free lo any address A. G. Spalding & Bros., 1 CHICAGO. NEW YOU1C DENVEB Every Home, School and Office should owa IVEBSTER'S 1 W.W fc Mt,W.l..i..l..LW.l..tM. iWl.lViiM.1 J INTERNffnOMALl of ENGLISH, Biography, Geography, Fiction, etc. t DICTIQNanr Vj ANIMKP AUTHOKITY f tlic V. S. Sunreme Court. all ll.e htMc Supreme Luurth, tlic U. S. Government I'miting Ofiiu:, und of nearly till ilit hiiioullKJoLii. Vurmlv commended by fatutc Sunenmcndeiitb oi Srfiuuls. Collecc J'rckideuu. rind tulier Jumaitorii iilnuiM witnout number. WEBSTER'S with a Valuable Gloscary of COLLEGIATE DICTIONARY Scotch Vordc and Phrases. A new lmok, the liircmt of llic uliridgmentgof llie Intermitioiiul. It lias u 'Z""lev(icul.CfflixClArEj iliiry.,cimilL'lc dcliiiitiuiiMina Jidcmitttc utvmnltiKittt. iluhovcru lojiugck-UUJibriUMy mJ4u.vuu j iiiiutruicu. jig iij'jicnuix it 11 MurunuukC u vuiuuuie lmormmiun ,S(cJj(t(!H iiaynu clc of ImlU TjouI.h Hint on ajqilloaUun. G. & C MERRIAM CO.,Publisherc, Springfield, Maiau, U. S. A. & wn&Tors llpnirnYirimrinvrmmrMrwrnrrrrfi IG3 A BEAUTIFUL ATTACHMENT IKITATTNG STEINGED INSTRUMENTS has been added lo tlic well known Hospe 4? 4? 4? lliki'iii siiiiMi it & Co. 1 ;? 4? 4? 4? !? $2 :? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? Tie eWnirailer IflDHi M M is like the selling of all other seasons at this store. It is always full of interest to the dis criminating purchasers because there are so many attractive offerings, so many values that appeal to economy lovers and never anything but the most reliable, dependable and desirable grades in all lines. The moderate weather of the fall and winter season prevented the sale of the usual quantity of heavy goods, leaving us with a larger stock than we gen erally have at this time. The annual inventory is only a few days off and stocks must be reduced to the minimum for that event. Sacrifices of prices and profit are the order everywhere throughout the store. 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? TV f7S 4? fl M 4? VX vo 4? V 4? () if) 4? LINCOLN, NEB. C t Sj JeiJw,e tf&.f I (S! $$$$$$$ be University of Rimiesota College f Medicine and Surgery. The Twelfth Annual Course of Lectures will com mence on the Iflth day of September, 1809, and will continue eight and one-half months. The course is graded and covers a period of four years. Medical Hall, the Laboratory of Medical Sciences, the Laboratory of Medical Chemistry and the Laboratory of Anatomy arc situated upon the University campus. The clinical op portunities afforded by the hospitals and dispensaries of Minneapolis and St. Paul are at the command of the College. For out-door clinical service a new clinical building has been built in a central location. For information address Dr. Parks Ritchie, DEAN UNIVEKSITY OIf MINNESOTA, MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. bh hh b bh bh bh b b b h b h b b i i h b bh i & & i b b 1 G bh bh bh bh i i bh bh bh bh bh bh bh bh bh bh bh bh bh bh bh bh 1 I 1 I I 'I bh bh bh bh bh bh I TEEMS: $25 CASH, $20 M3NTHLY. TVith Stool and Scarf. MADE IN OAK, WALNUTand MAHOGANY Write For Particulars. EVERYTHING IN MUSIO