The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, January 09, 1900, Image 1

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Vol. 8-29, No. 16.
Five Cents.
rcliminary Contests Held Last Week
Preparatory ror inc inter
state Contests.
The preliminary debates for the
hoico of students to represent the unt-
erslty i contests with Kansas, jms-
ouri and Colorado closed Saturday
vjning alicr,,one of the closest mect-
ncs ever held In the Institution.
Places were awarded to Miss Austlne,
Messrs. R. S. Baker, C. C. Crouch, A.
Deal, F. O. Hawxby, S. C. Haw-
Ihorne, H. A. Meier, H. B. Smith and
D. Talbot. Miss Meade and Messrs.
)uff and Trnphagen were named as al
The first of the debutes was held on
rhursday evening at the chapel. The
audience was small, but this did not
foessen the earnestness of the contest
ants, rrcsiueni uran presiuea over
the meeting, which was opened with a
piano solo by J. T. Jones. The ques
ton for the first division was, "Re
solved, That the Philippines of right
ought to be free and independent."
The affirmative side of the question
was taken by Messrs. Gibson, Mierson,
G. A. Johnson, Paulson, Fox and
Righter; negative, Dasenbrock, Trap
hagen, Wessel. French and Miss Meade.
The affirmatives claimed that every
people hau' the right to govern them
selves. They showed that the Philip
pines, prior to Spanish control, had a
form of government and were in a
prosperous condition, and that they
government would not remedy the
The second debate was on the Trans
vaal question and was stated thus,
"Resolved, That Great Britain Is justi
fied in her altitude toward tho Trans
vaal." Affirmative, Hawxby, Stull,
North and Crouch; negative, O'Con
nell, Overturf, Meier, Daler, Baker and
Edgerton. Tho speakers in this de
bate warmed up to their subject and
much enthusiasm was manifested.
During the program the audience
was favored several times with music
by the Delian quartette.
The crowd in attendance was not
as large as it was the night before. The
exercises were opened with a piano
solo by Mr. Morgan.
President Craft stated the question,
"Resolved, That the Philippine islands
should be allowed to establish their
own government." Affirmative, Messrs.
Deal, Abbott, Burkett, Melek, Heartt;
negative, Johnson, Hinman, Theobold
and Hawthorne.
The affirmative claimed that the is
landers have the ability, therefore
ought to be given the right to govern
themselves. A telegram sent by Dewey
to the war department was quoted sev
eral times, in which Dewey says that
the Philippine people are more capable
of self-government than are the Cu
bans. It was claimed that we were so
much different from them that it
would be impossible for us to establish
a suitable government for the islands.
The negative claimed that only two
had lately setup government basedj 2" """ per cent OI ine Ponu,auon
1IM ,T n;X7ftEToS nnrnfiv2lrfc?i T3kius for self-co,omment.
claiming that all the people were
Upon our constitution. The negative
maintained that the Philippines had
not yet asked for self-government and
therefore they did not want it. The re
port of tin- commission shows them in
capable of self-government. The fact
lhat ovrr fifty languages are spoken
In these ls'ands shows how impossible
for them to govern themselves.
The question for the second division
was, "Resolved, That the executive
duties in American cities should ue in
the hands of the mayor, and that his
appointments should not need con
firmat.ou " The affirmative was taken
by Messrs. Burkett, Jones, Sampson,
Dickenson, W. Meier, Stewart; nega
t've, H K Smith. Hocan. Bai'rd and
The affirmative maintained that if
the one man power -was in force the
mayor alone would be accountable for
the administration of municipal af
fairs and could not shift his responsi
bility to the council. The negative de
nied Hi"- and pointed out numerous
cities . (nitrolled by the council, and
claimed they -were the best governed of
any nties in the -world. The remedy,
claimed the negative, does not strike
at the root of the disease.
On Friday night section two met and
held ii h two debates. The first -was
"lion the- question, "Resolved, That the
United States ought to interfere to
protect the southern negro in his right
f Biifiiage." The affirmative was up
held by MesBrs. Woodruff, Duff, Swen
ho". HurrlB and Miss Austlne. the neg
ative )y MeBBi-B, Cronin, Jones, Rice,
Talbot, ChuTmriiiiti ii i ivrivrii tiip
affirmative inBlsted that the rights
which were given to the negro hy the
constitutional amendments should be
uuuimia to them even by force. The
negative held that the ignorant and in
capable should not be allowed to help
Bovara othors -while not capable of self
government. The interference of the
friendly to the United States. Sixty
languages are spoken in the islands
and it would be impossible for any one
tribe to set up a form of government
that would suit the balance of the peo
ple. Every government that they have
established has proved a failure.
The question for the second division
was, "Resolved, That an Anglo-American
alliance would hasten the progress
of civilization." Affirmative, Bollen
and Hogan. The balance of the affirm
tlve failed to appear. The negative
Avas taken by Shedler, Finley, Carpen
ter, Hayes and Kulleh. The affirma
tive claimed that an alliance would
further civilization because it would
further peace, while their opponents
claimed England would form an
alliance only for the purpose of having
power to cope "with the European gov
ernments. England's conduct in India
and Africa -was pointed out by the neg
ative as a sample of England's help in
advancing civilization.
After the last debate the judges re
tired and about midnight returned the
names as given above.
The University of Chicago will have
a new assembly hall. It will be located
at Lexington avenue and FJfty-aeventh
street and will be built -with the $50,
000 recently given to the university by
Leon Mandel iind with any other
money which the trustees uiay see fit
to to put to that UBe. The structure
will be known aB the Leon Mandel -assembly
hall and will Btr.t about 2,000
The hall -will be the centerpiece of
a group of buildings to be erected at
that corner A building will be put
up just south of it, which will proba
bly be used as a elub houBe for the
"co-edB." The glrlB have alwayB com
plained because the boys have "frat"
houses and other club rooms, while
they have none. West of the hall,
fronting on Fifty-Beventh street, a
large dining hall will be constructed,
to be known as be Chicago commons.
Outclass Easterners in Physical Strength
us Shown by Recent
Miss Anna Barr of the physical
training department has just com
pleted investigations on fifteen hun
dred girls of this state. Two years ago
a system of anthropometrlcal measure
ments was adopted Into the university
and since that time the work has been
carried on constantly. Tho result of
all of the measurements taken were
sent to Dr. Seaver of Yale university
and were summarized by him in a re
cent paper before the anthropometrl
cal society of New Haven.
Dr. Seaver said: "Girls from the
east are flatter-chested, flatter-headed,
lesser in lung capacity and bigger-footed.
One might divide the two types of
eastern and western girls into the cut
ter and schooner builds of heads. The
eastern girl the New York and Boa
ton girl Is the cutter built; the west
ern girl Is schooner built. I think this
difference is due to the predominance
of Teutonic blood in the west. The
eastern girl has bigger feet, too. What
ever change in size and physical type
may be disclosed by these tables may
be properly attilbuled to methods of
life ?.nd environment, and not to racial
peculiarities. It may be said that the
eastern college draws a much larger
percentage of its patronage from ur
ban population, while the more west
ern institutions represent types that
live more out- of doors and are en
gaged in more active physical employ-f
roents. We notice, first, that the Wel
lesley woman is taller and heavier
than the typical woman of either of
the western groups, while the Oberlin
and Nebraska women are about the
same size and weight. The increased
frequency of the Teutonic element in
the western group probably accounts
for a taller height sitting in the west
ern group than in the eastern, the east
ern type partaking more of the long
legged and short-trunked type, which
seems to be characteristic of the tend
ency in modern development The
symmetrj that exists in the length of
the upper extremities is remarkable,
although there seems to be a greater
length of foot in the eastern group
than in either of the others. In girths
we notice, first, the records of head
circumference, which seems to be
larger In the eastern group. In girth
of upper arm the eastern group excel,
while in girth of forearm they are
markedly deficient. This, 1 think, may
be explained if the western typo has
been more accustomed to physical
work, which would tend to reduce any
fatty tissue from the upper arm and
would give marked muscular develop
ment through the forearm. The
breadth of shoulders seems to be the
same Jn a. groups, although the
broader neck is found where the larger
head has to be supported. In breadth
of waist the Oberlin group seems to be
markedly deficient, and for this I can
offer no explanation. In depthB the
eastern group leads, showing a round
er type of figure, and the Oberlin
group seems to be especially deficient
in thlB regard. I can only hazard an
opinion that thiB may be due to the
farm life that has moulded bo large a
percentage in this group, and this
influence Is obliterated to some extent
by the Teutonic alamant in the jar
western group. Finally, It is of great
interest to notice that tho Nebraska
woman has a much larger lung capac
ity, as she has larger chest girths, and
this item alone would Indicate a high
er typo of physical ability and a pre
vious life of greater activity than is
found in either of tho two other
classes. In this regard the eastern col
lego seems to have a better record
than would be anticipated from the
Andrew Carnegie has given to
Cooper Union of New York $300,000,
which, supplemented by $200,000 con
tributed by members of the Cooper
family, will serve to found a great
polytechnic school. Thus the opening
of the year will witness the completion
of the plans formulated by Peter
Cooper in the deed of gift by which he
gave to New York an institution for
the education of wage-earners. Fully
500 youths will be admitted to a
course of mechanical art, in which
they shall be fitted to take positions
as foremen and skilled operators. It
is expected that eventually there will
be courses for 1,0100 pupils. The union
now has 3,000 students. Those who
enter the new school of industrial art
will be taught the uses of power,
steam, electricity av'd water.
Mr. Carnegie's gift was maae in
characteristic manner. He sent $100,
000 a few days ago to Arma S. Hewitt,
secretary of Cooper Union, saying that .
tin ivlclioil in tinuo if Jinnllpil In fur
thering the interests c,ttieinstituJ)0i
tion. He knew Peter Cooper and
greatly admired his ideas of education.
Mr. Hewitt, in accepting the gift,
said it would enable him to resume the
task of raising the $500,000 required to
found the school of industrial art, a
project which ho had been endeavoring
to advance for forty years. Mr. Hew
itt mentioned that the Cooper family
would give $200,000. Mr. Carnegie
then tripled his contribution.
The committee appointed by trustees
of Northwestern university to devise
ways and means for securing money
for the development of the institution
has completed its work and yesterday
sent a statement of the needs of the
university to every alumnus and
friend of the school, asking for a gift
of $1,700,000. Of this amount $1,500,
000 is to be used by the college of lib
eral arts, $150,000 by Garrett biblical
institute and $50,000 by the Wesley
hospital. The committee is composed
of Dr. C. J. Little, president of Garrett
biblical institute; Dr. Robert Sbep
pard, treasurer of the university, and
Frank P Crandon.
The urgent needs set forth in the
statement are for a new gymnasium,
an auditorium, museums for natural
science and biology and dining balls.
The need of a gymnasium is the first
mentioned, and attention is called to
the poor facilities for athletic training
the university affords 'i be university
has no auditorium on the campus
large enough to assemble all the stu
dents for chapel exercises or on other
-occasions. For these buildings the
committee asks the following sums:
One hundred thousand hilars for a
gymnasium, $100,000 for an auditor
ium, $200,000 for science museums and
$50,000 for dining halls.