The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, January 02, 1900, Page 6, Image 6

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Miss Margaret Whcdon left for an
extended western trip on Sunday.
Dr. L. M. Solomons, Instructor in the
department of philosophy, spent his
holidays In Denver, Colo.
Virgil Barhcr left Friday for Chi
cago, whore he will ), permanently lo
cated as expert for the Pasteur Anti
toxlno company.
Miss Ellen Douglas entertained
Thursday evening for Miss Jane Doug
las and Miss Post at the Kappa Alpha
Thela house on Sixteenth and M
E. F. Turner '09, who played loft
guard on the foot ball team last year,
visited university friends last week.
Ho is employed on a bridge construct
ing party in Minnesota.
Judge Hastings of Wilbur com
menced his series of lectures on surety
and guaranty before the law school
December 20. Dean Reese concluded
his lectures on insanity on the same
Dr. A. Ross Hill attended a meeting
of the professors of philosophy of the
Mississippi valley at Kansas City dur
ing the vacation. An association will
be formed under the name of the
"Western Philosophical association."
Dr. Wente, dent!st.
Gregory the Coal Man.
Try Westerfleld's egg shampoo, for
A number of new seats have been
placed in the law recitation room.
The heating plant is being put in
the new building at the state farm.
From December 20 to the end of the
year the law library will be open two
evenings in the week until 10 o'clock.
For up-to-date university hair cut
go to Westerfleld, the barber, 117 N.
Latest maps of the Transvaal .coun
try are to be found at Unlvers ty Book
Webster's International Dictionary.
$7.50; regular price, $9.50. University
Book Store.
Pocket dictionaries of German,
French and English on hand at Uni
rersity Book Store.
A contract for the addition to the
gymnasium will bo let soon, work to
commence -when tho building season
Nothing is more acceptable for a
Christmas present than a volume of
poems. Get "Corn Tassels" at the Uni
versity Book Store.
The' only thoroughly good placo in
tho city whore a student cun'geiF.iiny
kind of board that ho wants it, at Cam
eron's cafe, 114-118 South 11th btreot.
Sigurd Anker of the senior class has
presented to the library an edition in
Danish of choice passages from various
authors. Mr. Anker compiled the book
and it is printed for him In Blair.
There are now twenty-two graduate
students of tho univerBlty taking work
In thr department of philosophy.
Eleven c', these are taking the subject
as majors for the master's degree.
Tho Maxwell debating club promise
an Interesting debate at thoir meotlng
January 4 on "Resolved, That Green
backs Should Be Called in and Na
tional Bank Notes Issued Instead."
In tho turning over of the "new
leaf" at tho beginning of tho new year
there is nothing that is more commend
able of the student body than their lib
oral patronage of Gregory the -Coal
Man. ;x
Tho PI Beta Phi fraternity entertain
ed Informally at tho residence of Mrs.
Sahr on Seventeenth and S streets Sat
urday evening, December 23. Card
playing was indulged in and somo very
dainty prizes awarded. During tho
evening light refreshments were
The Delta Gammas had a love feast
and Christmas tree at their fratornity
houso in the Inglesldo apartments on
Tuesday evening. Presents woro ex
changed among tho different mombers
and the fraternity received many beau
tiful gifts from outsiders.
At their meotlng Saturday evening,
December 15, the Union boys' debating
club elected the following officers:
President, P. B. Weaver; vice presi
dent, J. D. Dasenbrock; secretary, C.
C. North; attorneys, Fred Duff and F.
L. Ballon; sergeant-nt-arms, C. P.
Craft. Mr. Craft made a speech upon
retiring from the chair. After the
election a lively debate ensued upon
the question, "Resolved, That Robortfl
Is Entitled to a Seat iu Congress."
The graduate club of the University
of Nebraska at a meeting held Novem
ber 11, 1S99, voted to publish annually
a volume of scientific papers. A com
m'tteo was appointed, with power to
act. to prepare the general plan for
such a publication and to make ar
rangements for a first number this
year. The committee has agreed upon
the following plan:
The name of the publication shall
be "Bulletin of tho Graduate Club of
the University of Nebraska."
The bulletin shall be published be
fore the first of June of each year.
It shall contain (1) such original
contributions to science by members
of the club as may be duly approved
and offered for publication by the
heads of departments, and (2) a brief
resume of similar papers, for which
space may not be found at the time,
and of theses accepted for a secondary
Each graduate department shall be
entitled, as far as space allows, to pub
lish annually in the bulletin one ar
ticle, not exceeding twenty pages in
length. A longer article may be ac
cepted, however, or more than one ar
ticle from the same department, if this
can be done without excluding articles
already accepted or without Injustice
to other departments.
Properly approved contributions
shall be accepted for publication in the
order in which they are presented to
the committee of publication at any
time before April 1. Approved contri
butions offered too late for publication
shall be summarized as stated above
and printed in full in the next issue of
the bulletin.
Any approved contributions by n
graduateBtudent or by an instructor
shall be entitled to publication, pro
vided that each department offering an
approved contribution shall be entitled
to space in the bulletin boToro any
other department has published two or
more articles, and provided, also, that
contributions offered by students shall
take precedence of those offered by In
structors. To provide funds for the publication
of the bulletin each member of the
graduate dub shall contribute $1. It
Is proposed that in the future these
contributions shall be deposited, to
gether with tho matriculation fee, with
tho treasurer of the university and be
drawn upon by certified bills. It Is
furthermore hoped that some members
of the club may feel inclined to con
tribute something more than tho regu
lar fee and that tho bulletin, If It
prove worthy of It, may In time re
ceive some support from the university
There shall bo a committee of pub
llcatlon, consisting of three members
"The self respect a man gains by being well
dressed is worth even more to him than the good
impression his ciotnes maice upon otners.
WE wish every man
could know the truth
about these
clothes: know how good the
materials arc, how well put
together, how stylish and
durable, and how easily we
can t him with a becoming
suit and still leave him money
for other things.
The quality of every
H. S. 6 M. suit is warranted
by the makers and you have
our guarantee on top of theirs.
1013-15-17-19 0 STREET.
of the graduate club, and at least two
of these shall bo students. This com
mittee shall be elected annually at the
first meelng of the club. The commit
tee shall then elect one of its members
to act as a responsible editor and finan
cial manager.
Every member of the graduate club
shall be entitled to one copy of the bul
letin and the contributing members
shall receive in addition twenty sep
arates of the articles contributed.
A business meeting of the debating
association was held December 20. A
communication was received from the
University of Missouri, asking that the
interstate debates be hold In April in
stead of In May, and also asking that
the judges chosen should reside within
fl'ty miles of the place where the de
bates are to bo held; also that $10
Bhould cover all their traveling ex
penses. Tho preliminary debates will
bo held on January 4, 5 and C. Ar
rangements woro made for all mem
bers of the debating association to sell
tickets for the preliminaries. It was
moved that an endeavor be made to
prevail upon tho societies to adjourn
on the ovening of January 5 and attend
tho dobates in place of holding their
regular meetings. Instructions gov
erning the decisions of the judges will
bo formulated by tho executive com
mittee of tho asHooiation and posted
upon tho bulletin boards.
Michigan. The several improvements
and the cobt of each are as follows:
Two new hospitals, $130,000; en
largement of the dental building, $7,
000; enlargement of tho law building,
'525.000; now recitation building, $30,-
000; heating plant, ?5G,000; new roof
on museum, $5,000; gymnasiums. $1 20.
000; dormitory at the hospitals, 520,
000; two sun rooms at the hosp tals,
$4,000; now law building, $G5,000; ad
ditions to the library building, $20,000;
new roof on the main building, $15,
000; electric lighting plant on the
campus, $25,000; electric lighting plant
at the hospitals, $5,000.
The gymnasiums were built without
cost to the state. Tho city of Ann
Arbor contributed $25,000 towards the
hospitals and $17,000 for the site of the
homeopathic hospital which Is now
building and which haB not been in
cluded In tho above figures. When
completed this hospital (including
site) will have cost between $80,000
and $90,000. With this addition the
grand total of permanent improve
ments since 1889 will amount to over
During tho last ton years permanent
mproyomonta amounting to $527,000
have boon made at tho Universlty of
Dr. Jokichi Takamlne, tho distin
guished scientist of tho University of
Tokio, Japan, is at present on a tour
of inspection of tho larger educational
institutions of tho United StateB. He
was sent out by the Japanese govern
ment especially to examine into tho
scientific work and methods of our
American universities. A few wooks
ago ho visited tho Kansas stato uni
versity at Lawrence, and while thorc
delivered two Interesting lectures bo
foro tho chemical und pharmaceutical
departments. Ono of these lectures
was on digestive formontB, a subject In
which Dr. Takamino has made extend
ed Investigation and several Important
discoveries tho other was an illus
trated lecture on Japanese life and