THE NEBRASKAN-HESPERIAN. Manual Training-. "To train tho hand moans 'to train the powers of tho eye, and to bring the muscular and nervous systoms Into working accord. Somo kinds of man ual training give tho wholo body useful exercise. All kinds rest tho brain and relievo tho body after purely Intellect ual work, while cultivating them In another fashion and developing the creative instinct. And they teach di rectness of purposo, concentration of effort, accuracy of observation, and also mental and moral precision and honesty. Tho teacher, and even the pupil himself, may think that a book lesson has been learned whon It has not beon, or that an idea has been mas tered, whon It has beon only half grasped or wholly misunderstood. But this cannot happen with manual work. A tangiblo thing is done, and rightly done, or it is not. A stitched seam Is straight, a leaf Is correctly drawn, a carpenter's joint Is true, or it Is not. Neither deception nor self-doceptlon Is possible in tho workshop, and the spirit of accuracy, system, conscien tiousness, self-reliance and holpful co operation that it develops is carried over Into tho other class rooms. More over, tho workshop may cultivate taste as well as skill; and, although it does not teach trades, it celebrates the dig nity of manual labor, and often de velops Individual likings and aptitudes for It. The same Is tho case with the lessons in "domestic science" given to girls. They are not taught to bo "pro fessed" cooks or dressmakers. But their fingers, eyes and palates are trained; the importance of cleanliness, neatness, order and exactness is im pressed upon them; respect for house hold work and interest in it are awak ened; and these great benefits are aug mented by such Instruction in hygienic and alimentary laws as could hardly be made to seem practical and important without the help of the cooking stove." Ex. Isaacstein made a visit to his friend Blumenberg's store the other day and was greatly surprised to see upon the wall a half dozen hand grenades, la beled: "To be used only In case of fire." "Mein Gott! Blumenberg, vat for do you have dose tings arount?" "Dot's all right," replied Blumenberg, calmly, "I need dem in mein business." "But, mein friend, do you know vat vas in dem?" "No, Isaacstein," came the reply, "I don't know vat vas in dem, but I know vat is in dem it's gasoline." Argonaut. Dr. Shoemaker's Private Hospital, Special nttention given to nil Diseases of Women. (All surgical diseases arc treated by the most approved methods. Every con venience for Pelvic and Abdominal Surgery Baths for Ladles Only. Special atten tion given to Massago.a"d Swedish Move ments in their most recent developments by the trained manipulator in charge. C. A. SHOEMAKER, M. D., 1 1 17 L St. We Want Student Boarders Furnished ftoo?ns in Connection THE PALACE. 1130 N St. A Word to the Wis?, THE "Odell No, 2" TYPEWRITER. Will do. work which cannot be sur passed by any $100 machine and COSTS ONLY $20, Any one can learn to operate it in a few minutes. It is strong, dur able and portable, and does not get out of order very readily. Agents Wanted Everywhere. Write for catalogue, samples of work, etc Favorable terms to agents and dealers. ODELL TYPEWRITER CO. 358-364 Dearborn St. CHICAGO. Spalding's Official Athletic Goods Officially adopted by the lead ing Colleges, Schools and Athletic Clubs of the country. Every requisite for Base Ball, Fool Ball, Golf, Tennis, Ath letics, Gymnasium. Spald ing's Official League Ball is the official ball of the National League and all the leading college associations. Spald ings's Base Ball Guide for 1900, 10 cents. Handsome Catalogue of Athletic Sports free to any address. A. G. Spalding & Bros., JLfyy CHICAGO. NEW Yomc. DKNVEK. mm m m "WEBSTER'S INTERNATIONAL kDICTI0flRr Every Home, School and Office should own Webster's International Dictionary ol ENGLISH, Biography, Geography, Fiction, etc STANDARD AUTHORITY of the U.S. Supreme Court, all tlie State Supreme Court, the U. S. Government Printing Office, and of nearly alt the bchoolliool.s. Warmly commended by State Superintendents of Schojls, College I'reiidcnu, and otlier Kducalon. almost without number. WEBSTER'S with a Valuable Glossary of Ejk JllAJlJn. 1 C 1lUXIWl.imvi tXUt"1 " "tua "" '""'( WEBSTER'S A new book, the largest of the abridgment of the International. It has a tizaule frVmrflCKUtr J uiary, complete ticlimtionsaiulaucouate etymologies, lias over nr pajjc uuu tammy y- -y illustrated. Jts appendix is n fctorcltoutc ol vaiuauic imormauon. Specimen vW etc., of Ixtlh hooh tent on application. G. & C MERRIAM CO., Publishers, Springfield, Mass., U. S. A. jracamucu2aE-fiO ff 1; iiKisjzsiff'i ;i l u rii in A BEAUTIFUL ATTACHMENT IMITATING STRINGED INSTRUMENTS has been added to the well known Hospe THUS: $25 CASH, $20 MONTHLY. With Stool and Scarf. MADE IN OAK, WALNUT and MAHOGANY 49 4? 49 49 49 4? 4? 4? 4? 49 4? 4? 49 49 49 4? 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 B 4V 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 4? 49 49 49 49 49 49 III itroi Mil !1I it & Co JJamuMFy lesirta(m Sate Began here on Tuesday morning, January 2nd. This sale possesses magnetic power for the shrewd buyer because it's always an event that presents the most remarkable money-saving op portunities. This particular sale promises to be of paramount importance, for the backwardness of the fall and winter season has left us with a greater amount of winter merchandise than usual and makes it necessary for us to convert a tre mendous amount of goods into cash before the annual stock-taking. Prodigious price-cutting is a never-failing means of disposing of great quantities in a short time, and that is the means we have employed. The special circulars give full particulars. LINCOLN, NEB. '! c fc 9 n be University of Minnesota aJsSttk. College of Medicine and Surgery. The Twelfth Annual Course of Lectures will com mence on the 19th day of September, 1899, and will continue eight and one-half months. The course is graded and covers a period of four years. Medical Hall, the Laboratory of Medical Sciences, the Laboratory of Medical Chemistry and the Laboratory of Anatomy are situated upon the University campus. The clinical op portunities afforded by the hospitals and dispensaries of Minneapolis and St. Paul are at the command of the College. For out-door clinical service a new clinical building has been built in a central location. For information address Dr. Parks Ritchie, DEAN UNIVERSITV OF MINNESOTA, MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. 1 t bb bb bb bb bb 0 bb bb 61 bb bb bb bb ofr bb 0 bb bb bb bb 0 bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb h bb bb 0 0 0 O bb bb 0 bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb ofr bb bb 5 bb bb 6 bb bb bb 4 -fr T"" 1, 1 t mr Write For Particulars. &m wr VEHYTHINQ IN MUSIO t, .J Esf!jr t lj!g5',