m THE NEBRASKAN-HESPERIAN. tor ttr if rfi He tff 'j i i ,fiS ft, k 31 ' Pi! iii w m m U; M mt m VI : if PI Pi n; , i ' Sfl a D THE NE A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER Published .it 2.T North Elovcuth Street, Issuoil Kvory Tuomlny Noonby thoUntvcr altyjl'iibllnliliig Company. Entered at Second-Class Mail Matter. M. I. Stbwart, r. ; H. M. Gahkktt, Manapcrs. Ilnnnl or KrittorH. Managing Editor A. H. MaxWKI.i. City Editor R A. OUSOADKN ASSISTANT CITY H1UTOHS. Orma L. Hull. K. H. Wes.sel. HEPOUTKUS. Maudo Hazlutt K. D. Andruson II. li. Hoborts J. S. 15111a I. P. Hewitt 1 W. Hewitt K. A. Huston W. H. King Frank Manchester Q. Jay Tho Nebraskan-Hesperlan will be sent to any address upon receipt of the subscription price, which Is one dollar a year. Contributions are solicited from all. News Items such as locals, personals, reports of meetings, etc., are especially desired. The Nebraskan-Hesperlan will be glad to print any contribution relative to a general university subject, but the name must accompany all such. Address all communications to the University Publishing Co., Box 219. Lincoln, Nebraska. Telephone 470. We desire to call the attention of our readers to the fact that we have made a change in tho location of our office. Hereafter all business will be conduct ed in our new quarters on the second floor of the Call building In the rooms on the south side, instead of on the first floor as heretofore. "We invite all subscribers and friends to call and see us. The action of oratorical students in the University of Nebraska in attempt ing to form an association composed entirely of state universities is meet ing with a loud howl from the smaller colleges and the denominational schools of the country. This is to be expected and to a certain extent is justifiable. It is never pleasant to break off associations and form new ones, and this case is not an exception to the rule. Although many things have happened during the past few years between the state university and the other institutions In the state league which were not of the most pleasant nature, there were times, nevertheless, when the meetings brought forth considerable enjoyment. In a recent issue of the "Purple and Gold" of Bellevue college occasion Is taken to show the attitude of tho uni versity toward the smaller colleges. "We print a portion of the comment for the benefit of the students of the uni versity. It is as follows: "The action is not at all unexpected, and is quite characteristic of state uni versity methods. However, we cannot blame the University of Nebraska tor seeking a chance for her law students to enter the oratorical arena. We also think that the action of the Nebraska collegiate oratorical association last spring, In amending the constitution bo as to exclude students from tech nical and professional departments, was entirely just. But in seeking to justify her action in withdrawing from the Nebraska collegiate oratorical as sociation, the University of Nebraska makes statements concerning the smaller colleges which we resent as being untruthful. The statement that 'it Is the desire of the colleges to cul tivate a polished form of elocution that will please an audience, without suf ficient regard to thought,' Is far from the truth. We also dispute the state ment that college oratory Is 'more the oretical, more superficial.' If Ijt Is true that stato university oratory pays es- pccinl attention to thought, how is itj that Mr. Talbot recoived two 'fours' In i thought last spring, only his admir able delivery winning the day for him? If college oratory is theoretical and superficial, how Is It that tho speakors winning first, second and third places in tho Interstnto contest last spring woro from small colleges; and that of tho ton speakers In that contest but one was from a stato unl vorsity?" A few words concerning tho com mont may not bo amiss at this time. In what way the act'on taken is charac teristic of tho university is not stated. Furthermore, why tho university can not he blamed is not stated. It seems to bo merely a cloak used to keep blame from tho colloges for their action at tho league motlng last spring. Ne braska is most assuredly not to be blamed for wanting all of her students represented in contests of any kind. This tho editorial concedes. But In the concession it is demanded that the smaller colleges be justified in dis qualifying technical and professional students. As far as tho editors of the Nebraskan-Hesperlan can determine there is no necessity for any justifica tion. It is to tho advantage of the smaller institutions to keep out as many of the students of tho state uni versity as possible, and if they can do it by th!s means there Is no need to seek other. , Concerning the untruthful state ments which the University of Ne braska gave out in justification, little can be said. To any clear-minded thinker the reason why withdrawal was necessary is so apparent a3 to make anything else unnecessary. The institution was not in its own class and sought to get there. In regard to Mr. Talbot and the fact that he won first place in the contest last year, an other side may be shown easily. We wish to give due credit to Mr. Talbot, yet we desire to ask our friends in the neighboring college whether or not any person may become a practical univer sity man, and receive any extensive amount of expansion of thought, with only a few months' residence in the In stitution. Nebraska does not give a course In polished oratory. Is it not possible, then, for a man to come to the university, having already much of ability, to use a polished language similar to that taught in colleges, and when the time for the conte'st arrives win the local contest In the same man ner that the small colleges have won the state contest many times in the past? In other words, does a man be come a part of a university the size of Nebraska during his first year in at tendance? It is safe to say that he does not. This, of course, Is said with all due respect to his personal abili ties. Our friends may be surprised to know that Mr. Talbot received nn more firsts at the local contest last year than he did at the state. Thus it is seen that the point made in the euuonai counts for practically noth ing. The principle just explained holds good for the entire problem. The polished man will win bofore "nine out of every ten sets of Judges. But the fact that the stylo does win does not prove it to be the Ideal oratory. Ad mitting the statement that nine out of ton of the contestants in the interstate contest hero last spring were college rather than university ropresentatives, is this not all the more reason why Ne braska should withdraw? Statements made previously to the effect that the purposes of the institutions are suffl clently different to cause a change con tain plenty of good, sound logic, and it is safe to say that when the new as sociation is completed Nebraska will find much more satisfactory rivals in this line than she has in-tho past. Tho past foot ball season has shown that conditions may exist under which it is impossible to turn out a winning team. To offset this string of defeats wo had nothing savo tho production and exhibition of a real university spirit, which was much in evidence on scvoral occasions. But tho past Is past and all efforts should bo directed toward securing a stronger eleven with more steadfast and hearty sup port next year. To arouse interest in foot ball early next season, to reunite graduates and students, and to do something toward securing a system of graduate coaching, why not havo an alumni game, say about October 1? Other universities, among them Michi gan, Perdue, Wisconsin, Minnesota and Iowa, brought out their ex-players last season and put them against their 'var sity elevens. Sometimes tho alumni won, sometimes they lost, but always was student interest in the game in creased, effective practice given tho in experienced players and additional conches secured. The alumni would be able to turn out an all star team, bet ter individual players, but perhaps lacking in team work. Men who In years past played and won for Ne braska, and of whom tho students of today know little save occasional stray gleanings gathered from tho men who return to the university when the big games are played. The alumni ought to be heard from at once in regard to tho matter. If they favor a game preliminary ar rangements ought to be made immeui ately, so that players may be secured and a definite date arranged in good time. The attention of the student body is called to a communication in another column upon the true athletic situation is Missouri. Since the editorial that appeared in our columns was quoted and duo credit given to the other pub lication, we do not consider ourselves responsible for the statements made. It is evident that tho original writer of the editorial saw a comic side to the situation and brought that out rather than give credit for conditions as they really exist. Whether or not this was the idea makes little difference here. We are glad that the communication was sent to our paper for publication, as we desire at all times to publish the sentiment of any person. There are limits, of course, that must be ob served, and In one or two cases this year personal libel has been withheld. Otherwise, we believe in the free ex pression of opinion. Beginning with the present issue of the Nebraskan-Hesperian a special rate of fifty cents will be made for the re mainder of the year to any persons who wish to subscribe, on condition that the subscription he paid in ad vance. We desire to reach every stu dent In the university. Each one should follow the events of campus life, and the only means by which they can do this is to subscribe for tho col lege paper. Much time, effort and money is expended by tho editors to get out a publication that will repre sent the university as it really is. To do this it is necessary to demand more support from students in general and essential that all should lend a hand to make this branch a leading feature. The approach of the preliminary do bating contests should arouse a great deal of interest in that line. An ar- Jni-u i? f"ot,'er cotluran Elves the his tory of this branch In Nebraska. We believe that sufficient appreciation is not shown by the student body in this work. On each night of the prelim narles a crowded house should greet tho speakers. With two stato contests Loo,? hSf ft th,B clty th,B W s5 good debating can ho expected and with the unusually large number nf students entered tho cllfce f "S more Nebraska viptories are exceed! y Have Your Next Shirts mado to order if you want them to fit and wear. Its economy in the long run, to say nothing of tho com fort and satisfaction, One-Half Dozen to Order, White or Colored, $9.00. HARPER'S SHIRT FACTORY, Up-Stairs, 1012 0 Street, Ripo Oranges Croon Orangos Orango Blossoms All on the same trees now at Los Angeles. A more pleasant change yon could not make than to take a California trip now. Before arrang ing your trip see our new wide ves tibuled tourist cars and call at our office for descriptive matter. City Ticket Office. Cor. 10th and O Sts. Telephone 235 Burlington Depot, 7lh St., Het. P and Q. i eicpuonc aft. &&Ctefrttfr43434443- it ,w Colorado, Utah, California and Oregon Ana DST REACHED VIA THB P S PICTO Plntsch Light Steam Heat Direct Line to all Point Wett. Solid Vestibulod Train Daily. a trains daily to Denver and Colorado points. S train daily to Sa.ii Francisco and California points. Strains daily to Salt LaUe City and Utah points. 1 train daily to Portland and North Pacific Coast pointH, with direct connections for racoma und Seattle araras TStaSSaflflRViftBW Short line and quick service to Nebraska City, Falls City, St. Louis and all points South, East and West. City Ticket OHIce, 1039 "O" St. H. C. Townsend, F. D. Cornell, G. P. & T. A. C. P. & T. A.