The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, December 19, 1899, Page 6, Image 6

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D. F. Rlddell and wife tiro still very
111 nt St. Mary's hospital.
0. R. Bowman, '91, principal of tho
Waverly school, was In town Saturday.
Hcrborta Jnynos, '02, of Omaha visit
ed at tho Delta Gamma house over Sun
day. Robert Manloy, '07, enmo down from
Fremont for tho Pershing hop Inst Fri
Adolph Ballenbneh, '99, of Davison,
Neb., Is visiting fr!onds at tho univer
sity this week.
J. 13. Lester, a student here Inst year
and now at Lake Forest university, Is
visiting friends In Lincoln.
Virgil Harbor of tho department of
animal pathology has resigned to ac
cept a position In Chicago.
Dr. R. 11. Wolcoti. and W. D. Hiintor
will go to Omaha Wednesday In tho In
MMPsis of the Nebraska bird club.
J. II. MeGuIro has been chosen dep
uty by William McLaughlin',' tho now
incumbent of tho county treasurer's of
fice. Dr. H. 13. Ward lectured before tho
Agassis club of tho high school last
Wednesday afternoon on "Fresh Water
S. W. Miller, II. 0. Shedd and C. P.
Atwood wont to Omaha last Monday to
hear F. llopklnson Smith, who lec
tin od at t he Boyd theatre.
P. II. Thompson, '99, came down
from Mimlcu to attend the annual ban
quet, of Delta Epsllon and to spend
Sunday with his fraternity brothers.
Thomas Mapes, '9S, and wife of
Miles City, Mont., spent last week In
Lincoln on their way to Washington,
where he goes to accept a position In
tho census office.
II. R. Tucker, '99, who has been pur
suing post-graduate work In American
and European history and had tho posi
tion of reader, has left the university
to accept the prlnclpalshlp at Firth.
Miss Grace Cook, 1900, has taken Mr.
Tucker's place as reader.
Tho Sombrero.
Dr. Wonte, dont'.st.
Grc'gory tho Coal Man.
Tho Sombrero, 50 cents.
Try Westerfleld's egg shampoo, for
The Sombrero, an acceptable Christ
mas present.
Drawing papers, inks and pens at the
University Book Store.
The Sombrero tells the old folks all
about your university.
A Y. W. U A. quartette is to be or
ganized in tho near future.
Test tubes brushes, towels, labels at
tho Univorslty Book Store.
For up-to-dato university hair cut
go to Westcrileld, tho barber, 117 N.
Latest maps of tho Trunsvaal coun
try are to be found nt University Book
Webster's International Dictionary,
?7.r.O; regular price, $9.50. University
Book Store.
Latest maps of tho Transvaal coun
try are to be had at the University
Book Store.
On nccount of vacation there will bo
no Y. W. C. A. meetings for tho next
iwo Sundays,
All tho neW books and second-hand
liooks and all student supplies. Unl
orsUy book store.
Largo supply of university writing
tablets with envelopes to match at Uni
versity Book Store.
Pocket dictionaries of German,
French and English on hand at Uni
versity Book Store.
Tho sophomore class mooting, sched
uled for Inst Friday, was postponed
until after tho holidays.
A neat volume of 300 pages; tolls all
about tho university. Tho Sombroro,
at tho Univorslty Book Store.
A special mooting of the junior law
class was held Saturday morning, at
wh'ch a class constitution was adopted.
Tho senior class was to have hold a
meeting last Friday, but none was
called because of tho lack of a quorum.
Guitars from ?1.75 to ?P5.00 at sale
of Mueller Piano Co.'s stock, music and
picturo department, Ilcrpolshalmoi &
The faculty woman's club met
Wcdnosdny afternoon at 3 o'clock with
Mrs. Webster, Fourteenth and N
Professor Bruucr Is at work on n
supplement to his orig'nal report on
tho destructive locusts of Argentlno
A number of tho foot ball men are
continuing their training by working
In the athletic class at 5 o'clock In the
Nothing is more acceptable for a
Chr'stmns present than a volume of
poems. Get "Corn Tassels" at tho Uni
versity Book Store.
Prospects for base ball are very
bright. Several players of note around
tho state are In school and nearly all
the old men are back.
A p'cturo of Professor Burnett re
cently appeared in the Breeders' Ga
gotte of Chicago. It was accompanied
with a biographical notice.
New shelving been placed In tho
state historical society rooms and the
books and pamphlets have been re
arranged during the Inst week.
Professor Caldwell will givo a lec
ture before the methods class next
Thursday afternoon at 5 o'clock on
"Methods of Teaching History."
The botanical seminar held Its third
mooting of the year on Saturday after
noon. Papers wore read by Dr. Clem
ents, Professor Emerson and Mr. Bell.
Tho only thoroughly good place in
tho city wlioi'o a student can get any
kind of board that ho wants is at Cam
eron's cafe, 11-1-118 South 11th street.
Only a few members were present
at tho meeting of tho oratorical asso
ciation lost Wednesday and for that
reason tho election of a president Was
Advice to the freshmen: Post your
selves on every phase of college life by
buying a Sombrero. .'100 pages, price
COc. University Book Store, main
At tho last meeting of the nthletic
board S. D. Clinton was elected track
manager for tho coming season and T.
J. Hewitt was made manager of the
basket ball team.
At tho meeting of tho athletic board
these elections wero made: Foot ball
manager, Harry Tukey; base ball man
ngor, Guy Howard; asslsiant base ball
manager, Fred Sanders.
A collection of all tho books bearing
on ornithology has been made and tho
books aro now on oxhlbltlon In tho mo
chnnlc arts hall. Thcso will be In
spected by the association, which meets
here this weok.
"To dress well is a duty every man owes to
himself, to his friends and to the world at large."
A MAN who gets into
one of these warm,
Generous, comfortable
ulsters can laugh at the cold
WMtfirr. H
They arc made of Irish
frieze, thick Kersey, Beaver,
Shetland or Montagnac with
leather-cloth lining and deep
storm collar. Like all
garments they are tailor -made,
the materials are so
good and so well put together
the ulsters will last for yearn
II. f K W,
1t l VN "ZtmZai
1013-15-17-19 0 STREET.
One of a series of receptions given
by Dean Wilson to tho freshmen girls
was hold last Saturday afternoon in
tho girls' parlor in tho main building.
Owing to tho extremely bad weather
only a few wore present.
Sigma XI held a mooting Wednesday
ovoning at tho univorslty. Arrange
ments wore mndo for tho exchango of
lecturers with tho Kansas chapter and
papers wore read by Professors Rich
ards, Barbour and More.
Librarian Wyor and his staff have
been busy preparing reference lists for
tho preliminary debaters upon the vari
ous questions. Assistance will be
gladly given to any who desire It in
looking up their subjects.
Tho monthly cabinet meeting of tho
Y. W. C. A. was held last Saturday.
Reports from tho different committees
wero heard and moro definite arrange
ments wore made for the coming of
Mrs. King for n few weeks' work.
The girls' class teams in basket ball
have commenced a series of games. The
team winning the most gnmes Ib to
play a match game with fhe second
team. Then tne winner of this game .s
to contest with the first team for uni
versity honors.
Colonel E. S. Dudloy, formerly com
mandant of cadets at the University of
Nebraska, but now on General Brooke's
staff In Havann, will bo tendered a
similar position by General Woods
when tho latter takes the position held
by General Brooke.
Tho Nebraska improvement live
stock breeders' association meets nt
tho university December 19-21. Among
tho prominent speakers aro Professors
L. E. Shattucic and M. H. Gentry of
Missouri and Professor D. h. nia nr
tho school of agriculture, Manhnttun
Tho following threo works woro re
cently published in pamphlot form
"Tho Oath of tho Tennis Court," Pro
fessor F. M. Fling; "Spanish Verbs
with Vowel Gradat'on in the Present
System," Professor A w
"'Topical Digest of tho Rlg-Veda," Pro'
uooui v. n, uugren.
William Molford, tho captain of last
year's foot ball team, hft3 returned and
will rcg ster for work thlH rom
Ho has been coaching tho foot ball
rHnJltMWaBh,net0n COlleg0' K.
during tho present season. His sue
cess thcro was equal to that mndo hero
as captain and player.
Nothing is moro acceptable for a
Christmas present than a volume of
poems. Get "Corn Tnssels" at tho Uni
.voTsIty Book Store.
Tho students aro already looking
forward to tho holiday vacation. Many
of thorn ure planning to tako homo as
a most accoptablo Christmas present a
Watormnn's Ideal Fountain Pen. The
University Book Store has a full and
varied assortment on hand.
Albert Hansen, '90, who played
guard on tho 'varsity foot ball team for
threo yenrs, has been visiting tho uni
versity the past week. Mr. Hansen
hns been coaching tho base ball team
at the agricultural college at Manhat
tan, Kan. He had fairly good success
while there, his team winning two out
of five games.
Tho Spanish language Is being
studied by more students in this coun
try since tho United Stntcs obtained
possession of Cubn, Porto Rico and tho
Philippines than over before. Twenty
seven students In tho university regis
tered for beginning Spanish this year.
This Is twice the number who took tho
courso last year.
Professor A. B. Hart, who Is profes
sor of American history at Harvard
university, recontly wroto Professor
H. W. Caldwell as follows concerning
I'1. S. Phllbrlck, '97, A. M. '99: "Your
man Philbrick is winning golflon opin
ions horo. I am free to say that I
hardly evor had a graduate student
who showed such a thorough training
I" tho principles of historical Investi
gation as ho. Ho knows how to do
thorough and discriminating work and
hns a quick sense of tho difference be
tween the cogent and tho unimportant.
Permit mo to say that tho Univorslty
of Nebraska could not wish a moro
satisfactory examplo of its training."