THE NEBRASKAN-HESPERIAN. Have Your Next Shirts made to order if you want them to fit and wear. Its economy in the long run, to say nothing of the com fort and satisfaction, One-Half Dozen to Order, White or Colored, S9.00. HARPER'S SHIRT FACTORY, Up-Stairs, 1012 0 Street. llirlH fmjm GLASGOW I IIUilM m 1 m m m 1V m IV it Rlpo Oranges Croon Orangos Orange Blossoms All on the same trees now at Los Angeles. A more pleasant change you could not make than to take a California trip now. Before arrang ing your trip see our new wide ves tibuled tourist cars and call at our office for descriptive matter. City Ticket Office. Cor. 10th and O Sis. Telephone 235. Iliirlliicton Depot, "111 St., Hot. P and Q. Telephone 2.1. etttttfrtfrfr California and Oregon Excursions. Leave Missouri Jiiver (Old Nebraska Points Every Week, also Daily Ordinary Slcenina "&' Cars for Tourists and JTomescekcrs Tho Only Direct Itoutc. Daily fiorvlco, qulclc tlino, low ratoH, pictur esque route, and tho Kroatent degree of comfort are tho attractive feuturoH which combine- to render pre-eminently proper Uicho exctirHlons in ordlnury HleopliiB cars to tho Puclllc coiiHt. Ktonm Hcut I'lntHcli Light. tar" Tor time tables, folders, Illustrated bookn, pamphlets dfHcrlptive of the territory traversed, call on E. 11. SLOSSON, Agent. I L VO 1 bIj Ei GT -nBP vxs m m m m. m SOCIETY NOTES. The sixth annual hop of the Pershing Rifles was given last Friday evening in the largo dining room of the Lin coln hotel. American flags and stack ed arms wore effectively used for deco rations and all officers in tho battalion were present in uniform. Between tho intermissions of the twenty dances re freshments wero served in tho ordinary dining room. Professor and Mrs. Bar hour, Professor and Mrs. Richards and Professor and Mrs. Lyon chaperoned the dancers. Those present wero: Misses Bennett, Cochrane, Colo, Col son, Cunningham, Jane Douglas, An drews, F. Gere, E. Gere, Gregory, Gel latly, Garten, Henry, Holdbrook, Har greaves, Hoover, Hayes, Jackson, Jon kins, Jaynes, Koch, Kenny, Losch, Lumry, Loomls, Morgan, Macomber, Whiting, Woods, Wirt, Wetzel, Wig genhorn, Welch, Woodford; Messrs. Lau, Tukey, Raymond, Johnson, Mc Creery, Schwartz, Shuff, Reedor, Ga- routte, Ilouck, Hedge, Lewis, Turpin, Orlo Brown, Weeks, Korsmeyer, Haecker, Shedd, Collett, Hayes, Cran dall, Hollenbeck, Holt, D. Atwood, C. Atwood, A. L. Brown, Robbins, Hum phrey, Manley, Roberts, Watklns, Longley, WW'ams, Ricketts, Schick, Holmes, Davidson, Kellian, Bowlby, Hadley, Sheldon, Hansen, Rehlaender, Clinton, Butler, Pancoast, Morrison, G. W. Barnes and Woodland. The committee In charge of the af fair was Barnes, Korsmeyer, Swallow, Woodland and Williams. Miss Douglas gave a chafing dish party on Saturday evening for her sis ter, Miss Jane Douglas, at tho Kappa Alpha Theta house, Sixteenth and M streets. Tho Phi Delta Theta3 have pledged Elam Seacrest of the law school. The Tuesday night club gave tho first of their series of dances at Walsh's hall last Tuesday evening. The Kappa Alpha Thetas have pledged Miss Janet Post of York, Neb. On Friday evening, December 8, the Phi Gamma Delta gave a dancing party for the Kappa Alpha Thetas at their fraternity house on Thirteenth and H streets. Those present wero: Misses Morgan, Wirt, Macfarland, Jessie Mac farland, Douglas, Jane Douglas, Ed gren, Harpham Cunningham, Wlggen horn, Hoffman, Foster, Stuart and Shaw; Messrs. Mudge, C. Mudge, Adams, Harvey, H. Harvey, Pancoast, Sanders, Wells, Hopewell, Cunning ham, Crandall and France. S 3S rm- -- . p - - IV V PJCTC mm Short line and quick service to Nebraska City, Falls City, St. Louis and all points South, East and West. Cltu Tlokot Office, 1039 "0" St. H. C. TOWNSEND, G. P. & T. A, F. D. Cornell, C. P. & T. A. GYMNASIUM NOTES. Basket ball practice hus begun In the various gymnasium classes and will continue until January 1, when the team to represent the university In tho coming Intercollegiate games will be selected. Hoop ball games are drawing large crowds. Wednesday the team of the city Y. M. 0. A. defeated the univer sity "Scarlets" by a score of 31 to 19. The cause of their defeat was partially duo to the fact that part of the univer sity team was not present and substi tutes wore plnyed. The university creams will endeavor to lower the colors of tho Y. M. C. A. team tomor row evening; also a gamo between tho teams of the 1 o'clock and 8 o'clock classes will be played that evening. Great preparation is being made for tho charter day athletic contest. Pre liminary ovonts tiro held each week. Last Saturday the horizontal bar vault took place. Jowett won flrst placo, W. E. Andreson second and Johnson third. Owing to tho fact that vacation begins Friday evening, tho event for this weok, which is tlio nop, step ami jump, will take placo Thursday at 5 o'clock. Zithers, autoharps, guitar-zithers, accordions, harmonicas and all musical merchandise at one-half to one-third off usual prices during Mueller sale at Horpolshelraer & Co.'s music and pic ture department. fip mtgV B- 'IB Ho For Christmas! If your feet are properly shod, how much morr likely you will be to enjoy the holiday festivi- ' ties. If 3'ou get your footwear from Perkins, Sheldon & Cham berlain, there is no question of its being of the right sort well fitting, good materials, stylish, reasonable in price:::::: Perkins. Shoirlon & rhanilrcrlain f.nmnanv ffi 1 129 0 Street, LINCOLN. GBT RBA.DY FOR CHRISTMAS Some people are not wise. They nostpone prepara tions for Christmas 'til the last week or the last day, and then like as not wonder why they can't find just what they want. All our Christmas goods are now on exhibition and we invite you to make selections while assortments are complete. Miller & Paine. " The Hammond Typewriter Co. Home Offices and Factory: 403 k 405 E. 62d St NEW YORK Branches: NEW YORK, 107 Broadway PHILADELPHIA 33 & 35 S. 10th St BOSTON, 800 Washington St KANSAS CITY, IT West Oth ST. LOUIS, 810 N. 8th St f WORK IN SI0HT sSSsaegspj'jS''''' Branches: CLEVELAND, 43 Arcudo PITTSBURG, 287 4th Avo MINNEAPOLIS, 8 N. 3d St LONDON, BIRMINGHAM, CARDIFF, LIVERPOOL, BELFAST. Send For Circulars. r i - Cinrr to the Home Office and a Correct Map benO d. C Otamp 0 the World will bo mailed to you. i 1 M 53 i 1 I A' i 1