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About The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 5, 1899)
llSSM THE NEBRASKAN-HESPKRtAN. i JUNIOR LAWS WIN. The junior law foot ball team loft for Falls City oa tho B. & M. at 1:3(5 p. m. last Wednesday. On Thanksgiv ing day they played tho Falls City olovon, winning by tho score of 11 to 0. It was a very disagreeable, rainy day. It rained qulto hard while tho game was being played. la Bplte of the weather quite a number turned out to, see tho game, among whom were many university alumni. Twenty-minute halves wero played. From tho first play tho law team seemed to have tho best of the game. Tho law men played together better and after a few end plays and line bucks Douglas made a touchdown and kicked goal. The half ended with tho ball In about tho center of the field, In the second half Falls City put in some new men and played a much better game. They wero given a few yards for off-side plays, which, together with good lino bucking, put them to within two feet of tho law team's goal. Hero tho Falls City team was held and the junior law 'learn took tho ball. Evans soon carried the ball about forty yards around loft end. After a few more plays Larson made another touchdown on Falls City's fumbling. Douglas failed to Hick goal. The feature of the game was tho junior law team's end runs, Benedict, Evans and Thorp each making gains. Tho line-up was as follows: Falls City. Junior Law. Humbarger L. E Morford Bohrer. Thompson. Wyatt L. T Wessol Shorben ..'.'. ...L. G Richards Hershey '. '. . .C McCracken McFarland R. Q Moran Silvers R. T Lai son Fink-Ullg R. E Benedic Fisher Q." Morrison Metz ...'..' L. H Thorp Scott F. B. .Douglas (capt.) Nulk R. H Evans Rofereo, Culver; linesman, O'Connor. THE CENTURY DOUBLE-FEED PEN IS THE BEST F. E. Edgcrlon,, Agent, University. PK. JAMES STOCKF1ELP, IWFNTKT M1 O Street, Mucoid, Neb., op in.11 1 IO I rtrtsitc the Post Omce. Painless Extractions. Deutsoher Kaunarzt. Gold fill I ii 179 fl.RO and up; Silver Fillings 60 cents and up; White fillings 75 cents and up. Best set of teeth $10.00; Cheap set of teeth 95.00. All Work Cuarantood. Drs. Clutter & Shannon DENTISTS. AJjondsone Gift m For Christn)as m rj( m Phone 426 113.6 O Street Lincoln THE ALBERT TEACHERS' AGENCY, Central Music Hall, Chicago. Fifteenth Year. 8250 Positions Filled. Nearly 300 in 09. List of Schools and Colleges in which wo fill positions sent froo. ADDKESSs C. J. ALBERT, JIANAGKK. "CORN TASSELS," by William Reed Dun roy.willbo sent to any address in the United States, postage prepaid, for 75 cents, cash. Send eastern friends a copy of Corn Rhymes by a Nebraska poet : : : :::.::::::::..:::::::;: University (publishing Co. 3JS North Nlovontli Sli-eot Communications by mall to box 210. llNCOlR, fkOrUStta. j'Mjl Mi Marina twiiw!M .IwJot. aaitwiwtwmn iwhvh SSi3n.ii dA..t.tiis Mwitp wMsdnw T wxV"tm1S!sjJittIi, Harper. Don't you know that there is only one place to have your Clothes made? They fit, they wear, they look good FOREVER. s Makes Shirts, Collars and Guffs 1012 O STKEET. Without Work Without Price SCRUBS WIN. An interesting foot ball game was played Thursday between the second eleven of the state university and tho Hastings college team on the college campus at Hastings. Tho game was won by the university, the score stund ing 13 to 0. The day began raw and cold, with a light rain, but had cleared off con siderably before 4 o'clock, when tho game began. In consequence there was a good attendance, composed mostly of Hastings sympathizers. Captain Hooper won the toss and" chose the east goal, with the wind in his favor. Bailey kicked off to Water man, who returned tne ball to the cen ter of the field. The university then took the ball by line smashes to with in two yards of the Hastings goal. Here a Hastings player fell on tho ball after a Nobraska man left It to take his place in line. Hastings claimed a fumble, which was allowed. On tho next play Hastings was pushed back over her goal line for a safety, which gave Nobraska two points. Hastings then braced up and held Nebraska's line bucks much better. Tho game became more Interesting as the pigskin was forced up and down the field, first by one team, then by tho other, but most of tho time In Hastings territory. Nebraska then went after her opponents In earnest. Muntz made an end pun for thirty-five yards. Nlelson bucked tho lino for twelve more and theu by a guards back right play Tucky was pushed over the line for Nebraska's first touchdown. Goal was not kicked. On the kick off Hastings by a good run of Broulette's carried the ball, luto Nebraska's territory, where the ball was lost on downs. Walton then took, tho ball and broke stra'ght through the line for fifty yards. He passed Bailey, Hastings' sprinter, but was caught by Breed. Nebraska kept on toward tho goal, but time was called and Hastings, was saved tho humllla, tlon of another touchdown, with tho ball within five yards of her goal. On thn ioV off in the second half Hooper kicked tho ball lightly and it was secured by Voss for Nebraska, fumbled, and then Hastings made some good ga'.ns, Bailey, Breed and Burgess each making' gains through, tho Nebraska line. Mantz, a few minutes before the close, turned his ankle and Andeson was put in. On tho next play ha downed Bailey for a loss of three, yards, and Hastings was held on. downs. A lino buck was held by. Hast ings and then Andreson was sent around tho qnd for twentv-fiYO yards. In three more plays Nlelson by u crosg. buolc placed tho ball behind Hastings goal. Inflate Your Tires You are invited to use our compressed air plant to inflate your tires. No work for you No charge from us. C. L. SHADER, Bicycle. Repai l Fine. Tailoring of all kinds. T 1 i L. J. Herzog, 1032 O Street. I: It ; : & 1 i .ny,T?n?w oiiver Johnson, d. d. s. Harvard - -University. 31a... So. 19th. ng DENTIST, Over Hurley's Drug Store. Trlrpnono 784. Lincoln, Neb. Waterman's Ideal Faimtaia Pen c fF The Fountain of Fen Satisfaction A Gjft of Never Ending A fiUwfuJness, and a Constant X Pleasant Reminder of theJ3C Donor XXXXX fc 9? r JW t-k AT n Made in Large Va ricty of Styles, Sizes, and at prices to Meet Every Requirement. Offered for the StU' dent Trade XX For Sale by all Leading Stationers, Jewelers, Specialty Houses X Medical Department, 1J0ST0N, MASS. On ami after Juno, 1001, candidates for admis sion must present n dottroo in Arts. Litorntnre, Philosophy or Science, from n recognized college or scientific fcIiooI, wiili the oxcoption of snch persons, of Hiiitnblo art and nttninmont, ns may bo ndmittcd by epocial vote of tho Fuculty takon in onch enso. For dotniled information concerning co itce of instruction, or catalogue, address. Dr. Wm. L. Richardson, JDe, ?:, Harvard Medical College, Boston, Mass. Monarch Btefetes a L. E. Waterman & 60. Largest Fountain Pen Manufacturers In the World. 155-157 Broadway NEW YORK. The Machine that TalksTalk The Gem $ Just out Cut this ad. out and send it to us with Sj.oo and we will send vou one of the new Gem Uratihonhones bv Express. COD subject to examination. You can examine It at your express office and if found exactly as represented, entirely satisfactory in every way, and the lu value to any machine sold at J10 and $12, pay our agent Our Special Olfer Prlc, $5 00. and express charges, less the 51 sent with order, For home amusement this King of Merry-Makcrs $l$X"& id I Ice a cibCK. i'lays an tne pieces 01 aousa s ami uiimorc nanus; Recites: TeUs Funny Stories; will repeat you) own voice, your Mend's voice, songs sung Into it, stories told to It. You can make your records easily and reproduce them at once, as often as desired. Price $5.00 Includes Improved Ocm Graphophone, one extra loud alumnium Reproducer, one 10-Inch horn, one Healing Tube. Best Exhi bition Recortfa (musical or talking) ff a dozen, 42c each. Slot Country dealers will find a veritable gold mine in our two new slot U .Mhu machines, The "Ideal" Graphophone $20 and wonderful "Ray" iTiaCllincS. Ktnetoscone (or moving picture machine) $15, operates automatic ally, reoulrei naattentlon whatever, can be placed on top of show case pr counter. Machines pay for them selves In twa wpeks. The Kl;etoscopp does for the eye what the Oranlioptione does tor tuc ear. ut 0 act and. move a. If ajUc. Reproduces in miniature, the same subjects ns the large hundred dollai ." .... nf,7u.-i ft,. ,,W "Rav" Mjwlni? Picture Machine, three be Is w th each machl Send us ll and wc wiU eid you cither machine by Express C. O. D . subject to examination. II found exactly as represented and entirely satisfactory in every way, pay the "Rent our price, less the 51 sent with order. Cfimi'lete new. Illuitrated Klnetoscope. Graphophont and Record Catalogue, containing lull descrip tion of large exhibition outfits, ranging from $10 to $50, sent free on request. Harfer & Blish, Western Selling Agt. 904-ojw Main St., Dubuque, Iowa $5 Arc recognized the world over as representing; the highest type of excellence in hicycle construction ARE NOW WITHIN REACH OF ALL Monarch Roadsters $S0 Defiance Roadsters $35 King and Queen Roadsters $25 Why look further whoa machines 0! established reputation can bo had at those prices '. . . . Monarch GliainlGss $75 Bowl for Oatalopuo Agents wanted in opoatorritory M0NAE0H CYCLE MFa. 00. Ilalstodand Fulton Sts., CHICAGO Church and Rondo Ste., NEW YORK Ride a Monarch, and Keep in Front 4 I 4