The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, December 05, 1899, Page 3, Image 3

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    mmMMmMH i
NO. 6
leaves Lincoln at 5:13 a.m.,ar
rivqs at Chicago 8:10 p, m.
ft n rlavlifrht ride. The finn.qt
f ... . . .
train in America and it goes
via the Burlington.
City Ticket Office. Cor. lOtli and O Sts.
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Dally service, quick time, low rates, pictur
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Steam Heat Fintscn Light.
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Short line and quick service to Nebraska
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City Ticket Office, 1039 "O" At.
H C. Townsend,
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Orations, addresses, es
says, valtdlctories, alu
tatorlos, data poems, ivy
poems. clau mottoes,
after-dinner Bpccclieu,
naj.days, national lioli.
days, class-day exercises.
Mo&tltlor every fiotsttle
pceatioit in higiHsdiool
and college career; each
and every "effort" beimr
vliat some fellow lias
"itood on hit feet" and
actually delivered on a
Imllar occasion.
Price, $x.5o1otpald.
Cloth 640 Paces,
H3'ia-z3-x4 Cooper Institute, If. Y. City
ww v aufuMMwt afsnt ttor.
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raent that during the Kunsas game
some of them presented the unprece
dented spectacle of students of one In
stitution exerting themselves to cheer
on to victory a team from a rival uni
versity. The attitude of these persons
is well Illustrated by the remark at
tributed to one of them, that if the
board were abolished and the funds
turned over to the manager ho would
soon get a good team.
"The lack of success which has at
tended the Nebraska team during the
past season is to be attributed to many
things besides the policy of the board
in"" Insisting that all players be bona
flde students. At the opening of the
season we were without a manager,
the captain had not yet returned and
did not return for nearly twoweek"s,
and but two of the players of the past
season were In the university. Thus
it will be seen that we started with no
manager, no captain and no "team.
Everything had to be provided for at
once, with games rapidly approaching.
Iowa and Missouri have each sustained
worse defeats at our hands than any
to which our team has been subjected
this season. Considerinjr these facta
and bearing in mind that not a single
player was brought from another team
orfrom any other institution, we be
lieve that the showing made was rea
sonably creditable. At any rate, we
have laid a sound foundation for the
future. Never before has the univer
sity had a second eleven to compare
with the one upon the field this season.
This, we believe, Is largely due to the
fact that every man who has played
thereon will have his fair show of
gaining the 'varsity team another sea
son ar-d will not be debarred by some
one brought from another team. Fur
thers ore, we have established a prec
edent of making rules something to
be obeyed as well as published in the
university catalogue. We desire It to
be understood that there shall be no
abatement in our zealous enforcement
of these rules with regard to all teama
and all persons, and that we shall en
force not merely the letter of the
rules, but the spirit which has prompt
ed their enactment
"All criticisms of the action of the
board In carrying out the purpose of
its organization as "being high-handed
or arbitrary or unprecedented is "based
upon ignorance of the object of Its es
tablishment and the authority "by vir
tue of which it exists. The board
does not exist to produce winning
teams by fair means or foul, nor to
afford ! decent cloak to practices re
prohated hy rule and winked at in
practice. The board is bound to carry
out the intention of the regents in
constituting It, and in so doing vio
lates no precedents, for the reason
that there are none to violate. Despite"
the attacks on its honesty of purpose,
and despite the effort which has "been
made to undermine Its authority and
to render Its endeavors towards puri
fying athletics of no effect, the hoard
has determined to proceed rigorously
along the lines mapped out, even
though It become necessary to resort
to drastic measures with regard to
those whose opposition to progress has
been most pronounced. We feel sure
that the public, both within and with
out the university, will recognize the
Justice of the cause and lend encour
agement und assistance in weeding out
that doubtful aud dangerous element
in college athletics, the semi-prof cb-slonal."
Her little laugh rang sweet and clear,
Its nilvery muBic charmed my ear;
All life seemed on the merriest plan
When she laughed at the other man.
Her little laugli again I heard,
But to no -mirth my soul was stirred;
Tt made a difference, you 'flee,
When, heartless girl, 'she laughed at J,
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