The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, November 28, 1899, Page 7, Image 7

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Tho joint dobate between the Max
wells and tho Palladlans on "Resolved,
That England's notion toward tho
Transvaal is justifiable," that was to
have taken place last Saturday even
ing, did not occur. The members were
in attendance at the impeachment pro
ceedings. Jerry Rebman has just deposited in
the state museum a large collection of
curios, war relics and naturnl history
specimens from the Philippine islands,
occupying a little over two cases oh
the north wall of the museum. R. H.
Wessol also deposited a few relics from
the Philippines.
The annual series of concerts given
by the Philharmonic orchestra of this
city will be opened Friday evening at
the Oliver theater. Mrs. E. Lewis
Baker will be the Boloist of tho even
ing. Judging from the success tha
the orchestra has made in past seasons
a large audience will greet it upon this
W. W. Hess, who played center for
the KansaB foot ball team, is also cap
tain and center of the basket ball team.
While here a game between the two
universities was talked over and pre
liminary arrangements made. Kansas
meets the Yale basket ball team in Chi
cago on January 5, and it will be on
their home trip that the intended game
will be played.
We are still looking for a fountain
pen to equal that which we sell for
C9c. Wo do not expect to find any
thing to equal it in value for the price
and do not believe that you will either.
Every pon is warranted. Wo also
carry a full line of Waterman's "Ideal"
fountain pens, tho "Romex" and all
other reliable makes. Book Dept.,
Herpolsheimer & Co.
C. N. Gould, fellow in the depart
ment of geology,has"just returned from
a trip along the Kansas and Nebraska
line, where ho has been exploring tho
Dakota cretaceous rock. He brought
back with him to the museum sixteen
boxes of samples. This last consign
ment makes between one hundred and
thirty and one hundred and forty
boxes shipped to the Btate university
by Mr. Gould from his collecting trips
during the summer and fall. The state
university can Boon boast of tho best
collection of samples of Dakota creta
ceous rock in tho United States.
F. E. Edgorton, Agent, University.
nFIMTKT 031 Street, Lincoln, Neb., op.
1'MIIIOI. positc the Post Omce. PainteoR
Extractions. Deutscher Zalinarzt. Gold flit
lugs $t.M) and up; Silver Finings 50 cents and
up; White flttliiRs 75 centR and tin. Best set
of teeth $10 00; Cheap set of teeth 95.00.
All Work Guaranteed.
Drs. Clutter & Shannon
Phone 426
1 136 O Street
Central Music Hall, Chicago.
Fifteenth Year. 8250 Positions Filled.
Nearly H00 in 9S. List of Schools
and Colleges in which wo fill
positions sent free.
Corn Rhymes by a Nebraska Poet.
Second Edition of "
By William Reed Dunroy is now on the market.
Even Better, Brighter, Handsomer than before.
Art Vellum Editiin in Green and Gold, SI.OO. Special Author's Etfitiin
with Autograph, iOYifite and Gold, $1.25.
University fluMfebiitg Co,
225 North 11th Street, LINCOLN, NEB.
Makes Shirts,
Collars and Cuffs
1018 O STREET.
Don't you know that there is only one
place to have, your Clothes made?
They fit, they wear, they look good
Fine Tailoring of all kinds.
Students of tho university who are
not subscribers of the NobraRl;ac-Hes-perian
are requested to call at the Uni
versity book store and inspect the new
college calendar which is on exhibition
there. It is a work of art and merit,
representing twelve of the oldest col
leges in this country, engravings in tho
colors of the respective institutions.
The yell of each university is also en
graved on elich one. "It is a most beau
tiful work and would make a very wel
come Christmas present. It is sold
other places in the city for ?1.25. If
you will leave this amount ?L25
with the University Book Co. for a sub
scription to the Nebraskan-Hesperian
for tho remainder of the year your
name will be placed on our list and you
will be presented with one of these
handsome calendars. It is an offer that
cannot be overlooked. Call In and see
for yourself.
is in a tourist sleeper, personally con
ducted, via the Burlington Route. You
don't change cars. You make fast
time. You Bee the finest scenery on
the globe.
Your car is not expensively furnish
ed as a palace sleeper, ,but it is just
as clean, juBt as comfortable, just as
good to rido in and nearly $20.00
cheaper. It has wide vestibules;
PIntsch gas, high back seats; a uni
formed Pullman porter; clean bedding;
spacious toilet rooms; tables and a
heating range. Boing strongly and
heavily built, it rides Binoothly; is
warm in winter and cool in summer.
In charge of each excursion party is
an experienced excursion conductor,
who accompanies it right through to
Los Angeles.
Cars leave Omaha, St. Joseph, Lin
coln and Hastings every Thursday, ar
riving San Francisco following Thurs
day, Lost Angeles Monday. Only three
days from Missouri river to tho Pa
cific Coast, including a stop-over of
1 hours at Denver and 2 hours at
Salt Lake City two of tho most in
teresting cities on the continent.
For folder giving full Information,
call at any Burlington Route ticket of
fflco, or write to J. Fkanoib,
Gon'l PuBsongor Agent, Omaha, Neb.
G. E. Tobey, law, '09, has gone to
Washington, D. C, as private secretary
to Congressman Burkett of the First
congressional district of this state.
Luther J. Abbott, '97, of Fremont,
Nob., re-entered the law school last
week. Mr. Abbott was a member of
Company M of the First Nebraska regi
ment. Olaf Eidom, law, '99, has opened an
office in Sioux City, la.
H. B. Stewart, '98, Is principal of tho
schools at Atkinson, Neb.
Miss Lola Wheeler, '97, who has been
teaching at Osceola, is a visitor at tho
H, A. Bollonbach, class of '99, was a
visitor at tho university last week.
Alvin A. Miller, '98, now with tho
Westlnghouse Electrical company at
Pittsburg, Pa., writes that ho is pleas
antly located and that ho expects to
spend tho Xmaa holldnys with his
parents in this city.
L. J. Herzog,
a 1032 O Street. j
Your Tires
You are invited
to use our compressed air
plant to inflate your tires.
No work for you
No charge from us.
IJJViti,. Bicycle Repairing
Oliver JoIhisoii, 0. D. S.
0Tcr 3Kgtf?7ffi.st0"- Lincoln, Neb.
Harvard University.
Medical Department,
On and aftor Jane, 1901, candidates for admis
sion mnet present a degree in Arts, Literature,
Philosophy or Scioncp, from a rooornized collopo
or scientific: pchool, with the ozcoptioti of Buch
pontons, of suitable nan Bnd attainment, as may
bo admittod by Bpocial rote of the Faculty taken
inreaoh capo.
For dotailed information concerning co iecb
of instruction, or catalogue, address.
Dr. Wm. L. Richardson, De, ti,
Harvard Medical College, Boston, Mass.
Twelve new display cubcb have hoon
received to ho divided between the
state historical society and the geolog
ical department.
W. W. Wilson, a charter member of
tho historical society, is having en
larged a portrait of the old state capl
tol, which stood on tho site of tho pres
ent capltol. When finished the portrait
will ho presented to tho socloty.
Tho state historical society is trying
to got flies of tho university papers
from tho flrBt editions down to tho
present. Any old copies would be
gladly rocelvod.
A portrait of Judge S. B. Pound, for
merly vice president of the state his
torical socloty, has recently been ro
celvod at the society's rooms.
The Ready to Wrlto Instrument of Today 1h
Waterman's Ideal
Fountain Pen
An Indispensable convenience for
statkbmkw, reponteuh
Lawykiih. Hubinehh Mkn,
Phybioianh, Teaohkhb and
Every PEN Warranted to CJIve Sat
isfaction. Prices According1 to
Value. Cataloges Furnished,
JLargcHt Fountain Pen Mfre, in tho World.
1S7 BrodKny,Ny York.
Monarch Bieycln
Ate recognized the world over
as representing1 the highest
type of excellence in
bicycle construction
Monarch Roadsters $50
Defiance Roadsters $35
King and Queen RoadBtors $25
Wliy look further Ylion machines
ol cBtabllshod roputation can bo
had at tlioBO prices
Monarch Chainless $75
Bond for Oatuloffuo
Agents -wentocl iu opon torrltory
M0NAE0H 0Y0LE MFQ. 00.
Kaktedand Fulton St., CHICAGO
Church and Rwnle St., NEW YORK
Ride a Monarch aod Keep ia Froit