The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, November 28, 1899, Page 6, Image 6
rc"1 MZftmtI'S2EB 2i233 OMxMMMflUM 1H NKBRASKAN-HKSPKRlAN. 1 iT " THIS WEEK'S EVENTS. LOCALS. H 5 'r ' N hi ! '? Union society feed Tuesday evening;. Junior taw and Falls Oity foot bail teams will meet at Falls City Thanks giving dny. Nebraska-Qrinnell game at 6mahu Thanksgiving dttyv Meeting of the Nebraska academy or science Friday and Saturday at tho university Marriage of Miss Josephine Lott ridge and Mr. Frederick WlU'am Al fred Kind Wednesday. Latin coloquim meeting this evening at the usual place and hour. PERSONAL MENTION. Prof. Bruner visited his old home at West Point Saturday. Miss Mao Colson, music, '98, has re turned to the conservatory for post graduate work. Dr. JohnBon, ex-chancellor of the University of Texas, visited the univer sity last week &.W. Crttbtree has been out the past Week inspecting high schools along the Northwestern. Miss Jane Douglas bt St. Joseph, Mo., is visiting her sister at tho Kappa Alpha Theta house. Emile Fonquet has returned from Ills vacation and again occupies his old position on the library staff. Mrs. Lena Bedell of the class of 1900, an assistant In tho department of geol ogy, 1b now traveling on the Pacific coast with her husband. Miss Alberta Jaynes of Omuha, after spending several days in Lincoln, left November 20, for a short visit In Beat rice. t M. E. Boron, a former student of the university, was married a short time ago to Miss Ethel Bagg of McCool June tion. G. T. Slaughter, 02, who was one of the members of tho First Nebraska, re mained in Manila and has engaged In business there. H. B. Snyder, a former student at the university, was married September 3 at Galena, Neb., to Miss Marie Mc Goodon, a student at the university last year. Professor Bruner is just completing a catalogue of the orthroptera of the Philippine Islands, which will be pub lished as a bulletin from the United States national museum. Mamie Mills, class of '00, who was compelled to return to her home at Wahoo some t'.me ago on account of sickness, Is reported much beltter and expected back to school soon. Miss Burruss and Miss Custer have returned to Lincoln after a pleasant outing in Colorudo. Miss Custer will remain In Lincoln several days before returning to her homo in Falls City. Otis G. Whipple, '99, Is at present in Canon City, Colo., having just returned from a very pleasant trip through the western part of that state, riding from Durango to Grand Junction on a broncho. H. G. Shedd of tho department of En glish will deliver an address on "En glish, tho Cosmopolitan Language," bo- fore tho educational assoc'ation of northwest Nebraska at Crawford De cember 1. MiHB Ethel Free, pluplst at tho con sprvatory, who recontly delighted tho students with her music ut chapel, Ihib made a very successful concert tour through Iowa, playing at Council Bluffs, Glenwood and several other places. Her playing was oIbo most cor dially received at Omaha. Dr. Wente, dont'st. Gregory the Coal Man. Httrper, sh.'rts, 1012 O street. Now books. University Book Store. Test tube swabs at University book store. ed in the departments from which they came. The latest books in at The Co-op, 322 N. 11th. Try Westerfleld's egg shampoo, for dandruff. Writing tablets full line at Uni versity book store. The next university news lotter will be out December 4. Fine "Pennant" writing paper at Tho Co-op, 322 N. 11th. Drawing papers, inks and pens at the University Book Store. Don't fall to see our pocket diction aries just in. The Co-Op. Test tubes brushes, towels, labels at the University Book Store. "Pennant" Unl. writing paper in boxes at Tho Co-op, 322 N. 11th. Waterman Ideal, Itemex and Lake side pens at University book store. For up-to-date university hair cut go to Westerfleld, the barber, 117 N. 13th. For that tired feeling take Wrapson & Gee's mathematical and physical tables. The university senate will probably be called together on November 29 or December 0. Tho largest stock of notebooks, tab lets and stationery just In at The Co Op, 322 N. 11th. All tho new books and second-hand books and all student. supplies. Uni versity book store. Webster's "Unabridged" Dictionaries to carry in the pocket at The Co-Op. The neatest thing out. A number of the cadets In the univer sity battalion met Saturday morning to begin taking saber drill. Largo supply of university writing tablets with envelopes to match at the Univorsity book store. Rev. Mr. Manss of the First Congre gational church conducted the chapel exercises Thursday morning. Several fine photographs of tho State University of Ohio havo been re ceived at the chancellor's office. Students are alwayc struck with "A New Thing." See It at The Co-Op, 322 N. Uth. A "Flexible" memo, and cover. Tho first junior theme is due Decem ber 18; the second March 2C, 1900. The senior themes are due January 17, 1900. M. B. Ketchum, M. D., oculist and aurlst. Specialty, correction of abnor mal vision. 220 South 11th St. 'Phono 848. At chapel Friday morning Miss Belle Warner sang and Earl Wehn gave a piano solo. Both were roundly ap plauded. Every Btudent who expects to receive a diploma in February, 1900, Is request ed to report to the registrar before De cember 1. The space between the walks In front of tho main building has been spaded up and one thousand tulip bulbs have beon planted. Dr. Bessoy has been askod by the di vision of forestry to prepare a paper for uso In the history of foreBtry In tho United States. Tho Union society will give Its an nual Thanksgiving feed at tho Model restaurant this evening. A large num ber is expected to bo In attendance. Severnl valuable old books by Do Candollo, Link, Porsoon, Linnaeus nnd others have been received by Dr. Bob- mm4mM "What a man wears is a very reliable iadcx of lis character." VALUE WHEN you ifc ready to buy your new clothes you can sate-, lv cut yourself into our hands. I Conducting our business' as ffc do, and selling such goods as the HART, SCHAFFNER 6 MARX suits and overcoats, we can certainly give you the right clothes and the best possible value for your money. "We "will be just as anxious as you arc to have you pleas ed and satisfied. HART, SCHAFFNER & MARX BSBiB TAILOR MADE CLOTHE3., ARMSTRONG CLOTHING CO., 1013-15-17-19 0 STREET. sey for his private botanical library. The trouble that has ex'cted of late between the different fraternities has been amicably settled by all agreeing to buy coal of Gregory the Coal Man. Tho only thoroughly good placo in tho city whero a. student can get any kind of board that ho wants is at Cam eron's cafe, 114-118 South 11th street. The Latin colloqulm will meot this evening at tho UBiial hour In tho main building. Topics of interest to persons In this line will be under consideration. The Palladium) w'll hold their an nual Thanksgiving feed Wednesday evening in their hall. Many of the alumni are oxpected to be in attend ance. The Dellan and Union societies ad journed their meetings Friday evening in order to attend tho London gleo singers' concert, given by tho Y. M. C. A. at the Oliver. The departments of botany, guology and zoology have Just received a con signment of twenty-six largo show cases from the govornment building ui the exposition in Omaha. Acting Chancollor Bessoy gave a lec ture before tho AgaBslz club of tho high school last Wednesday on "Flold Work In Botany." Dr. H. B. Ward will ad dress tho club this week. The basket ball team will go Into training immediately after tho Thanks giving recess. Tho prospective game with our old rival, Kansas, has already aroused some enthusiasm among the playors. The Palladians varied thoir regular program Friday evening by presenting literary games Instead of a regular pro gram. Several old-fashioned games wore played to tho great enjoyment of all present. Tho following nuw students have reg lstored at -tho conservatory of mualc: Helen Lowrle, Grace Dixon, Constance RIdnour, Alice McGrew, Harriet Davis, Frances Twlford, Eva Johnson, Ida Colee, Mrs. J. M. O'Neil and Charles Beuthner. Suggestions for a sensible Xmas gift at Hanna's drug store. A. A. Water man's fountain ponB from $1.00 to $13.00; medallions from $1.00 to $15.00. Give us a call; we will be glad to show you our Btock. History covers, full size, leather back, lGc each at Horpolsholmor's Book Dopt. A full line of students' notebooks, history paper, theme paper, Faber pencils, lead pencils, etc., at lowest prices. A course on the cuneiform Inscrip tions of the Babylonians and Assyrians will be given in the second semester by Dr. WilBon of tho department of lin guistic science. Tho course Is open to graduate and advanced undergraduate students. Tho Harvard system of entrance re quirements has beon discussed by the committee on courses of study. Sev erul principals und superintendents of the state have commented upon It very fuvorably. Tho univorsity faculties will consider it later. Tho university battullon of cadets appeared Wednesday evening in new uniforms und white gloves for tho first time thlB year. The organization pre sented a fine appearance. Owing to tho bad condition of the grounds tho bat talion wus drilled In tho armory. The following circular has beon sent out to the heads of departments: "For the purpose of providing tho oxecutivo office with a full record, graduate stu dents shall bo reported to the regis trar First, ut tho close of each somes ter as presont or not; after each exam ination passed in a major or minor; when a thesis offered for a degree has been accopted." This wns made a law by the regents April 11). 1890.