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About The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 28, 1899)
EWffi550ffSSSHS n THIS NKBRASKAN-HKSPKRIAN. i.' fta " j i'.M i fi : ., I- : I f'J " .'j 1 '3 I ftii t;rf !t i! THE NEBRASKAN-HESPER1AN -J5 A'WEEKLY NEWSPAPER 'Published at Sift North Elovcnth Stroi-t. IshUcmI Kvory Tuontluy Noon by tho Untvor Hlty.l'iiblislilng Coinpiiiiy. Jintereii as Secomi-Class Mail Matter. ' ' M. I. Sthwakt, H. M. GakkHtt, Managers.- ilmucl or Hdltor. MnntiHlUK KiUtor A. 11. Maxwki.i, City Editor R A. GUBOADKN ASSISTANT CITY HIUTOUH. Oinia L. Hull. U. H. Wossel. HKI'OltTKIIS. Maudo Hnzlott It. H. Andrcson II. U. ltoborts .J. S..W is ... J. B. Hewitt K.W. Hewitt . A. Huston W. II. King Kranli Manchcsur U. Jay Tho Nobraskan-IIesperlan will bo sent to any address upon receipt of tho subscription price, which Is one dollar a year. Contributions are solicited from all. News items such as locals, personals, reports of meetings, etc., are especially desired. Tho Nebraskan-Hesperlan will bo glad to print any contribution relative to a general university subject, but the name must accompany all such. Address all communications to tho University Publishing Co., Box 219, Lincoln, Nebraska. Telephone -170. room here. Already there are several cups of different kinds stored around- In different places in the university which liave been won in contests in for mer years. With some place for such things they could bo placed away whore they could bo on exhibition. Visitors passing through the institution would enjoy seeing them very much. Foot; balls, base balls, basket balls, cups and medals could be placed around in an attractive manner as they aro added by our victorious teams. The institution Is still sufficiently young, so that com--paratlvely all that have been won In- the past could be hunted up and placed here, and it would be ready for addi tions at all times in the future. Of course, the old question of where vq would get room for any such collection at this time- comes up immediately. Perhaps there is no place, yet this' would not necessarily mean that tho move should not bo started now and as many as possible of the things located. found in the armory or some of the other buildings. We would like to see some of the students or members of the faculty tnke hold of this idea. IIMisic and Ipicturc Department vA&l&kzirne,K yfe. g0 We have bought from the Through an oversight the editors of the1 Nebraskan-Hesperian have allowed all', of the issue of October 3 to be ex hausted. Several numbers of this issue are' now in. demand ami. if there are any persdns in tho university who have kept back copies of the paper who are Willing to dispose of the same they will confer a great favor upon the manage ment by leaving them at the office of the paper. , The opportunity offered by Professor tyees of the university to students de siring to take a European tour during the coming summer should attract a large number of young men. The cost of the trip lias been reduced to a mini mum compared to the number of plaeps that are to be visited. This is only rendered possible by the experience which Dr. Lops has already had in this line. He has made several trips al ready, all of which were h'.ghly success ful. We feel sure that the desired num ber of students will appear for this trip within a few days. , One more gume remains for our team this season. From the present outlook It v,ill be one of the most brilliant con tests of the season. Not that Grinnell has a team able to cope with the Uni versity of Iowa eleven, but for the rea son that it promises to be a kicking contest throughout. Wheeler of Grin nell has a record second only to that of Benedict among all of tho teams of tho west. As the matter appears on pallor, Wheeler is stronger on place kicks than on punts, and It is probable that Benedict will surpass him easily on this latter point. On the other hand, If the past records of tho two teams are crl terlons, It will not be safe for either team whose thirty-yard line Is crossed. A large crowd should attend this con test In Omaha on Thanksgiving day and lend Its support to the team, not only at critical moments, but through out tho game. V Wo have noticed in various ex changes that efforts are being put forth in several different places to start tro phy rooms. To tho knowledge of the editors no such an attempt has over been made here, although tho custom Is ojd In several eastern Institutions. After a llttlo consideration, wo feel sure'' that everyone can seo tho good results- that. would como from suqIi a The death or another foot ball player a few days ago has again awakened more or loss comment over the coun try. In the University of Iowa, where the accident happened, foot ball games, were canceled for a length of time. It Is the same old story that has been heard for the past few years about the brutality of the game. Comment scarcely seems to be necessary upon tho situation in Iowa, but a few words upon class foot ball in general may not be amiss. We believe that class games should have some restriction placed upon them, and that only men passed upon by an athletic trainer or a phy sician used to examination of athletes fliould be allowed to enter the game. The death of the player at the Univer sity of Iowa was due purely to the fact that he was not in a physical condition to stand the wear and tear of a hard game. He had been warned by the head of the department of athletics not to go into a game, yet he had done so at his own risk. Further than that, it is stated by physicians that it was not entirely the blow received at the time that ho was carried from tho field that killed him. Theso things should he consideied before any opinions are passed as to the cause of h's death. With some check upon students to keep them from entering Into games at tho wrong time fewer fatalities would re sult. It Is a fact that It Is not the stu dents who are In training that are in jured in the games, but those who piny without sufficient training. In fact, a large number of the deaths and serious accidents occur in high and prepara tory schools and small colleges, whore there is no chance to get training nec essary. We extend our sympathies to the faculty and students of the Univer sity of Iowa, as well as to the parents of the gentlemnn. In the last Issue of the Drake univer sity Delphic considerable space is given up In explanation or how It hap pened that Nebraska could win from that Institution In foot ball. By actual count they find a majority of their team laid up with injuries. Several other things aro set forth very strongly and upon tho whole a vory credible statemont Is made. It may ho that they are right In what thoy say, but It Is our opinion that they lost the game because Nebraska outplayed them by straightforward foot ball. That is tho conclusion reached by nil tho Dns Moines pnpors In the, criticism of the game on tho morning after It was played. "Wo aro willing to give Drake credit for a plucky fight, but not credit for winning a gamo that does not prop- J9el IBP IIP MUELLER PIANO AND ORGAN COMPANY, of Council Bluffs, Iowa, their en tire stock of music and musicial instruments at an immense sac rifice. The stock consists of Sheet and-Book Music, Guitars, Mando lins, Violins, Banjos, Zithers, A u t o h a r p s, Cornets, Horns, Drums and small goods. All this immense stock will be put on sale on Monday, Decem ber 3rd, at prices never before dreamed of in Lincoln. Look out for future advertisements. IIP erly belong to them. In another col umn of the same Issue tho Delphic quotes from the Nebraskan-Hesperian, showing the decision of the Nebraska athletic board in regard to profession alism in that institution. In conclu sion they speak as follows: "It should be noted that the above decision was reached through an Investigation or fncti rather than from the standpoint of po'ley. What Is convincing evidence to the University of Nebraska ought to be worthy of consideration by certain schools of lesser prominence. We await the time when the people 'of Iowa know the difference between a crusade for pure athletics and a combination for boycott and personal defense." As we stated in a previous Issue, we think t that the Institutions of Iowa are mak many of our best orators are- found here. To debar them means to weaken I the chances of the university for win ning the contest. Whether this Is th view taken by the smaller colleges 01 not. It Is true that It Is tho result. With this end In vlow, tho Nebraska asso elation has concluded that the only proper course Is to withdraw from tin Btato association and to form a larger and better one. to be composed of instl tutions of somewhat nearer equal rani' and with a unity of purpose. It is tin desire of the colleges to cultivate a pol tolled form of elocution that will please an audience without sufficient regard to thought. On the other hand, 'state universities have a special type of'ora wry, wnero tno thought counts for Ing a mistake in keeping up a needless ; more than delivery, and where it is tho wanare. 1 0 uring an Institution Into desire of those in charge to develop tho line is not done by means of a com-J faculty of forcible statements,, sudi a binatlon against a certain one, but by Is so common In the ordinary walks ol a little judicious consideration of the life. Only one class of InstltutloiiH subject one with another. While, as a reaches this end, and that is the-state board of editors, wo have not stated university division. Again, the pro that Drake Is above reproach, wo have motors of oratory in this unlversltj said that she could have received bet- realized a vital point and- decided that ter treatment than has been alloted to ; only schools of this class should bo her Wo are not in a position to say eligible In the formation of n new as whether her athletics aro pure or not. relation. Letters were sent to the but wo do say that she needs a fair state universities of Minnesota, Iowa. (!,mm:c' South Dakota, Kansas und Missouri. Already more or less favorable- replies Nebraska men are the originators of lnive been received from some of the a plan to form a new oratorical league, lnstltut'ons, and tho promoters feel Comparatively few people hero lmvo Hiiro that It will bo a suceoss. In case known this. It is true, nevertheless, ' It Is. llttlo doubt oxlsts that it will and tho principal on which thoy aro J enm-a tho formation of aovoral new working is one well worthy of consld-' stto leagues, as in nearly every case oration. Tho orators have realized that will tho universities drop out. Tho thoy aro not treated as an Institution Nebraskan-Hesperian believes that this by tho smaller colleges of tho state, "i-jvo ought to bo supported by tho stu For several years tho same howl has d'-at body, as forcible, up-to-date orn coino to tho effect that students from lory Is one of the essentials that goes any of our professional schools should to mako up- u fully developed univor not enter tho contests. Tt Is a fact that ty man. 1 SKsLIl