Iftffifl " '"" "m .if THE NHHRASKAN-HKSPKU1AN. occupies the southeast corner of .Uio projected quadrangle of buildings on tlio farm. Next Saturday evening there will be a joint debate In Palladlan hall between the Palladlan boys' debating club and the Maxwell debating club. The ques tion Is, "Resolved, That the action of England In the Transvaal is justifia ble." The Palladlans have the affirma tive and the Maxwells the negative. ISveryono is invited. Jean Ingelow's "Songs of Seven" was given by the Palladlan society last Fri day evening. The stage was ri ccoraU.il for the series of tableaux with beauti ful ferns and palms. The following young ladies took active parts: Misses Lowry, Butler, Fowler, Krisman, John ston. Cook and Payne. The hall was crowded and the aud'.ence enthusiastic. We are still looking for a fountain pen to equal that which we sell for C9c. We do not expect to find any thing to equal it in value for tho price and do not believe that you will cither. 12very pen is warranted. We also carry a full line of Waterman's "Ideal" fountain pens, the "Remex" and all other reliable makes. Book Dept, Herpolsheimer & Co. The university debating association held a very exciting meeting Saturday forenoon. A proposed amendment to the by-laws which provided for the se lection of judges from outside the fac ulty was the cause of much contro versy. The members present were nearly evenly divided on the ques tion, the final vote standing 23 to 2fi. The proposed amendment was lost, a two-thirds vote ljeing necessary Saturday evening a joint debate was held in Palladlan "hall between the Pal Indian boys' debating club and llio Delian boys' debating club on the ques tion, "Resolved, That the Philippine islands should he annexed." On the affirmative were C. M. Funk, 1... C. Ughtner and R. I... Waterman of tho Pallad!ans; on the negative C. H. Hind man, R. A. Harrison and W. H. O'Con nell of the Delians. Some good argu ments were produced hy each of the speakers. COLURGE NOTES. President Sehurman reports that the courses in civil engineering and in me chanical engineering in Cornell are so much in advance of those in other in stitutions that there are 192 graduates of other institutions taking the under graduate courses at Cornell. The University of California has es tablished a chair of Cantonese, the principal dialect of the Chinese lan guage. The total attendance at the Chicago public schools during the month of Oc tober was 217,127. The Georgia legislature has beon asked to appropriate $4;')00 lo found a summer school for teachers in the pub lic schools. Among the recant acquisitions of the museum at the University of Michigan If an interesting relic in the form of a tile from an old poicelain tower of Nankin, China. This towor was built In 1413-42 and was destroyed, with the rest of the city, by the insurgents of the Talplng rebellion. The towor whb 200 feet high and octagonal In shape. J n 18(51 Paymaster Calvin C. Jackson of the navy, who was at Nankin tit the time some United States marines wore digging in the ruins for curiosities, se cured tho tile and sunt it to Governor Feloh of Michigan, -whoBe grandson has given it to the university museum. Johns Hopkins university now offers instruction in conversational SjmnlMi. THE CENTURY ;vsVlfcv!w!'!&-Ife- DOUniiE-FEEl) TEN IS THE HEST W ti Kdgerlon, Aponl, UnlvorsHj. DR. JAMES STOCKFIELD, HFMTICT 031 O Street. Lincoln, Ncl.. o,v ti.11 no poMtc Uic Posl onicc. Painless ICxtractions. Uenlvclier .ahna.zt. ;olil till- ' InirsSI fiOaml up; Sil-cr rlllinirs oOccuti a it it iiii; Willie lilliufrs 75 conls and up. Jlci set I leclli J.10 00; Cheap vet of tectli SOO. All Work Guaranteed. Drs. Clutter $ Shannon DENTISTS. Phone 426 1136 0 Street Lincoln 2 ri 2 ! 71 r r. ' V vM 3&- 71 -2 I '1 vM '. vV ', fc be Uooh departments Hcrpolsheimer G Co., Ilojultiuai'torrf for Fountain Pons, History Paper and Covers. Text Rooks and all (1olUiv Supplies. Music and Picture Department We earn a full line of all late and popular Music at half the publishers' price. Pic- g lures and pnoios i rained, ironi X.n upward if If if If if & u. Indian Posters on colored felt mat Platino Types, mounted, SxlO. each. .)C C ZtSV.SV&VF'Vrs aT.w just heen issued and is now heing ills tribute! hy the hydrographic survey at Washington. This bulletin follows closely on one recently published on the same subject by the United States agricultural experimental station. The paper consists of nearly one hundred pages, illustrated by excellent half tono engravings. This is the first bulletin written on the subject of windmills. The ingenious way in which some of the farmers of Ne braska have made their own windmills for grinding grain, irrigation and other purposes, is well known. There are en- ravings of good windmills which were built for not more than seventy-five cents, not counting labor. It contains twenty-seven full page engravings, and twenty-five other illustrations. It dis cusses the water problem in general, artesian wells, rivers, method of raising water hy means of windmills, current wheels, etc. The bulletin can be had by writing to the hydrographic survey at Washington. VI "W" W W" "W tlf VV- W ""Tv""5-;!'-- re it & e 4 i 1 3 3 1 3 1 fiAw& 3rfc& rtirtW .tfjwi l& f&i& &i&iV rtWWfc &i&& &&f& t .fw&A j) A &A& AiArA &wk T Don't you know that there is only one place to have your Clolhes made? They fit, they wear, tliej' look good FOREVER. Fine Tailoring of all kinds. L. J. Herzog, 1032 O Street. a iftfnHH?ivHj? K T T TTTTTTT rr? ?' IHMfgH WJ I 1: I I 1 I I t 'wyrrr-rrr?rr?vrr?vr,i I nf late Your Tires Without! Work Without Price THE WAY TO GO TO CALIFORNIA, is in a tourist sleeper, personally con ducted, via the Burlington Route. You don't change cars. You make fast time. You see the finest scenery on the glohe. Your car is not expensively furnish ed as a palace sleeper, ,hut It is just as clean, jnst as comfortable, just as good to ride In and nearly $20.00 cheaper. It has wide vestibules; rintsch gas, high hack seats; a uni formed Pullman porter; clean hedding; spacious toilet rooms; tables and a heating range. Being strongly -and heavily built, It Tides smoothly; is warm in winter and cool in summer. In charge of each excursion party is an experienced excursion con duel or, who accompanies it right through to Los Angeles. Cars leave Omaha, St. Josaph, Lin coln and Hastings every Thursday, ar riving San Francisco following Thurs- day, Lost Angeles Monday. Only three days from Missouri rlvor to the Pa cific Coast, including a stop-ovor of 1 hours at Denver and 2 hours at Salt Lake City two of tho most In- I tores! lug cities on the continent. For foldor giving full Information, ' call at any Burlington Route ticket of fllco, or write to .T. Fkanois, . Oon'I Passungor Agent, Omaha, Ntib. ; You are invited to use our compressed air plant to inflate your tires. No work for you No charge from us. C. L. SHADER, Bicycle Repairing So. 12th Harvard University. Medical Department BOSTON, MASS. On at nl after Juno, 1!01. carxlidnleft for admin sion mnKt prcnetit a defire in 4rts. Lileratnre, I'hilosophy or Scienco, from a rccofrniwd coIIprp or fccieutiiic t-cliftol, with The exception of Mich person, of f-nitnble nan and attainment, on may he ndtnitt(d lij special vote. of the Facnlty taken in fliich cape For detailed information concerning conrip of inwtrnction, or catalofine, addref h. Dr. Wm. L. Rhhriison, Dean, Harvard Medical CVillecn. RoMon. Mais. Oliver Johnson, D. D. S. DENTIST, 0,rr !KW.?78!rl.'," Lincoln, Neb. NEW BUIjTSTIN ISSUED. Bnlloiln -numbor twonty-nlno of tin1 "United. Stutes geological aurvay on- titled "Wells und WlnflniillH in No- briiHkn," hy TSrwln H. Barbour, bus 1 I I ;r ' i " ' r T 4 X I 1 IE.TVfcJLJra J FASTER THAN EVER. Effective OoL 15, tbo "Union Puolfic will Inaugurate now train Burvtfoo and will reduce tlio time of the Ovailand Limited Train No. 1, hotwuun Chicago, Oouiioil Blurfu mH San Franolsco, 1! hours and 15 minutes. Only 57 hours Missouri river to Paolfic coust. Buffet, smoking and library cars, with harbor trttop, Chlcugo and Council Bluffs to San Francisco und Portland. Throe trains daily lo and from Paolfic coasL "Elegant palace sleeping cars, dhiing cars, dlialr cars. For full Information call on E. B. Slosson, agent. Tho TlHivay to Writ InMtruinutit r 'J'oduy in i Waterman's Ideal Fountain Pen An Indlcpcns&ble convenience for Monarch Bicycles STATEtttll'K. IaAYTYUUH, T'llYfWUAVh, AlITJIOlth, KHI'OttTUItB nnsrs'KHH MUX. 'i'KAOiinith uud ft'J'ITJ'KKTfi Every PEN "Warranted to Give Sat isfaction. Prices According to Value. Cataloeres Furnished. L. E. WATERMAN CO., JLurijtntIFoimtulnTlu'MfrH In tho Woi'lu. 1H7 RroMdwoylWtiw York. Arc recognized the world over as representing; the highest type of excellence in bicycle construction ARE NOW WITHIN KEACH OF ALL Monarch Roadsters $50 Defiance Roadsters $35 King and Queen lioaflBters $25 "Why look further "wlion madilnes ol oBtobliBliei! reputation can lie Lafl at tlii-ue prices Monarch Cliainlcss $75 8uud for OaUilucuo AgoutH -wuutod iu opou -torritory MOHAEOH OTOLE MFff. 00. Holctodond Fulton fits., CHICAGO Church and Boodo Sts., NEW YORK Me a lou&rcli Mfl Keep la Front i