ruH nHbuaskan-hespkrian. II n ! ! " ! : ':i fl q .; .) I'M I w I .r Personals. Mrs. HJamOs hits takon chnvgo of the musical department 6'f lhb vfamfln's club. W. B. Hun tov, '97, of Ponca visited friends and shouted for the team Sat urday. Miss Herbortn Jaynes. '02, of Omaha was in Lincoln l'Vtlny to visit Dolta Gamma. George Shcdd of Ashland and Burton Christie of Omaha attended the game Saturday. It. V. Hidden and wife are both vovy seriously 111 with typhoid fever at St. Mary's hospital. Jack Sumner. '00, "of Omaha wn in this city last week for the Phi Delta Theta festivities Miss Kathor!ne Lutnory of Fullorton The second term of the conservatory of mus'c began this week with twenty new students. Professor Swezcy gave a short talk in ehapol last Wednesday morning on meteoric showers. All the now books and second-hand books and all student supplies. Uni versity book store. Gas fixtures have been placed In the library halls for lighting the building early in the morning. barge supply of university writing tablets with envelopes to match at the University book store. The Union society will not merit this ifriday, but Instead will attend tho Y M. C. A. entertainment. Third year French classes nro now reading Loti's "Pcchcur rt' Islamic" and The young man who docs not heed nts dress is neglecting one of the most important steps to a successful career. has heen formally pledged to the Delta Kactne's tragedy. "Esther." Delta Delta fraternity. Largo stock of U. of N. writing G A. Davles. 'OS. of Rising City came paper now in at The Co-op, S22 N. in Friday evening to witness the Kan -as-Nebraska game and see old friends Robert H. Manlcy. '97. of Fremont was in tho city last Friday to attend the Phi Delta Theta party and the foot hall game. Casslus Fisher of the geological de partment wont to Beatrice Saturday to 11th. Envelopes to match. Wednesday evening the cadet bat talion put in the drill hour practicing rooting for the foot ball game. Papers from the state farm are now brought in regularly every Aveek to the state historical society rooms. Fred Willis of Omaha has heen se- look over some stone quarries in that j cured to make one of the addresses 'at neighborhood, i the committeeman's dinner December Miss Rolle von Mansfield, M. A.. 'OS. 1-i-a follow this year in pyschology, has f All students in scientific eoursfls heen elected principal of the high should have copies of Wrapson & Gee's school of Stromsburg, Neb. .lohn H. Barry, law '93, visited his brothers. F. W. and .1. D. Barry, a short time last Saturday. He has just been re-elected county judge of Saunders county. Germa'n Towlo, an old university nod First Nebraska boy. spent a few hours on the campus last Thursday. He is now a ruportur on the World Herald at Omaha. Samuel MeEllias, formerly second lieutenant of Company F, First Ne braska, entered tho law department last week. He was the fusion candidate for ounty dork in Madison county but was defeated. 1OCALS. J).-. Wen to, ddnt!sL Gregory the Coalman. Harper, sli rts, 1012 0 street Now books University Book Store. Test tube swabs at Untveisity book H'oro. hi in the departments from which they came. The latest books in at Tho Co-op, 822 N. 11th. Try Westorflold's egg slmmpoo, for dandruff. Writing tabltits full lino at 'Uni versity book store. Fine "Pennant" wrlt'ng ipapor at The Co-op, H22 N. 11th. "Pennant" tmi. writing paper in boxes at Tho Co-op, 1122 N. 11th. Waterman ideal, Ruinox and Luke- Hioe puns at University book store. tables, an epitome of sc.'fint'fic informa tion. M. B. Ketehum, M. D., oculist ai'd aiirist. Specialty, correction of abnor mal vision. 22C South 11th St. 'Phone S4S. The students, like the majority of cit izens, are buying their coal of C. B. Gregory this winter. It will pay you to interview him. The Y. W C. A. will hold a Thanks giving service next Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock. Miss Kyle will load. All are cordially invited. The Pallad'ans contemplate giving a number of special entertainmonts dur ing tho year. The matter is now in the ' hands of a committee The regular musical program at ' chapel time was postponed Friday mornfng in order for all to practice songs 'for the Saturday game. Tho following new members worp i" , (dived into the Pnllaflian societj last Friday evening- Miss Bertha Blynn, .'I. T). Barry and Mr. Rinkor. ). S. Hunter of the ontoirolog'cal do-, partment addressed the Agassiz club of the high school last Wednesday after-j noon on "How to Preserve "Birds." I The only thoroughly good place In ' the city where a student can got any Kind Of board that he wants is at Cam (iron's oafe, ll-Mis South 11th street.. Dr. Lowrle of the Omaha theological seminary is to address tho students at some time between Thanksgiving and Christmas on tho subject or "Bible Study." Acting Chancellor Bossoy spoke to WMxESlSM mmnztoim TOP COATS IF you think of buyirg a top coat this season we would like to snow you Hk;thc new styles mtdc by MART, SCHAraNEK 6 MARX English Covert Cloths and Whipcords, Cheviots, Vicu nas &nd soft fnished Kerseys, silk sleeve linings, strap seams, horn buttons: also made of the Stylish double faced goods with fancy plaid tack. HART, SCHAFFNER MARX 'JuJfcSS '3m m K fe TAtLOn - MADE CLOTHES. J wiSBaS-2 ARMSTRONG CLOTHING CO., 1013-15-1719 0 STRCEL For up-to-tlato unlvorsity hair out ' plf 5i,B U, T mvmkl u ,-o to Wostorfleld, the harbor, 117 N. ! H' ly ovonlnB. His subject go 13th. was "Nature Schools." Study in tho (public rlt Mlllf tlwwl fWkltllfr t..l., ttr..... viiiii inui iUUlJJli, Lilltl- IV rilllllllll tit. & Onn'i. .....H,..,,..,t i ..,. ..I...L ,' ," mm'or t,le Y. W. C. A. now 1U,,,M " ""'"""hold wcokly cabinet mentings. Thwy ,,.,, v w r a i -i i i . n"(1 U,BBe "100t,"8 " "' of groat u Ilo V . ( A b bio classc are be- gi8tIull!C. , flIrUlul.:g ,, ,, f , "omlng so large that now oiioh must be association. formed. T , ,. . 'be Nebraska school masters' olub The senior olass ot the Beatrice high mot at the Lincoln hotel Friday ovu Ueh ,U J' t,Ul ,m,V0r8ity ,U",lng:1"- 8niHT w. sorvod. ,. W. Zl, J ,troo road a paper on "Tho Secondary 'i'he HOnlotvHophonioro foot ball game School and the College" lias .bean again postponed until th's , A large and enthusiastic crowd m Vuf Z ' T B"n,,m WOre lmHm i Htu,,0,,tB nt the 'B.n.lit.gtt m I p last wedkgive the tirs, toan, ,,. I ,,rday to receive the "Kunsat foot ball ' ; ' mum- The uiiivoi-R'ty cadet battalion and band were marched down from tho armory and helped swell the throng The Kansas men were escorted to the Lincoln hotel by the band and cadets. A match game of hoop ball is played every Monday and Wednesdav evening in the gymnasium. The contests are between the teams of the various nth letic and gymnasium classes. New fencing has been built around all or the corrals at the university farm. It Is oxpected to carry on ex tensive caUlc and Sheep feeding expui monts there during the coming winter. Many complaints will be heard when the now directory comes out because some addresses are not correct. There Is still sullicienl time to correct ad dresses. Attend to this matter at once. The library has recently received two volumes of "Speeches and Ora tions" by Chaiincoy M. Dopow. Bach volumo Is inscribed in Iris own hand writing, "Compliments of Chauncry M IJopew." Ohapol exorcises last Monday morn ing wore led by Phs Lyon, trnvnling secretary or the student voiiiulaor movomont. She spdko briefly mid carnostly of tho work in which she Is engaged. HiBtory cuvurs, full size, loalhur badk, ICc oaoh at Tlorpolsholmor's Book Dupt. A full lino (Jf Htudonts' notebooks, history paper, thomo papor, Pabor ponolls, load poncilB, otc, at lowest 'prices. A few days roma'n before tho stu dents' directory will go to press. Those who have not corrected their addresses are urged to do so ut once. The nfl drosBes will appear as they are on the registrars' book. IE. rt. 'llngloy ha BlVun a co,jol(1 file of thoUtloHpoKlan for Uhe yoars IRS'fi 80 to the university library. Such a ill" as this forms a valuable source from which to get much of tbepMst hi tory or the university. In various towns of this state clulN for the extension of the study of mush have been organized. The musical part of the program is furnished by differ out instructors, who go out from tlx u n i vers! ty conservn tory. V. C. Barber of the experiment si a tlon has gone to .Harrison, Neb., at tin request of the citizens there to give m. eddrcss on prevention and treatment of I certain animal diseases at present I prevalent in that section. In a ehapol talk last Tuesday Acting Chancellor Bessey spoke on the out come of the foot ball game with Drak and urged the students to be presem and cheer as never before for the scar let and cream In the Kansas game Sat urday. At a meeting or the committee on n credited schools the following resolu tion was adopted: "Resolved, That ti" school with less than three years ol high school work, aggregating at least one hundred periods, should be pluced on the accredited list." Tliore are many in the unlvorsltj who have poll tax to work out before Hecombor 1. The employment bureau of the Y. M. C. A. lias on its list a num ber of young men Who win ho glad to work H.Ib out. Drop Into the Y. M. C A. rooms and leave your name. Miss N. .1. Common of the library staff in arranging tho collection ol the0B submitted for degrees whloh has accumulated at the library during the past eight yoars. All those submitted In substantial binding will be cata logued and the entire collection group The agricultural experiment stntiou building on the university farm Is near lug completion. It is expected to oc onpy it by January 1. The building will house most of the olllces und lab oratorios of the oxporimont station