The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, November 21, 1899, Page 4, Image 4

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Published at 3 North Elovcntli Stret't.
Issued 1'vory Tuosriiiy Xoonlty tlioUnlvor
Hlty I'libllslilng: Company
Entered as Seeoiui-Ctass Jfaii Matter,
while the visitors depended entirely I nnd in the course of time dlslurhcd the
Tho Nobrnskan-llcsperlan will be
sent to any address upon recoipt of tho
subscription price, which is ono dollar
a year.
Contributions are solicited from all.
News itoms such as locals, personals,
reports of meetings, etc., are especially
desired. Tho Nebrnskan-Hcsporlnn
will bo glad to print any contribution
relative to a general university subject,
but tho nnmo must accompany all such.
Address all communications to tho
University Publishing Co., Box 219,
Lincoln, Nebraska.
upon end runs nnd line bucks. Bono
diet's exhibition cannot receive too
much credit from any ono who saw it.
Four goals from the field without a bad
play or a fumble stored up against him
throughout tho game,, not to mention
several brilliant end runs and some al
most impossible tackles, will win for
him a place in the heart of evory stu
dent upon the foot ball Hold Saturday.
Tho treatment given to the Kansas men
was a decided contrast to that of two
years ago. Nearly six hundred students
mot tho team at tho train and escorted
them to their hotel. No unpleasant
rles wore indulged in on tho field, such
as often mnr tho game. We sincerely
hope that a bettor fcling may charac
terize tho two institutions in tho fu
ture than has In the past.
. . 1 i . .1.. I..m1Iai1 rsttr
young lady suuiiousty i.iui.u-u nj
much. The following Monday the as
sistant manager of the foot ball team
received a package of tickets and a
note, short nnd curl, stating that it
would bo impossible for a certain
young lady stud'ously inclined to sup
port such a howling mob as the one
that disgraced itself in tho library on
tho previous Saturday evening. The
moral is sufllclontly strong to Impress
itself on any of the readers of these
few words without being stated here.
I NO. 6 3
The management of tno foot ball
team desires to settle up accounts with
nil students who took tickets for tho
gam Saturday. A number of persons
have not yet accounted for their share.
It holds tho work of tho manager in
check until these arc pa'd in. Money
should bo loft at the ofTlce of the Ne-brnskan-Hesporlnn
as soon as possible.
Through an oversight the editors ot
the Nebrnsknn-Hesperian have allowed
all of the issue of October 3 to be ex
hausted. Several numbers of this issue
ni'e now in demand and if there are any
persons in tho university who have
kept back copies of the paper who are
willing to dispose of tho same they will
confer a great favor upon the manage
ment by leaving them at the office of
the paper. "
Students aro requested by the Y M.
0. A. to see that their addresses arc
properly given to the registrar at onc-
I'nless this is done there Is liable to bu
u large number of blunders in tho book
when it appears that will in a large
nvnsuro hurt its effectiveness. An ex
tra amount of effort is being put forth
at this time, and It is hoped that a suc
cessful directory may be brought out,
but unless tho co-operntlon of the stu
dents is obtained this will be impossi
ble Jt is the intention of those in
charge to give the c!ty address, the
home address, the class and tho socie
ties to which each student belongs.
This will make an invaluable and use
ful book.
Suggestions through the columns of
tho Nebrnskan-Hosperfan to the effect
Hint chess and whist clubs be organ
ized in the university oem to bo meet
ing with tho approval of a great many
students. It is now very evident that
both will bo acted upon. Promoters of
"noli stnto that a large number are sig
nifying tholr Intention to enter con
tests. No valid reason exists why each
should not bo a success Support Is, of
ourso. neccsary, but from indications
this will bt forthcoming as soon as the
tournaments are fairly started. A
placo for holding tho contests has not
yet 'boon secured, but It Is thought that
somo of the fratornltles will place their
nouses at the disposal of those inter
ested. If this is done it will simplify
matters greatly and will assuro the suc
cess of the meetings.
Anothor defeat was stored up against
tho university Saturday afternoon, but
it was only after ono of tho hat-dost
fought gridiron battles that has over
boon scon on tho campus. It was a
struggle different in ninny ways from
any ever st?n hero. Kicking was tho or
der of tho day for tho Ndbraska team,
A limited amount of complaint hns
been heard about tho university library
about tho way tho books of fiction are
handled. Theso volumes are not free
to tho'studonts, as aro othor books, and
studonts nnd instructors in English
who must use them a great deal say
that they aro given groat inconven
ience. WhMo it is evident to any one
why this is done, it is at the same time
bad that It is necessary to restrict any
one clnss of matter. "Works of fiction
nlwnys have a peculiar fascination for
studonts, and it is very easy to get in
terested in a book, carry it off home
without obtaining permission from the
librarian, with full Intention of finish
ing and returning it, and then in the
course of a few days to forget that the
volume has not been taken back. In
this way ninny works are m'ssed. The
loss Is not so great when it Is an indi
vidual book, mu when it is ono of a
set considerable difficulty may bo ex
perienced iivroplacing it. This makes
the position of the librarian hard. To
protect tho books means to bring
troubles upon his head; not to protect
them appears to be a shirking of duty.
It is to be hoped that some satisfactory
method may be devised whereby the
books may be protected and still be In
a position where students may get at
them without making extra trouble for
the library assistants.
JJ leaves Lincoln at 5:13 a.m., ar-
w rives at Chicago 8:10 p. m.
a daylight ride. The finest
""Under 'the' bend of "Sympathy" the JJJ train in America and it goes
Vidette-Beportcr speaks as follows con-1 n v;a tie Burlington,
corning Drake university: m
1 City Ticket Onlce, Cor. 10th and 0 Sis. m
1 Telephone 235 m
"The I. S. C. Student hns formally
tendered her sympathy to poor, perse-
ISiirtliigtoii Depot, 7th St., Hot. t and O
Telephone -'.).
Colorado, Utah,
California and Oregon
The ridiculous side of school life
comes to light occasionally in very un
expected circumstances. At the mass
meeting of the students some time ago
a certain young lady of the institution
pledged herself to sell ten tickets to
the Kansas game. She did in perfectly
good faith and deemed it a favor to the
association which would not soon be
forgotten. She was not wrong In her
Ideas in this case, Inasmuch as she was
ono of tho few young Indies, or old
ones either, for that matter, who ioal
Izcd tho necessity of working for ath
letics in Nebraska. All was Avell with
nor after tho mooting closed, except for
the fact that she was very studious.
Saturday evening some one unfor
tunately telegraphed from Des Moines
that Nebraska had won the game there
that day. A few of tho students imme
diately assumed that It was tholr duty
to make a little noise to show their ap
preciation for the affair. In tho courso
of time other students thought that
thuy ought to do something also. They
joined with the first students. St'll
othor studonts joined later, and soon a
goodly numbor wore showing apprecia
tion for tho tenm. With tho crowd
finally together, a visit to the library
was proposed. This was all right ox
copt for ono thing. A certain young
lady who had taken ten tickets to bo
sold for ilio Kansas-Nebraska gumo
happened to bo studiously Inclined and
was in the library preparing somo les
sons for tho future. Tho students
Direct Lino
to aft
- uanr
2 trains dally to Denver and Colorado points
J trains dall to San Francisco and California
.' trains dally to Salt Lake City and Utah
t train dally to Portland and North I'aeifk
Coast points, with direct connections for
Taconia nnd Seattle.
S3T" l'or time tables, folders, illustrated
hooks, pamphlets descriptive of the tcrriton
traversed, call on
Bs flis2r TijVM mm ft
r . i- IMf i
- Av, "-JWV-
cuted Drake, tho one groat advocate of
purity in athletics, for having lost the I rt tte fr3449944943(t
game in which they were to win the
championship of 'Iowa, Missouri, Ne
braska and Kansas,' and calls the at
tention to the fact that Drake will this
year probably lose 'the championship
from tho Mississippi to the mountains."
"While wo would as willingly extend
the ont'ro sympathy of this Institution
in such a case, still, recognizing that
spirit which could see tho champion
ship of the middle west in the Drake
Nebraska game, we would rather sug
gest that Inasmuch as the largest guar
antee over offered Purdue was not suffi
cient to schedule a Thanksgiving game
with Drake, they exercise tho same
vivid imagination and schedule another
game with Lenox college on Thanks
giving for the championship from
Maine to California."
The editors of the Nebrnsknn-Hes-per
an fall to see tho force of state
ments of this kind In the columns of
nny paper for the promotion of good
fellowship between institutions. Every
body realizes the attitude that Ames,
Grinnell and tho State University of
Iowa assume toward Drake. The mo
tive which has Impelled them to do
this Is good and should be emphnsized
However, we cannot fall to question
any attempt to bring about harmony In
this manner. It is certainly true that
harmony should exist for the -welfare
of athletics in the state. It is also true
that the three Institutions mentioned
desire that something bo done to bring
back the good feeling. Nothing will be
gained in the long run. and when it is
time for a reconciliation tho trouble
will be a hundred times harder to over-1
come. Drake is undoubtedly to blame !
for somo of the statements that she has I
made, yet it is necessary in this, as '
well as in everything else, to make a
certain amount of sacrifice in order to
keep harmony. To anjnterested out
slder the move on tho part of the three
colleges seems to be something that
could easily have been averted If the
proper amount of effort had been put
E. B. SLOSSON, Agent.
Short line and quick service to Nebraska
City, Falls City, St Louis and all points
South, East and West
City Ticket Olflce, 1039 "0" St.
G P. T A.
C P &T A
Students of tho university who are
not subscribers of tho Nebrnsknr lies
perian aro requested to call t,t the I nl
vorslty book storo and inspect the new
college calendar which is on exhibition
there. It Is a work of art and mer.t
representing twelve of the oldest col
leges in this country, engravings In the
colors of tho respectivo institutions.
Tho yell of each university Is also en
graved on each one. It is a most beau
tiful work and would muke a very wol
come Christmas prosont. It is Bold
other places in tho city for $1.25. It
you will leave this amount ?1. 25
with tho University Book Co. for a sub
scription to the Nobraskan-Hcsperiati
for the romalndor ot the yoar your
name will be placed on our list and vou
will bo presented with ono of these
handsome calendars, it is an olfor ti.m
n.ww.uL WB overlooked,
EFfrjP ?Mr4 K BbH
flnll l .....i
Kommvluif m.iuii.r i ,..i .. , f .., f" hi mm see
,....., ..v. .,.,,, u.nuivu inu iiurnry " vviuhuii.
DoJyou know
your own mind?
Yes, you will say, I havo my opinions
You do kmv what you think; but do you
know how you think, r,Ay you think, the
91 manner and the eeauion of ' our thinking ?
Do you know your pupils tttfnJ, your
child s mind, in this sense?
important points, these days I Not to
ha posted on these question may be to
just vshi your one great go.d as teacher
or parent I They are answered In our
Oordy's Nrtu Psychology. $i 35, postpaid.
Monty rtunJtd f not perfectly tattsactory.
KOTOS & H0B7.E, Publishers g
4-5-13-14 Coopr laBtltcte H. Y. City
chooJbook$tfaUpubUiher$atoneilort. '