The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, November 21, 1899, Image 3

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Tile 6nioT clHsH held u special meet
lug Hist Mldiiy Uftflrnoon In the chapel
to heiir tlio toport Of some Important
eo'mrnlttefesi The chairman of the com
irilttee appointed to secure a commence
ment orittor reported progress, Chutin
coy M. Depew, President Adams of
Wisconsin and Other noted men are
being considered. L. V. Pettrsoil re
ported for the committee on class In
signia. The committee On chiss book
reported that It was held advisable for
the class to publish a book, and It dug'
gestcd the following officers: Editor-in-chief,
Paul Weeks; business mana
gers, C. M. Funk and D. J. Adams; as
sociate editors, Misses Grace Cook,
Laura Stratton, Eugenia Macken, Mario
Kennedy, Katherlne Woods and Grace
Rushton; chief artist, Miss Barbara
The class voted to consider the mat
ter of class Insignia and elect the man
agers and editors at a special meeting
to be called on Friday, November 24.
Fourteen seniors were then appointed
on a motion made by one of the senior
foot ball team as a committee to keep
the crowd off the field during the com
ing contest with the sophomores. Each
man was to be armed with a base ball
The sophomore class meeting held
Thursday, November Mi, was not well
attended. It was with difficulty that a
quorum was gotten together. The meet
ing was called to order by President
Nelson and a committee, composed of
Atiss EVerlnghtim and Messrs. Barker
and Potts, was appointed to draw up
resolutions giving the support Of the
rlflss to all athletic teams, and the foot
bull team in particular. Messrs. Gar
r'tt, Thomas and Barker were appoint
ed to solicit subscriptions for the pay
ment of some money still due the
"Sombrero'' for space taken by the class
in the last issue. The committee ap
pointed to draw up the necessary
amendments and by-laws of the consti
tution was composed of Miss Barrett,
Miss Sparks, Mr. Quinn, Mr. Potts and
Miss Harts;. A committee was named
to decide on new colors and a now class
yell, it being decided that the old
colors, brown and blue, were too com
mon for so brilliant and promising a
class. The members of the committee
wore Messrs. Rhodes, Warren and Neil
The Delian society will give this pro
gram on Friday evening:
Recitation Mr. Goo!:l
Story Jessie Pyrlla
Reading Clarence Allen
Paper "In Training for Admirals'
C. E. Teach
Former members of the First Ne
braska regiment effected a permanent
organization Wednesday afternoon.
Officers were elected for the first sem
ester as follows: W. J. Hunting, presi
dent; 0. W. Meier, vice president; S.
V. Hall, secretary-treasurer. A consti
tution and by-laws were adopted. Tlir
name of the organization Is to be the
Eighth Army Corps Club of the Univei
slty of Nebraska. Any student of the
university who has seen service in the
Philippines In any United States army
organization and has an honorablo dis
charge is eligible to membership. Tho
club is organized for social purposes
and to keep the boys In touch with
each othor. It will meet on the first
Monday evening of each month. Some
kind of a war program 1b expected to
bo given utiring the year. There jire
thirty members of the First Nebraska
In the university.
A reception in honor of Miss Lyon
Avas given by the girls of tho Y. W. 0.
A. last Monday afternoon from 4 to G
o'clock. It wns hold in the girls' pa
lor In the main building. Tho room
was prettily decorated with tho univer
sity colors, scarlet and cream, and
palms, screens, couches and numerous
sofa pillows added to the general cozl
noss. Ices were served. While the
room was crowded Miss Lyon spoke
briefly of the work of tho student volunteers,
s. ?eeg-d
Prof. Conway MacMillan of the Uni
versity of Minnesota, an alumnus of
the University of Nebraska, is the au
thor of a volume on plant life, which
the University of Minnesota has just
published In an edition of 10,000. Tho
typography of the edition Is far above
the ordinary, due to the careful atten
tion Professor MacMillan has given the
G. F. Warren, '97, and Jessie L.
Stanton, '99, who are teaching in the
Fnirbury high school this year, have
been in Lincoln the past week, the
Fairbury schools having closed on ac
count of prevailing sickness.
The list of alumni which hns been
compiled during the past year by the
registrar, Miss Smith, assisted by Miss
Quaintnnce, has been placed with Jay
, Barrett for criticism and correction.
Much time nnd labor have been spent
i in trying to secure a correct list. Two
and three letters have been sent to
each graduate of the university and a
list of 1,200 names has been secured.
This leaves a few alumni who have not
been heard from. Graduates who have
lately changed their place of residence
i or who have not already reported the
1 same to those having the work in
I charge are asked to send the same at
once to Jay Barrett or H. G. Shedd of
the executive office.
C. M. Sklles, '93, law '95, was elected
county Judge on tho fusion ticket in
Butler county. J. H. Barry, law '93,
was re-elected county judge on the fu
sion ticket In Saunders county. W. H.
Rhodes, '90, was elected county super
intendent of Jefferson county on the fu
sion ticket. Mr. Rhodes was also hero
in '97-8, posting in hiBtory. Some of the
university alumni were unfortunate.
A. Ballenbach, '98, was defeated for
county clerk and C. M. French for
county superintendent. Both of these
were running on the republican ticket
In Richardson county. E. E. Bonor
was defeated for county superintendent
on the republican ticket In Jefferson
county. E. Howe was defeated for
i county surveyor on the fusion ticket In
I Pawnee county. J. A. Storch was do
i feated for county superintendent on the
icpubllcan ticket In Nance county. Mr.
Storch was second lieutenant of Com
pany C, First Nebraska. S. H. Martin
was defeated for county superintend
ent on the republican ticket In Saline
county. Most of these mon got their
full party vote, however.
Tables have been ordered for tho
Historical society rooms to accommo
date those who wish to study there.
Bids are to be let soon by the stnto
printing board for binding papers that
have been collected this year. There
will be about five hundred volumes In
A half-tone portrait of Senator Thurs
ton has been added to the collection of
tho State Historical socloty.
Miss Jennie Smith of this city has
brought in a bundle of old newspapers,
some of them dating back to 1820.
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