THK NEB RASKAN-HKSPKRIAN. in n m m 1?!' M:i f iii M 8fi 'I.. r i i tod i j i i" : . vir ll HI backs were heavier and mado up In weight what the Towa men lind in ppeed. The line-up: Kansas. Nebraska. Gavin left end Drain Algie left tackle Pcarso Hess center Koehler "Woodward . . . .left guard Brow Smith right guard Ringer "Mlcox right tackle. ..Kingsbury Westover Noflnger right end Cortelyou Owens quarterback Crandall Moore right half Benedict Tuckor loft half Williams Hunter Avery (capt.) ..fullback. Gordon-Carver Officials: Cornell, referee; Barnes, umpire; Hastings and Hamilton, time keepers: Andreson and Smith, l'nes-men. MM$$MM) HOOP BALL GAMES. The games of hoop hall played thus far between the gymnasium classes have been hotly contested. The first of the series played last Monday evening between the 11 o'clock and 3 o'clock classes resulted in a vic tory for the 11 o'clock class by a score of 40 to 11. Wednesday evening the 1 o'clock and the S o'clock classes put up a spirited game. The 1 o'clock class showed unexpected strength and won handily by a score of 40 to !). The schedule for the roma'ning games has been changed slightly. Wednesday evening the 3 and 8 o'clock (lasses will play; Monday. November J7. the 11 and 8 o'clock classes, and Wednesday. November 21), the ?, o'clor and 1 o'clock classes. Warn WJw Si--"- w T ,, .... COPVRiC! A TRIP TO EUROPE:. Dr. .7. T. Lees is planning to take a party of students from Lincoln during the coming summer for a trip of three months through Europe. For some time he has made plans for this expe dition, and from present indications a successful outcome for the trip is ev!-" dent. The party will bo limited to twelve or fifteen, and all must bo men. It is desired to leave here some time between .Mine 1 and 10 and to return about ninety days later. England. France, Switzerland, Germany. Hol land, and a trip down the Rhine will probably be the attractions offered. This will be loft entirely with the per sons who take the offer and go on the trp. As soon as six or eight persons sig nify their intention to go a meeting will bo called and a plan of action de termined upon. All students and alumni will Im eligible. It is also ex pected to make the Par's exposition one of the chief attractions of the tour. On account of the exposition it will be necessary to engage passage much earlier than usual. The party should bo formed before the holidays and a start made upon the preparations. Es timates of the cost are about $300, or slightly more. This will also depend upon the students who go. If It is their desire to include certa'n extras, which are not actually essential. It will be done. Thanksgiving is coming and all stu dents will need a ton of Excelsior Nut at SO. 2." delivered. Whitebreast Co., Office 109 So. Hth Street. Telephone 234, g irniiut.imafffp & s You Want the Finest We Have it ssvsyiv WATCH FOR METEORS. Last week was a season of vigils in the astronomical department. Profes sor Swezey and his assistants spared no efforts in studying the meteoric showers. On Tuesday and Wednesday nights Professor Swezey went to a point about ten miles out from Lincoln, leaving Joel Stebblns to make observa tions here. By comparing the observa tions made at two different points Pro fessor Swezey hoped to be able to com pute the height of the meteors from the earth. An attempt was made to pho tograph some of them, but very faint traces wore secured. One hundred and twenty-seven in all were counted, Nearly all of those wore seen on Tiich day night, Wednesday and Thursday nights being cloudy. Drawing Papers Crane's, Weston's, Whatman's. History Paper All sizes and varieties. Lead Pencils All kinds. Try the Blaisdell paper covered pencil, ic. A full line of Fountain Pens Waterman, Remix, and Lake side. Wholesale Prices on the Lakeside Fountain Pen University Book Go. MAIN BUILDINC. We Want- StUdent Boarders Fiwninlifd lioomxiu ('mined ion THE PALACE. 1130 N St. Good Work- larkson Laundry fiompany -yM& 330 -332-334-336-338-340 South 11th St. wt Popular Prices. Students Especially Invited lo Call. R. fit . BARBER SHOP 1141 O Street. Francis Bro's Capital Cafe 121 NORTH Mill StREET. Oysters, Fish and Came in Season. Cl. MM. W &UV tfsffl W Hi iiiis Etching Matte. A tuw nnnrr It ic rlri-J ...-K -- ..w., .ri. jswf i, iij; iu wuitv yl iiuu prouuees permanent rcsu ts. 1 Call and see sample prints ' II. Norlli Klcvi'iilliSlrecl to n n n 'J I OiipiMlir nh lllrliardt lllnrk gj, U. U6rUlP0i1 They Like to Trade With Us 15c. Meals our Specialty, Open All Night. Who? The University Boys. We are up-to-date along all lines::::::::::::::::::; 117 O HTItKKT, I