The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, November 14, 1899, Page 8, Image 8

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Mr. Editor: I desire to correct what
was evidently an error of your devil In
my letter of last week. Instead of cost
ing $2 or ?2.50 each to arrange for ti
tournament, I wrote ?2 or $2.50 a pair.
That would, make it ?l or ?1.25 each.
However, I have just been informed
that one of the fraternity houses could
be had, free of charge, for such a con
test. It is safe to say that we could
easily arrange for the game at an ex
pense of not more than 75 cents each.
A number of students have spoken
to me about the preliminary arrange
ments for a tournament such as out
lined. If there are others interested
let 'em speak out in meeting. As soon
as sixteen signify a desire to try their
hands we can get together and appoint
a committee to arrange all the details.
Nov. 10, 1899. N. C. ABBOTT.
Editors Nebraskan-Hesperian: Cor
nell is at present more than usually In
terested in foot ball. The cause of this
Is Cornell's well-earned victory over
Princeton on October 23. The two
teams played good ball, though both
made some bad fumbles, and Cornell
was given twenty yards during the
game for Princeton's off-side play. Cor
nell's winning goal was made on a
pretty drop kick from the field by her
little quarterback, George Young. The
game, by the way, was remarkable for
the amount of punting on both sides.
This victory, so earnestly worked for,
but not expected, has aroused much in
terest and enthusiasm, all the more
since it followed several unsatisfactory
Tictories against small colleges. The
enthusiasm consisted in an immense
gang of students putting in about three
hours after 11 p. m. the night of the
game at a regular Fourth of July cele
bration, including three great bonfires
in the center of the town, and other
things. People here even hope that the
'varsity eleven will win against Colum
bia, who has suddenly become formid
able, on election day and against Penn
sylvania on Thanksgiving.
The university opened late this year
and with two holidays. These were not
in the calendar, nor were they expect
ed. September 2CJ and 30 were "Dewey
days" and were observed here by hav
ing no school work. The president's
annual address to the students was
gh en September 28 in the gymnasium,
which was packed full. He did what
many expected and what all of us
hoped he would do gave us his views
as to what the country should do in the
Philippine islands. They are the most
able and sensible views which have
been issued and are well worth read
ing. The address was published In the
American monthly Review of Reviews
for November.
The total enrollment is larger than
over, as is the case with almost all
American colleges, about 2,250 in all
departments, with about 550 freshmen.
The completion of an addition to
Morse ball places the department of
chemistry in the best circumstances as
regards material equipment of any sim
ilar department in this country, and
7erhaps abroad certainly in
lines. The addition elves room to the
"brandies of inorganic and of physical
ohemistry and contains beside full lab
oratories, general and special, in these
two liranches, the liest spectroscopic
JNG PAPEli. V. of N. paver
mi tablet 8, Envelopes to match....
:1'22 North lltli Si.
The Students' Go-Operative Book Go,
analysis laboratory to be found any
where and as good gas and assay lab
oratorios as can be made.
This building adds another to the
plain, but most solid and useful, collec
tion of buildings, situated on one of the
most beautiful sites for a university
that could be found anywhere. The
large campus located on the top of one
of the hills at the end of Cayuga lake,
and dominating the city nearly four
hundred feet below, and with two beau
tiful gorges running through It, forms
a picture of which words or photo
graphs can give no adequate Idea. So
I shall not try. The place, especially
the gorges and the lake, though pretty
and wild, has its dangers and nearly
every year claims one or more victims.
Somebody falls Into the gorges on a
dark night or is drowned in the lake,
e.ther while sailing or skating.
A very sad and strange accident ha;
pened a week ago, of which probably-.
you have seen some account in the
papers. E. Fairfax Berkeley, the only
son of a St Louis family and the third
of his name, was drowned in a canal
at Geneva, this state. How, no one
knows. He was a freshman here and
went to Geneva with seven or eight
others, in company of a delegation of
Cornell Kappa Alphas, to be initiated
into this society at the chapter house
of the society at Hobart college, their
own here having burned last winter.
His death took place in the afternoon
and was in no way connected with the
initiation ceremonies of the society.
The student body and everyone else was
deeply stirred. A mass meeting of stu
dents was held, a committee appointed
to draw up resolutions of sympathy
with the boy's parents, also with the
society. A committee of the faculty
has been appointed to investigate, it is
said, at the society s request. Its re-1
port is not yet known.
Two thousand copies of the reports
of the state horticultural society have
been jecived and are in the h'storical
society rooms.
The first draft of the newspaper bul
letin is ready for inspection.
Owing to the sickness of the carpen
ter, the case for the First Nebraska
Philippine collection has not been com
pleted. In June, 1890, the Hesperian pub
lished a list of all the periodicals ac
cessible to the students. Librarian Bar
rett has received a call for a copy of
some tliis paper to go to the university ex
hibit at the Paris exposition.
"Hie reports from the American mi
croscopical society have beei received
from the printer and are now stored Jn
the historical rooms,
Every Home, School and Office should own
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