MSS in ii)l!H,iiH 'l THE NKBRASKAN-HKSPKRIAN. nor," 0. W. Holmes; "History of David Graeme," Mrs. Humphrey Ward; "Psychical Nature of the Child," Rowe. A three hundred dollar deficit In the alumni organ fund still exists. The of ficers of the association expect to send out statements to the members who have not subscribed, asking them to do so. A little aid from each one would easily place the association out of debt. Acting Chancellor Dessoy is contem plating a new feature for chapel exer cises. Ten-minute talks on subjects pertaining to university fn will be given. Many things about the univer sity have an interesting history that is known to but few. The students doubt less would be much interested in such talks. A First Nebraska club' of university students was organized at the univer sity Wednesday. The officers, time and place of meeting and other matters will be decided later. A committee is now engaged on the constitution and by laws. 0. W. Meier is temporary presi dent and W. J. Hunting temporary sec retary. The new students who have entered the school of music within the last week are: Miss Effle Austin, Miss Maude Pierce, Miss M'.llie Kellner, Laverne Schwartz, Miss Frances Os borne, Miss Margaret Pierson, Miss Kittle Butler and M'ss Gertrude Arends. Rev. Eason of the Trinity Episcopal church was in chapel last Wednesday morning and gave a cordial invitation to those students who are not identified with any church to visit the Trinity Episcopal. He spoke also of a series of student receptions to be begun in the near future. About five hundred university stu dents, together with the university band and a goodly number of the uni versity battalion, marched to the Rock Island depot to meet the boys of the Fifty-first Iowa regiment as they pass ed through Lincoln on Monday after noon. They arrived a few minutes after the train had gone on. We are still looking for a fountain pen to equal that which we sell for (iOc. We do not expect to find any thing to equal it in value for the price and do not believe that you will either. Every pen is warranted. We also carry a full line of Waterman's "Ideal" fountain pens, the "Remex" and all other reliable makes. Book Dept., Horpolshelmer & Co. THE CENTURY a3 fefe&fc&fcfcfedife&dMaMfejsifeiMfedife .&&:?&' DOUBLE-FEED PEN IS THE BEST F. K. Eflgcrton, Agent, University. DR. JAMES STOCKFIELD, 7) DENTIST. 031 O Street, Lincoln, Neb., op oositc the Font Ofllce. Painless Extractions. UctitKClicr Kahnarzt. Gold fli 11 lnirs SI.60 and tip; Silver Vllllntrs 50 cents and up; White tllllncR 75 cents and no. Hest set of teeth $10.00; Cheap set of teeth $5.00. All Work Cuorantood. a I 51 $ 1 3 Drs. Clutter & Shannon 1 3 7 DENTISTS. Phone 426 1136 O Street 3 71 c be ooh Department Herpolsheimer 8 Co., Headquarters for Fountain Pens, History Paper and Covers. Text P.ooks and all College Supplies. Music and Picture Department. We carry a full line of all late and popular Music at half the publishers price. Pic tures and photos framed, from 2oc upward. Indian Posters on colored felt mat 2oc Platino Types, mounted, 8x10, ftacli 25c rc f If I I If I If ' If & if Ms. V Lincoln 'Tif'iIfIfIfJTK Tho day was a perfect one and some three hundred and seventy-five stu dents accompanied the expedition. All were enabled to do some valuable field work and many Important specimens were brought back. Superintendent Gordon, Principal Davenport and a host of other teachers represented the city schools and Professor Barbour the university. The expedition took lunch eon at the Atwood quarries at Cedar Creek; later at South Bend several bar rels of apples were thrown into the crowd and the students did the rest. The expedition returned to the city at 5 o'clock. -.Jk-JtJr.-4iJr.Jl-4i.3r-iLJk-4L--ir-..4t-1,-l. ( t 11 t ixl411111141XX.II w&m w. wr www vmKW cjejet?wx vnrvrw rvl vmvfi ,ii.i. .twt$tmt)piv iffiHHriiyji !miit tlcstnm 9 J i 1 4 Don't you know that there is only one place to have your Clothes made? They fit, they wear, they look good FOREVER. i 1 2 Fine Tailoring of all kinds. R I L. J. Herzo 0 t 1032 O Street. bJPg$l FASTER THAN EVER.. Effective Oct. 10, the "Union Pacific" will inaugurate new train service and will reduce the time of the Overland Limited Train No. 1, between Chicago, Council Bluffs and San Francisco, 3 hours and 15 minutes. Only 57 hours Missouri river to Pacific coast. Buffet, smoking and library cars, with barber shop, Chicago and Council Bluffs to San Francisco and Portland. Three trains daily to and from Pacific coast. Elegant palace sleeping cars, dining care, chair cars. For full information call on E. B. Slosson, agent. GRADUATE CLUB MEETING. The graduate club held its second meeting of the year Saturday evening at the home of Dr. Ellery Davis. Be sides the sixty members there were present Chancellor and Mrs. Bessoy, Dr. and Mrs. Edgren, Dr. and Mrs. Fling, Dr. and Mrs. Ward, Professor and Mrs. Caldwell, Professor and Mrs. Moritz and Dr. and Mrs. Candy. The program consisted of talks by gradu ates from other schools concerning their graduate departments. Mr. Gerig of the romance language department told about the University of Missouri, making the point that the graduate school there was not to be compared to that of the University of Nebraska, being much smaller in number of stu dents and amount of graduate work offered. Frank E "Watson of the de partment of zoology related some inter esting stories of Brown university un-der-graduate life and explained the work offered to graduate students. Miss Haecker gave a few facts about the University of Minnesota, speaking particularly of the moro prominent members of the faculty and the work for advanced students. The test speaker was Mr. Siff, fellow in mathe matics, who told of the life at Clark university, a school exclusively for graduate work, Tt is near Boston, lias only five departments and sixty stu dents, but the faculty is exceptionally strong and good work is done in the In stitution. President Candy then read an extract from the inauguration, ad dress of Dr. Wheeler, the new president j of the University of California, on "Loyalty to One's Alma Mater." ! The business of the evening consist- Inflate Your Tires Without Work Without Price You are invited to use our compressed air plant to inflate your tires. No work for you No No charge from us. C. L. SHADER, Bicycle Repairing So. iath. Oliver Johnson, D. D. S. DENTIST, Oirnr llarlc)'i Brutr Store. I inrntn Noh ilionc 784. ifiiiuuiiif iiuu. Northwestern University Medical School The high standard and progressive meth ods which have given this School its envi able reputation for over thirty years are carefully maintained. For circulars of detailed information ad dress the Secretary, DR. n. s. DAVIS, 2431 Dearborn St., Chicago, III. Monarch Bieyclti SCIENTISTS EXPLORE. A scientific expedition, including all departments in the state university and city schools, left Lincoln by the B. & M. at o'clock on Saturday, Novem ber 4, and visited first the Dakota cre taceous oxpoBiire near Cedar Creek; second, tho carboniferous exposures in the extensive Atwood quarries two or three miles south of Cedar Creek; third, the old Louisville quarries; fourth, the exposures and outcrops along the Plutte river to South Bend; fifth, the state fisheries and old Stout quarries. This was one of the most profitable expeditions planned as yet. Tlie Iteaily to Write Instrument of Today 1 ed In the election of a representative to ll the university stmato, the delegate i Waterman S Ideal Fountain Pen chosen being John Kind, anu uhjcuh slon of a university publication for re search work. It waB decided io put out such a publication at the end of each year, g.ving each department its proper share of space. Tho material Js to be mainly composed of theses for ad vanced degrees. The committee put in charge of tho work at present consists of Dr. Edgren, Dr. Fling and Mr. Gerlg. After the business of the evening was'dlsposed of the club broke up into social groups and wtye served refresh ments bv Mrs. Davis and Mrs. Candy, assisted by the Misses Lynn, Edith Henry, MacFarland and Fox. ThiB meeting was most enjoyable and help ful and betokens enthusiasm and suc ccbs for the future of the graduate club. An Indispensable convenience tor STATBHMKW, 7MWYEUS. Piiyi;ia, aijtikmck. KlII'OUTWtK HUHINUUH MKN. TBACilKHb fto(l &viiov.tnn. Every PEN Warranted to Give Sat isfaction, Prlooa Aooordlnar to Value. Cataloerea Furnished. L. E. WATERMAN CO., ILurfjt'Ht Fountain Pen Mfm. in the World. 157 Vrof4tvcyfNw York Ate recognized the world over as representing the highest type of excellence in Bicycle construction ARE NOW WITHIN REACH OF AIL Monarch Roadsters $50 efiance Roadsters $35 King and Queen Roadsters $25 Why look lurtlior vlien machines ol established reputation can be Lad at tlieBO prices Monarch Chainless $75 Bond for Gutuloauo Agonte -minted in opou torrltory M0KAE0H OY0LE MPtf, 00. lUJetedand Fulton Ste., CHICAGO Church and Bead U HCW YMK Hide a Monarch ana Keep is Front m