The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, November 14, 1899, Page 3, Image 3

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Mrs. Morrison will give a tea for Phi
Helta Theta next Thursday afternoon.
Sigma Chi gave a party at thoir
chapter house, Seventeenth and 0
streets, Friday night.
Miss Adelloyd Whiting and Miss
Emily Jenkins entertained the Fair
bury students last Saturday night.
A reception will be given by the
Kappa Kappa Gammas for thn Phi
Delta Thetas at tlio home of Miss Ma
llei Richards next Friday afternoon.
Floyd Van Valin, '00, who left school
last spring to work in a bank at Teka-
mnli, was married last week at that
place to Miss Fay Chllcott, formerly of
the university.
A union meeting of the Y. W. G. A
and the Y. M. C. A. was held in the
cliapel last Sunday afternoon. Miss
Lyon of New York, traveling secretary
of the student volunteer movement,
gave an address.
Charles Richard Woltlcn, '95, and
Mabel Edith Cushman, '98, wore mar
ried at the homo of the bride in Lin
coln November 3. They will make their
home in Wayne, where the groom is
minister of the Baptist church.
Phi Gamma Delta entertained a few
friends informally at her chapter house
Friday evening with music and danc
ing. A farce, entitled " Proposal
I'nder Difficulties," was given by
Messrs. Smith, Pancoast, France and
Miulgc. Light refreshments were
served and the evening closed with
some flashlight pictures.
Miss Lois Burruss and Katherine M
Pheely were initiated by the PI Beta
Phi at the home of Miss Darleen Wood
ward in East Lincoln Saturday atter
noon, November -1. A banquet was held
that evening at the home t-f Miss Mc
(Sahcy. Flowers and candy wera re
i oivod from several of the fraternities.
On Wednesday morning, November
J, at the home of C. C. Crowell in Blair,
Neb., Lawrence M. Weaver, '99, and
Miss Lydia Crowell, '00, were married.
The wedding was a quiet affair and
was witnessed only by the relatives and
immediate friends of the bride and
Kroom. Mr. and Mrs. Weaver will re
side in Falls City.
The Delta Gamma fraternity gave a
very pretty reception Friday evening
to friends outside of university circles
at their cosy new chapter house in In
glesldc. Callers were received by Mrs
Sherman, Mrs. Fisher and Miss Helen
Woods. The drawing loom was deco
rated with chrysanthemums, ferns and
palms. Punch was served under a red
umbrella covered with flowers by the
members of the active chapter. Red
was used for the shades and all deco
rations In the punch room. All of the
rooms in the house, including the den,
were thrown open to the visitors, who
admired the dainty furnishings and the
good housekeeping of the young ladies.
Thursday evening the Delta Tau
Omega fraternity gave a delightful In
formal party at the chapter house, 1134
K street. The lower floors were can
vased for dancing and card tables were
arranged upstairs for those who pre
ferred this amusement. The house was
decorated with palms and white tea
roses, the fraternity flowers. Ices were
served throughout tho evening. Those
present were: Mr. and Mrs. Marshall;
Misses Bishop, Bonnell, Harpham, Mc
Pheely, Hammond, Kenney, Smith,
'Sedgwick, Tuttle, Du Tell, Andrews,
Burruss, Lasch, Cady, Stelner, An
thony; Messrs. Brown, Culver, Hewett,
Ely, Berkley, Conkllng, Schwartz, Rob
ertson, Copeland, Stell, Hunger, West,
Smith, Gordon, Wilson, Morrison,
Crandall and Hail.
week at tho hoitbo of the local chapter.
A continuous round of pleasure has
been planned for the visiting delegates.
On Thursday afternoon from 4 to G
Mrs. Morrison will give a tea and in
the evening a smoker will be given at
the fraternity house. Kappa Kappa
Gamma gives a reception Friday after
noon from 4 to 6 at the home of Miss
Richards. Friday evening the local
chapter gives a dance at the Lincoln.
Saturday morning a breakfast will be
given at tho Delta Gamma house- and
tho convention closes Saturday even
ing with a banquet at tho Lincoln. Tho
Knnsas-Nehraska foot ball game will bo
attended in a body.
The Delian program Friday night
will be as follows:
Piano Solo
Vocal Duet. Bert Doane and Mr. Vasey
Recitation May Buckmaster
Violin Solo Miss Wollgomott
Vocal Solo MIbb Chase
Music Mandolin Club
Vocal Solo Delian Male Quartette
The muslcale by the Union society
Friday evening was a success. A very
entertaining program was rendered to
a large and appreciative audience. The
society is to be complimented for the
talent displayed, as most all the pro
gram was rendered by its members.
The program for the next meeting fol
lows. Music
Speech Mr. Kuhlman
Recitation Miss Smith
Paper N. C. Abbott
Reading "Hamlet's Soliloquy"... .
John Kces
At a recent meeting of the U. B. D.
C. the following resolutions were
Whereas, The university mail boxes
are now situated in a place very Incon
venient to the student body in general
because of loss of time in procuring
mall and because of the crowded condi
tion of the room; and
Whereas, This is a matter concern
ing every student; therefore, be it
Resolved, by the Union Boys' Debat
ing club, That we respectfully petition
the university authorities to make
more convenient arrangements for stu
dents to procure their mall; and be It
Resolved, That a copy of these reso
lutions be presented to the university
authorities and a copy published in the
college paper.
Zeta province of Phi Delta Theta
will hold Its convention In Lincoln on
Thursday, Friday and Saturday of this
The following resolutions were
adopted by the senior class upon the
death of L. A. Smith, who died last
week at his home In Blue Springs:
Whereas, It has pleased God to take
from his work on earth our fellow stu
dent, L. A. Smith; and
Whereas, Mr. Smith was a highly es
teemed and honored member of the
class of 1900; therefore, be it
Resolved, by the senior class of the
University of Nebraska, That we, Its
members, extend to the bereaved fam
ily our heartfelt sympathy in their sor
row. CHAS. W. JONES,
ING. The university oratorical association
held its annual meeting on Tuesday,
November 7, and elected officers: Presi
dent, Wilbur; secretary and treasurer,
A. C. Lee; vice president, C. W. Jones.
An effort will be made by the associa
tion to form a league of tho univer
sities of neighboring states to take the
place of tho present Inter-state associa
tion. The determined offort of the de
nominational schools to prevent law
and post graduat6 students from enter
ing the annual contest makes this ac
tion necessary.
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