f I. t H THK NEBRASKAN-HKSPKRIAN. i i 'iilhil ii !fo r ! it i! I! i ' .v t m i hi !i H"" J. Iff T 1 1 to ! 1' iff il !h T hi It l ll r1 i I I '4 114 t if ! 1, 1 j ; n1 hi f! i: I li ! I V h Tho whole building where the coflln la Is full of blue light nnd gaping-'nionth-ed visitors.'' Perhaps the concession aires have thought by the blue glass cure to do something for these poor mortals, but really most of them seem ed beyond .hope, for they stared around most vacantly at everything in sight, Including a live war relic backed up against the door leading Into the coffin yard. "Ambling back toward the river, after bamboozling another policeman, the association took a jaunt down wlrat is to be the Street of Nations of tho ex position, the line of twenty-two foreign pavilions. Here everybody proceeded to fall down not literally, but figura tively in trying to tell from the Hags the nationalities of the buildings. "When a workman on the Hungarian building declared that he did not know to what country the opposite building belonged, after working there six months, there was a splendid oppor tunity for the president to remark that he was dumber than a freshman stu dent in French, but she refrained. Judge, oh ye former students of said president, what a mollifying influence the neighborhood of altar decoration stores has had. "It will bo observed that these min utes diverge in several particulars from the regular variety, but owing to the great tendency of all the members to drop business for more entertaining discussions, the secretary has worked tinder difficulties. "At the United States pavilion there was a suggestion that the association hurrah for McKinley, but the member from '05 said she was living with Bryan people now and was afraid that if she yelled for McKinley she might get in the habit of it and do it in her sleep and either hurt the feelings of the Bryanites or get severely rebuked. So the yell was laid on the table, or rather on a i5ile of ignifuged lumber, no table being handy. "Really, although the association continued its session all up through the Trocadero gardens, invaded tne Transvaal, that is, the Boer farm house, in quite Anglo-Saxon style, walked another half mile, and rode on ' a tram half an hour, the secretary is at a Iohh to find any scholastic, literary, scientific or post graduate matter in all tho wild words strewn along the route. The association broke up, still with out any legal or formal action, between the Sorbonne and the Cluny museum, the member for '95 climbing up towards heaven at II Rue de Cluny, the secre tary and vice president trudging up the classic Montague Ste., Genevieve tow ards 17 Rue des Fosses St Jacques, and tho president retiring to the prayer beads and holy objects that surround :JC Rue St Sulpice. "Future meetings, provided the, secre tary is not mobbed and made way with by the alumna; members, will be prop erly (?) reported for the official organ." Ppris, OcL 21, 1899. kicked often and his team was success ful in securing the ball. In the second half the freshmen bracked up a little, but were unable to advance on the soph omores or to hold the team, though they prevented them from making more than two touchdowns. Neilson, Yant, Bullard, Hooper and Lucky were each credited with a touchdown, Voss kick ing ever goal. Twenty minute halves were played. The crowd was small and exhibited little college or class spirit. HONOR FOR, UNIVERSITY MEN. Two of the old university students who were unsuccessful on last Tues day's election are S. H. Mnrtin, who ran for county superintendent on the republican ticket in Saline county, and George Snyder, nominee for county su perintendent on the republican ticket in Madison county. A. Lincoln Frost, who wns elected district judge in this county last Tues day on the republican ticket, received a higher vote than either of the other two candidates on his ticket for that office. He is an old university mnn, having graduated in 1SSG. He was a member of the Union literary society. After leaving the university he took one year of political science and his tory at Johns Hopkins, and later re turned to go Into the law office of Saw yer and Snell in this city. In 1890 he was admitted to the bar. The next year he married Miss Jessie Bonnoll, also a graduate of the university. A year ago he was nominated to fill the vacancy of district judge in Lancaster county, caused by the death of Judge Hall. & You Want the Finest We Have it & Drawing Papers Crane's, Weston's, Whatman's. History Paper All sizes and varieties. Lead Pencils All kinds. Try the Blaisdell paper covered pencil, 5c. A hill line of " Fountain Pens Waterman, Remix, and Lake side. Wholesale; Prices on the LakesWe fountain Pen- University Book Co. MAIN BUILDINC. We Want- SOPHOMORES WIN. The sophomore-freshman foot ball game was played on the campus Tues day afternoon and resulted In a vic tory for the sophomores, the score being 30 to 0. Since the game the week before the $ophomoreB picked up some more men, and also played with more nnap and energy than before, entiiely outclassing their opponents. The freshmen played a slow game and seem ed to lack spirit and at no time did they stand any show of scoring. The fame abounded in long runs, Yant making a phenomenal run of seventy-five yards for a touchdown on a furnb'e by Ue freshmen. Neilson played a strong game, making a number of long runs around the end and bucking the Jlnc for large gains. Hooper and Lucky also made good gains, the latter slop ping many of the freshmen. Hooper Student Boarders FttrnixliPil Room in Connect ion THE PALACE. 1130 N St. Good Work Popular Prices. Students Especially Invited to Call R. 8 C. BARBER SHOP 1144 O Street. larkson Laundry Company -li- 330-332-334-336-338-340 South 11th St. 5 && g vVa I I Etching Matte A new paper. It is simplq to work and produces permanent results. Call and see sampb prints II? VA.il. LM......1I. 14 A jii .lviiu r.innuu nirrrt KK Uppohlli UlrhardN Hlork D. E. DePutron Francis Bro's Capital Cafe 121 NORTH llth STREET. Oysters, Fisli and Game in Season. 15c. Meals our Specialty. Open All Night. Autumn Beauties & te correct name for our NEW FALL ' SUITS. They are just a little better, just a little newer, just a "little something" that makes them more desir able than those we get elsewhere. 1217 ) HTItlJET.