j.i..w..Mr! -? I U T THIS NEURVSKAN-UUSl'JiRlAN. 'flrh H 58 ii: t ii ii i" Ihr. K ! f' w 5 If 8. . i i ;, 'a IH 1 1 ; i, . n t t. i 1 1 r III j CHEMICAL SOCIETY MEETING. The Nebraska section of the Ameri can Chemical society opened the fifth yonr of Its usefulness in a very aus picious manner on Saturday evening, Octoher 2S. The meeting was hold in the chemical laboratory of the state university, and was largely attended, not only by the members of this sec tion, but by many others who arc in. terosted in the work this section is doing. Several papers were presented: one by Dr. T. F. Ahvay of "Wesloyan uni versity, upon Tautomeric compound, giving a description of experiments of the author along that line. M. E. Hiltnor gave on interesting description of a new apparatus devised by him for the determination of carbon dioxide, together with numerous analytical re sults, proving the apparatus to bo ex act in its working. This ghes what has long goon needed, a simpler, rapid and exact method for the estimation of baking powders, limestones, chalk, etc. Mr. P. U llibbard, chemist of the Argo Starch Manufacturing company, at Ne braska City, sent drawings and de scriptions of two pieces of apparatus, which the exigencies of his position had suggested, viz.: a saftey pipitti for drawing off caustic liquids, strong acids, etc., by which through no pos sible chance could the liquid get into the operator's mouth, and an automatic burette for measuring and delivering a fixed volume of liquid. Each of the papers elicited considerable discussion from those present. MAX'S IDEM. I 7 AY.'- I THE CO-OP. PEXAXT U. OF JV. WAIT ING P APE 11 Vtf&pcmer in tablets, Envelopes to match . 822 North 11 111 SI. The Students' Go-Operative Book Go, 322 NORTH IITH ST. BOOMER. SECRETARY WILSON RESIGNS. The university debating association held a business meeting Friday. Claud Wilson placed his resignation as sec retary with the assocition, stating that he would bo unable to give the amount of" Unit to the" work that the ofjire en quired. The resignation was accepted and .1. F. Boomer elected lo fill the vacancy. A communication was read from the debating association of the university of Kansas asking that n maximum amount for the expenses of judges in inter-state contests be agreed upon. After some consideration it was decid ed to reconunond to Kansas that the charges allowed for the railway ex penses of judges be not over ten dol lars. If the oxponses run beyond that amount the oxcess is to be borne by the visiting association. torn. This is no doubt larogly due to thoughtlessness on the part of those using them, who do not realize how necossary it is to preserve the papers intact. GRADUATE CLUB MEETING. The graduto club will moot Saturday evening, November 11. at the homo of Prof. Ellory W.. Davis, 1545 C street. The program will begin promptly at S:30 and continue about an hour. All graduate students, and nil members of I the faculty and their wives are cor , dially invited. This notice is Intended to reach those who may fail to receive a personal invitation on account of the j I incompleteness of the president's roll i of graduate students. The program promises to be of unusual interest. An i rushes forced the ball into their op- j item of business of importance to every department offering work in the grad uate school will be presented for dis cussion. We want to make this a help. D..HES 12345 1234 12345 123153 ful meeting. All wo need is the in spiration of the presence of onv. hun dred persons. ROPER A t 1BIM HWIHTW1 -M " '" " " 711 V.'i THE UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MUSIC U V b vt it HAVING A GREAT RUN ON CHAM BERLAIN'S COUGH REMEDY. Manager Martin, of the Pierson drug store, informs .s that ho 1s having a great run on Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. He sells five bottles of that medicine to one of any other kind, and it gives grent satisfaction.. In these days of la grippe there is nothing like Chamberlain's Cough Remedy to stop the Cough, heal up the sore throat and lungs and give relief within a vory short tlmo. The sales are growing, and all who try it are pleased with its prompt action. South Chicago Daily Calumet. For sale by all druggists. ii is opposite the Campus. Students contemplating the study of music, and those who have friends desirous of information concerning the advantages offered, are cordially W invited to visit the school and obtain v) an illustrated enter at any time Catalogue. You can WIIXARD KIMBALL DIRKCTOR. ... Legislative Gallery... STATE HISTORICAL NOTES. A now bulletin board nf the news papers of the state is being prepared. Every town of one hunderd inhabitants and upward will be on this board. Stu dents are requested to examine this bulletin board, and if they know of n newspnpor that is not given on It, they will confer a favor if they speak to tho librarian about it. An exchange of printed matter has been arranged for between the society and Colorado college. The work of unpacking the 18!)8 edition of reports from the state board of agriculture is nearly completed. Prof. Caldwnll and Librarian Bar rett have completed outlines of tho his tory of the school districts of Lancaster county. These will bo sent to the schools and prizes will be offered for the host history of the districts writ ten by the school children. Owing to tho clipping that was done, the Journul, Boc and Worhl-Hcrahl had to bo removed from tho rooding tables. Those wishing to get those papers must now ask tho librarian. Some students do not scorn to realize that theso papers are placed thoro for historical reference and must not bo torn or clipped. In other cases tho pa pors are shoved back so caroleswly into tho racks that they are wrinkled and FARMER BOYS AT COLLEGE. Some interesting figures as to the proportion of farmers' boys among col lege students have been gathered b. the American Agriculturalist. It lftis returns from 178 universities and col leges reporting nn attendance of 02,000 students. In tills analysis of the figures the Aiirloulturalint reduces tho number of students considered to a little undei 52,000, for some unexplained reason, excluding, it says, a few city colleger like Harvard, Pratt Institute. Univer sity of Rochester, Fisk University and othors. Out of this total of about f'!, 000 it finds that nearly 21.000 are from agricultural classog. The preonuige varies largely in different sectionc nf tho country. It is CO.!) in thu South, 15.8 in tho far West, -10.1 in the ccn trul West, 'I'd A in tho Middle Staler and 20.1 In Now England. "In no othor nation will any audi condition be found," comments the AurlvulturaliHt "It is a wonderful tribute to the gen oral intelligence of our American farm ors' families, and to tho high hopes and deop aspirations of their sons and daughters." Tills oxhlbit adds might ily to the dignity of agriculture, at least in tho eyes of tho masses in othor vocations. 1 Portrait and Landscape Photographer 129 South nth Street, CtAi.u.m 1Ssiaiimsiii.Ii S7i Lincoln, Neb. Intercollegiate Bureau. Cottrell & Leonard 17-JITS l!rolu:i Mbaiu, Now York Makers of 1 lit- Caps, Gowns and Hoods To the American Colleges and Univer sities Illustrated manual, samples, prices etc . upon request Clowns for the pulpit and the bench. Positions Secured! We aid all those who want GOVERN MENT POSITIONS S'i.OOO places Iinr1r fM'ir CpniMn Trt r Q itIn dearly Appointment? Prepares b mail for all Government examinations. Fees cash or installments A thorough and scientific course in all departments. Requires spare time only. Salaries twice as much as private firms for the same kind of work The hours of labor are short, duties light, positions for life. Tre our course of s tucly and we guarantee that you will pass the Civil Service Examinations. Write in closing stamp for Catalogue describing course to IIUREAU Of CIVIL SERVICE INSTRUCTION, WASHINGTON. D. C. TheMachinethatTalksTalk The O em ." cut this mi ..? VJC,11 om and send It to u with $1.00 unci wc will send you one of the new uem Urnpliophoncs by Lxnress. COD. HUUjCCt tO CXalllllMtlOtl YnU CUM KJtnn.lnr ll at your express cilTn.c and if found exactly as represented, entirely satisfactory in every way, and the equal In value to a,y '""liinc sold ut $10 t.iidj.2, pay our agent t... .r vi ' ",,cr "ce, 35 00, una express charges, lew tht sent with order Kor home amusement this ?eGRAMFYH0NE -r" 1 1 $K l"ur Winds up like a dock K" itc Jells I tinny Stories Miiuj into it, stone tolil to it .11 oiiw.. ai oiicn us desired "War in droadful, iHn't it?" "I mippoHo so; but It holpB .Ilrnrny talco an intoroHt in his geography." Kins of Merry-Makers SV. win repeat you, own voice, your friend's voice, sour Prif. V"""" f"" rcrorus easily and rcproiliirc tneiu xtra loud aluminum t!,rn,i,.. '',;, ". ' ,u" ""Pruveu Uem lirap inp icne, one b.io j ir aticaxrnB Tubc-Bc" Exh'- .. . ? t 5nJ.yJeen ! fi? ?. veritable eol'd mine In our two new slot macnines. " "? i"c,. "" uraphophonc Sao and wonderful "Ray" automatic them- $5 muchlne. It found sent with iit.int. r.. mi 1 .' ii.,. m.uiu v-mmunuu, coniaininc tun uesenn HnpHjC. DC 1. ... " """ '"M", sent tree on request. Harger&Bhsh, Western Selling Agto. 904-910 Main St., Dubuquelowx. my. requires no attention whatever, can , ,,T,rT V. .1. ' r,u.v," I)lclurc maclilne; J15, operates selves in two week-, 'j a Kmetoscont tloe for the i Vl .. 1 Wr "C.0r C.""",Bi; """lllieit pay for jeets act and move as If l u KcZiimiiil Ji,",t ,hc 0rJ'I,1,0I,,,on,: toc,' fot " cur- h MovIiib 1'iu.irc MaU.iue, ll,; ,?' r ?i . V, '" c 1 1 c u,"e. .""Meets as the larce hundred dollar hend us S and wc wilt send vn W Z, 1. Z 1 K,,1 t,ureI5'""e. - " with each exactly as r. presented and entirely salisf.iciorv in .-vV J!1 V " m'iea examination .....1 "i i.irKr ixilllillion SHOW Olltllls. ru