The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, November 07, 1899, Page 3, Image 3

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The governor's mansion was abalzo
with light Saturday night for a pro
gressiva chafing dish party, given by
Delta Delta Delta franternlty, of which
Miss Josephine Poyntcr Is a member.
White and yellow chrysanthemums
and scarlet and cream roses combined
the university and fraternity colors In
the decorations. Cosy corners and
nooks with countless soft sofa pillows
added to the attractiveness of the
beautiful rooms. Six chafing dishes
were presided over by Misses Losch,
Miller, Ames, Bonnell, Clara Smith
and Lavinia Steele. Fun was had in
visits to the gypsy fortune teller, Prin
cess Mazella, who In Egyptian costume
betrayed the future's secrets to the
guests singly In a dimly-lighted, cur
tained room. There was also a musical
game in which prizes were awarded.
Mr. and Mrs. .Tames Manahan chap
eroned the young people, who were as
follows: Misses
tho carpet, couches and chairs. Fortune-
revealing mysteries, charades
stago exhibitions In conundrum con
sumed tho first part of tho evening.
Light refreshments and Jokes were
then served. Quito unexpectedly tho
lights were muffled and the black mes
senger of nightly shades appeared.
From out tho gloomy stillness arose
tho voice of one from the stago recit
ing a mystic tale of graves and appari
tions and orgiet. Another story from
tho realms of doom-distilling dream
land portending ill-fate left a fear
struck crowd of students to hurry to
their respective destinations and there
pass tho remainder of the night In re
covering from the effects.
The Delians were entertained at the
homo of Miss Flossie Arches, 2046 S
street, last Tuesday evening.. The oc
casion was a Hallowe'en party. The
evening was spent at progressive
Sans, Auld, Reeves, i games and music. Refreshments, such
Lumcry, Haywood, Brush, Ames,
Clara Smith, Cora Smith, Koch,
Thompson, Du Tell, Daisy Bonnell,
Winifred Bonnell, Gund, Edna Gund,
Koehler, Poynter, Miller, Blanche
Losch, Cody, Von Mansfeldo, Steele,
Lavinia Steele, Vore, Dean; Messrs.
Harry Crandall, Reed, Baumann,
as reminded those present of Hallow
e'en In their easier days up the farm,
pumpkin pie, apples, sweet cider and
doughnuts, were served. Those pres
ent were: Mtsses Packard, Ruth
Pyrtle, Jessie Pyrtle, McCallum, Wig
gins, Buckmaster, Wilson, Livsay, Mc
Clintlc, Ducker, Doran, Morrill, Jones,
1' i , ,,.. ii i - rJtizatyjtejJ
Poyntcr, Smith, Morrison, Williams, i Killen, Wyman, Bolshaw, Angio Rosa,
Inez Rosa, McFall, Howell, Fleming,
Saultz, McMillan; Messrs. C. W. Jones,
Boomer, C. J. .Allen, C. Allen, Davis
Root, H. J. Theobald, C. Theobald, Ed
gerton, Garrett, W. Reedy, Andreson,
J. T. Jones, Klerstcad Blckerford,
Morrill, Gould, A. Reedy, Dunaway,
Kellogg, Baker, Doane and Harrison.
A reception to Acting-Chancellor
and Mrs. Bessey, Dean Sherman and
Mrs. Sherman and other members of
the faculty, was given hy the Nebraska
University club of Omaha at the
Refreshments were bureau of public comfort, formerly the
Illinois building, on the Omaha expo
sition grounds at 4 o'clock last Tues
day afternoon.
Miss Margaret Whedon entertained
the newly initiated members of Kappa
Kappa Gamma last Wednesday even-
Jennings, I ing. Tho following were present:
! Misses Emily Jenkins, Barbara Burt,
Blanche Emmons, Blendena Emmons,
Tinel Bradt, Teresa Salle, Blanche
Edmiston and Constance Garbach;
Messrs. Crandall, Mudge, Collett, Kind,
Hayes, Manchester, Honry and Whe
don. A jolly Hallowe'en party was held
at the home of Miss Adolloyd Whiting,
425 South Thirteenth street, las Tues
day night. The following friends
were present: Miss Edna Wetzel,
Emily Jenkins, Jessie Lansing and
Adelloyd Whiting; Messrs. C. Mudge.
E. Blackman, L. Mudco and F Wil
liams. Last Friduy afternoon the English
club held a recoption on behalf of Wil
liam Dean Kowolls at the liome of Mrs.
S. H. Atwood, 1037 H street. Many
members of the faculty and their
wives -were present, and a number of
invited guests. The receiving line
consisted of President E. F. Piper, Mr.
wood and Chancellor and Mrs. Bessey.
The guests found Mr. Howells very
amiable and ontortalnlng.
Adams, McKillup, Lonkly, McCreery,
Von Mansfeldo, Farnsworth, Hedge,
McDonald, Sanders, Butler, Leon
McOonald. Sanders, Butler, Leon
Crandall, Kind, Drain. Hollenbeck.
Elliott. Steele, Lawler. Fitzgerald.
The young ladies of the university
school of music enjoyed a masquerade
on Hallowe'en. They began with a
i;rand march and had programs and
all complete arrangements as though
the party were not given "just for the
mrls." The halls were lighted with
Jack o' lanterns.
served. Those present were Mrs. Kim
ball, Misses Biltgen, Kimball, Bradt,
Dimmick, Kellogg, Kimball, Graham,
Deily, Bartz, Andrews, Barbour, Hutch
inson, Cranor, Guthrie, Guthrie, Mc
Donald, King, McClure, Jorgonson,
Worley, Sawyer, Briggs,
Meredith, Briggs and Salle.
A small crowd of young people,
chaperoned by Mrs. Hayes, spent an on
Joyablo evening at the Phi Psl chap
ter house Tuesday. They popped corn,
toasted marshmallows, roasted chest
nuts and had a good time in general.
Those present were: Misses Emma
Outcalt, MabeL. Hayes, Blanche Har
greaves, Helen Woods and Eleanor
Raymond; Messrs. Dewesse, Shedd,
Crandall. Collett and Brown.
Cards have been received in tho city
announcing the marriage of Miss Blos
som Williamson to Dr. Calre Warren
Murphy on Wednesday, November
first, at Los Angeles, Cal.
Last Tuesday evening the Palladlans
celebrated Hallowe'en. About fifty of
their number assembled at the home
of Miss Erlsman, where appropriate
docorations in sheets and pillow cases
were donned. The crowd then proceed
ed to the elegant homo of Miss Grace
Cook, where a "ghostly" but lively
evening was spent. After various
games and fortune tolling, refresh
ments were served, consisting of pump
kin pie, cidor and apples. Tt was after
midnight whon Miss Cook said good
night to hor well entertained guests.
Friday evening tho young ladles of
tho Union Literary society at the uni
versity tonodored a novel nnd enjoyable
Hallowe'en party recoption and enter
talnomont to their gentlemen friends.
The chandelier lights in Union hall
wore onvolopod In expressive tissue
covering in intimation of pumpkin
jack-o'-lanterns, and cust their spectre
like phantoms and ghostly shadows on
By having it clad in a pair of our styl
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The program of tho Dollan sooiety
Friday evening is as follows:
Recitation Bortha McFall
Speech Mr. Kierstead
Reading O. F. Thoobold
Story Mr. Wymorc
Troubles are tho lot of all;
We can't evado what must befall;
And yet It makes mo fume and swear
To got Bomo other fellow's Bhare.
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