tBtI KlUanHIIBI BKWUit.t JA.LJU. .lfc I 1 U THtt NHBRASKAN-HKSPHRIAN. i.ii' L i! I; j !i" r I:.. it ;,! sf IM ' ! ' tl. I; f. , h$! P II I. II ", ! I h 4 ! N. .r H ? i: n K . I'll g i 'i JUNIORS LOSE THE GAME. The junior and Bonlor clnsscs of the university had their nnnunl struggle on the gridiron Thursday nfternoon, which ended in a victory for tho seniors with a score of 5 to 0. For a while it seemed that tho juniors would gain tho victory. During the entire first half the ball only onco crossed Into the junior's field. In the second half tho tables were turned. Tho seniors by successive lino lionents territory and twice had the ball within the five-yard lino, but losing tho ball on downs, were forced back on tho field again by punts from tho juniors. Near the end of the sec ond half the seniors succeeded in set ting a touchdown, but failed to kick the goal, the kick being blocked by the juniors. Andreson made several larfe gains by end runs, and Llebman car ried the ball through the juniors' lino, making good gains. It wad a typical day for football. The crisp north wind furnished the players with just enough ginger and energy to play lively ball. Ot 2:30 o'clock tho gridiron was cov ered with tho opposing classes, each coaching their teams and' following them up and down the field as they lined up for signals. The game began with a kick-off by the juniors. The seniors got the ball and by a forty-yard ond run by Andre son crossed into the junior territory, but on account of fumbling they lost the ball and were forced back by lino rushes from the juniors. The remainder of the first half was played in senior territory, and when time was called the ball was on the fifteen yard line, the score standing 0 toO. The seniors kicked off at the begin ning of the second half and got the ball within the junior 'wenty-yard line. After twice getting ball in side tho junior's five-yard line and be ing forced back, Llebman succeeded in making a touchdown. On kicking goal the ball was dropped to the ground and the juniors rushed and blocked the kick. The juniors kioked-off again and when time for the second half was called the ball was near the center of the field. It was a hard-earned victory for tho Honiors. They had a stronger lino, but lost much through fumbling. Line-up was as follows: Senior. Junior. Hummel c c Hewitt Garringor r. g. r. g. McOlenaghan fioiso 1. g i. g. Donvan Sampson r. t r. t. Hawley Root 1. t j, t. Doubt Andreson r. e r. c. McGeachin Hurger 1. e l. o. Berry Liebmann r. h r. h. Chambers Waterman.. 1.. h 1. h. Swallow Heath -f f. Weasel Edgerton q q. Benedict Ofllcials: Hooper, rofereo; Koehler, umpire; Cortelyou and Morgan, time keopers; Melcher and "Wood, linesmen. DEAF MUTES FOOTBALL PLAYERS Tho nation's capital claims probably the most remarkable football team In the country. Tho team's signals aro given without tho uttoranco of a word or sound, although they aro of the most approved and complex kind. All signalling Is done by motions of the hands, arms and head. The team is composed entirely of deaf and dumb mutes, organized at tho Government Institute for tho Deaf and Dumb, known as Gallaudet College. Tho students are especially fond of athletics, and always turn out strong teams in all branches of sports under taken. The football team Is an ex ceptionally strong eleven this year and would prove very formidable against any college team it might meet outside of the "big four." CADET APPOINTMENTS. Tho following promotions and trans fors in tho cadot battalion were an nounced Friday ovenln: First Lieu tenant C. E. Williams transferred to Company B: First Lieutenant A. H. Moore transferred to Company C; First Sergeant H. A. Tukey appointed Hcrgeant-major, vlco Ranoy, resigned; Sergeant II. J. Kllng, first sergeant, vice Tukey, promoted; Sergeant C. H. Abbott, second sergeant, Company A, vice Klingo, promoted; Sergeant L. J. Marsh, appointed fourth sergeant, Company A, vice .Tones, promoted; Sergeant R. W. Jones, appointed third sergeant, Company A, vlco Abbott, promoted ; Privates C. A. Crane and D. 11. Hansen appointed corporals in Com pany C. The announcement of cor porals for tho Pershing rifles is ex pected to be made Thursday evening. rsKrrssesassBte: &&& & You Want the Finest We Have it Drawing Papers Crane's, Weston's.Whatman's. History Paper All sizes and varieties. Lead Pencils All kinds. Try the Blaisdell paper covered pencil, fc. A full line of Fountain Pens Waterman, Remix, and Lake side. Wholesale Prices on the Lnkcslde fountain Pen University Book Co. MAIN BUILDING. -d- Newly Fnrnished, and Operated in First Class Style. THE MODEL Dining Hall,- L. C. HOLADAY, Prop. Special attention given to students We make a specialty of Sunday dinners. 81(1 So. 12th St., Lincoln, Neb. We Want- Stlident Boarders Ftmiixherl Rooms in Connect ton & THE PALAGE. 1130 N St. Good Work Popular Prices- Students Especially Invited to Call. R. 8 G. BARBER SHOP 1144 O Street. Francis Bro's Capital Cafe 121 NORTtt 1lt.li STREET. Oysters, Fisli and Game in Season, 15c. Meals our Specialty. Open All Night. Slarkson Laundry Company -du 330-332-334-336-338-340 South 11th St. & M, SMBKl HI irn I have moved my complete line of : : : Kodaks and Photo Supplies to: 117 North nth St. CALL AND SEE THEM. D. E. DePUTRON, Like to have the price cut? Foel bctter when ou pa less than the price first named? Believe that's the way to buy clothing? You are mistaken, lne stores that dicker on prices are never safe. You don't lknow when they have come down enough. A One-priced store 1317 O STItKET,