The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, October 31, 1899, Image 1

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Vol. 8-29, No. 7.
Five Cents.
Kansas Cily Medics Outclass Nebraska
Tii Contest Saturday Score
24- (0 0.
The University of Nebraska foot ball
team was defeated Saturday afternoon
at Kansas City by tho team represent
ing tbo Kansas City medical college by
a score of 24 to 0. Tho team Is tho
same as that which played hero Octo
ber 14; Judging from tho reports of
tho gamo the work done by tho medics
was the finest seen In Kansas City for
como time. A special to tho Stato
Journal tells tho story of tho gamo as
"Captain Williams and his men put
up a stubborn fight and disputed tho
ground Inch by inch, but tho medics
played the best foot ball of their ca
reer and no amount of gamoncss on the
part of tho Nebraska boys could make
up for their superiority in speed and
team work. .
"Benedict did most of tho playing
for tho university eleven, but his fum
ble of Toland's kick was really respon
sible for tho medics' first touchdown.
He played a strong gamo on tho de
fense In the first half and his kicking
kept tho doctors from rolling up a
much larger total. "Williams and
Poarso also played star games.
"Toland, tho medics' new fullback,
was tho shining light of the game. His
work as a ground-gainer overshadpwed'
that of tho great Captain Heller. He
made both of tho touchdowns in tho
first half and retired in favor of Hoi
man in the second. His forty-yard run
for the second touchdown was tho fea
ture. Heller did most of tho offensive
play for the medics in the second half.
Ho crossed tho Nebraska lino onco and
Morloy did tho same trick lator on.
"Not a man was injured enough to
force him from tho game and all the
changes that were made were for the
purpose of trying out substitutes. Tho
teams lined up as follows:
Medics. Nebraska.
Baum center Koohler
Wysong r. g Ringer
Hill l. g.Brew-Dasenbrock
Cowden I . r. t Pearso
Grady 1. t Westover
Lowis-Morlcy r. o Cortclyou
Poorman 1. o Drain
Wyatt q. b...Tukey-Crandall
Heller (capt.)...r. h Benedict
Morloy-Lewls . . . .1. h. . . .Williams-Bell
Toland-Holman . . f. b Gordon
-"Referee, William Buchholz; umpire,
0. D. Swearlngen; linesmen, Yost and
Nylund timers, Rudgo and Green;
time of halves, thirty minutes."
men then hurled thoir force against tho
sophomores' line, which proved Im
pregnable. Tho sophomores rallied and
backs and tackles wero sent through
tho lino for steady gains, and soon tho
ball was planted five yards In front of
tho goal, Tho ball was then given to
NIelson, who circled tho ond and
planted it squarely behind tho goal
posts. Hooper failed to kick tho goal.
Score, 5 to 0.
Tho sophomores steadily worked tho
ball up tho field by plunging tho lino
and punts, securing tho ball each time
on fumbles. When time was called they
wero on tho freshmen's twenty-five-yard
In tho second half tho sophomores
advanced tho ball fifteen yards on tho
kick-off, leaving it on thoir twenty-five-yard
line. They punted, but failed
to get tho ball down tho field. By heavy
plunges tho freshmen soon placed it
eight yards in front of tho sophomore
goal, and Brown following Niolson's
tactics crossed tho coveted line. Ryan
failed to kick tho goal. Score, 5 to 5.
Tho ground was now stubbornly con
tested until tho whistle blow, with tho
sophomores in possession of the ball on
their opponents' twenty-five-yard lino.
A second game will bo played tho lat
ter part of this week to decide who
will play tho winning team of the
upper class men.
Tho foot ball gamo between tho soph
omore and freshman classes Friday re
sulted in a victory for neither side, tho
score being 5 to 5 at tho close of tho
second half. Tho gamo was hotly con
tested from start to finish and abound
ed in brilliant plays by both sides. Tho
freshmen won tho toss and chose tho
south goal. On tho kick-off tho fresh
mon carried tho pigskin back to thoir
thirty-yard lino, and then by a series
of runs and lino bucks forced it past
tho center into sophomore torrltory.
After a hard struggle they surrendered
tho ball and the sophomores tried tho
strength of their opponents' lino. They
wero soon forced to kick. Tho fresh-
The athletic board of tho university
held a special meeting October 23 to
consider tho foot ball situation and act
upon tho resignation of Captain Wil
liams. The board refifsed to accept tho
resignation of tho captain and he was
persuaded to retain his position on tho
team. The following resolutions were
moved by Dr. Pound and were adopted
by tho, board:
"Whereas, Mr. Williams has ex
pressed his willingness to co-operato
with tho coach and tho board in push
ing the interests of tho team during
tho present foot ball season; and,
"Whereas, Tho board has confidence
in bis ability so to do, and tho coach
has expressed his confidence in Mr.
Williams' ability so to do likewise;
therefore, bo it
"Resolved, That Mr. Williams' reslg
nation bo not accepted."
The resolution carried unanimously.
After the meeting a member of" the
board said, when tho matter had been
thoroughly aired, it was discovered
that there had never been any serious
disagreement and that all tho trouble
might bo laid to tho interference of
outsido individuals and irresponsible
nowppaper gossip.
Tho following statistics of tho Yale
Wisconsin gamo October 21, which
Yalo won by a score of 6 to 0, aro inter
teresting as showing tho value of good
punting. Yale, exclusive of Richard's
long run for a touchdown, advanced
tho ball 250 yards 220 yards before
tho touchdown and 30 yards after. Wis
consin during tho entiro gamo, includ
ing a run of 30 yards, advanced the
ball less than 50 yards. Still, tho net
result of Yale's 250 yards was made ab
solutely nothing by O'Dea's magnificent
kicking, as without Richard's run Yale
could not hayo scored. Tho value of
good kicking could have no more bril
liant demonstration.
Successful Entertainment Given In tho
Chanel Thursday Evening
Music Above Par.
The first recital of tho season by the
students of tho university school of
music occurred in the chapel Thursday
evening. From the standpoint of the
audience the showing made was very
creditable. In fact, certain mombors
on the program ranked far above the
avcrago of tho pupils heard at these
Miss Holmes was heard for the first
time before a university audience. Re
ports have been heard for some timo in
regard to the excellent quality of her
voice, and it is safe to say that all
who heard her on this occasion will bo
desirous of hearing her many times
this season. She easily captivates her
audience with the number that she
The pupils who have been under tho
training of John Randolph made an
unusually good showing on this occa
sion. Special mention of all numbers
that received favor with the audience
is out of the question, as all were well
received. Tho program was as follows:
Piano solo Fantasio C minor. Mozart
Alleyno Archibald.
Soprano solo "A Resolve"
H. de Fontenallles
"Eclogue" F. W. Sawyer
Josephine Keane.
Contralto. solo-j-"Hark, Hark, My
Soul" '.....'... Gerara Barton
Lora Holmes.
Piano solo Ballade G minor. . .Chopin
Rose Olson.
Soprano solo "Slumber Song"...
Tonzo Sauvage
Eleanor Raymond.
Violin solo "Vision of Jeanno
d'Arc" Gounod
"Serenata" Moszkowskl-Ernst
Agnes Brownell.
Soprano solo "Allah" Chadwlck
"I Love My Jean" W. A. Howland
Bessie Turner.
Soprano solo "A Rosary"
Ethelbert Nevin
Louise Miller.
Piano solo Polonalhe op. 40, No. 2
Daisy McClure.
Soprano solo "To a Rose"
F. Seymour Hastings
"Give" F. H. Cowen
Mrs. C. S. Hart.
Contralto solo "The Sweetest
Flower That Blows". C. B. Hawley
"Immortallte" Chaminade
Grace Reynolds.
Piano solo Barcarolle, G minor. .
Rhnpsodle, G minor Brahms
Philip Hudson.
Tho following musical program will
be given by the members of tho Union
society Friday evening:
Paht I.
Piano duet
Edna King and Chara Dimmlck.
Vocal solo "Nymphs and Shep
herds" Purcell
Annette Abbott.
Sketches Elsie Blandln
Violin solo Mr. Nolson
Part II.
Vocal duet "Bacarolle" Abt
Mr. Boostrom and Mr. Hadley.
Piano solo Selected
Reading "Getting Into the Wrong
Room" Dickens
Edwin Robertson.
Vocal solo Selected
Lillian Chase.
Mandolin club "Amorita"
LETICS. Tho following remarks on athletics
aro taken from tho Inaugural address
of President Arthur Twining Hadley of
"Another group of cohesive forces
which strengthens tho influence of a
university upon its members is con
nected with college athletics. The
value of athletic sports when practiced
In tho right spirit Is only equalled by
their porniciousness when practiced in
tho wrong spirit. They deserve cordial
and enthusiastic support. Tho timo or
thought spent upon them, great as it
may seem, is justified by their educa
tional Influence. But side by side with
this support and part of it wo must
have unsparing condemnation of tho
whole spirit of professionalism. I do
not refer to those grosser and moro ob
vious forms of professionalism which
collego sentiment has already learned
to condemn. Nor do I chiefly refer to
tho betting by which intercollegiate
contests aro accompanied, though this
is a real and great evil, and does much
to bring other evils in its train. I refer
to something far moro widespread,
which still remains a menace to Ameri
can collego athletics the whole sys
tem of regarding athletic achievement
as a sort of advertisement of one's
prowess, and of valuing success for its
own sake rather than for tho sake of
the honor which comes in achieving it
by honorable methods. I rejoice in
Yale's victories; I mourn in her de
feati ; uUt, I mourn still niryo whenever
I see a Yale man who regards athlelicd
as a sort of competitive means for
pushing the university ahead of some
rival. This is professionalism of tho
most subtle and therefore most danger
out sort. 1 know that the condition of
athletic discipline in a college makes a
difference in its attractiveness to a
large and desirable class of young mon,
and rightly so. Whether a victory or a
series of victories makes such a differ
ence, and increases tho numbers that
attend tho university, I do not know,
and I do not caro to know. The man
who allows his mind to dwell on such a
question, If he Is not tempted to vio
late tho ethics of amateur sport, is at
any rate playing with temptation in a
dangerous and reprehensible way. I
am glad to believe that our colleges,
and our nation as a whole, aro becom
ing better able to understand the lovo
of sport for its own sake. Tho growth
of this spirit through three genera
tions has relieved English universities
of some of tho problems which today
confront us in America. To tho growth
of this spirit wo must ourselves trust
for their solution here. I am ready
heartily to co-operate In any attempts
that other colleges may make to lay
down clear rules for tho practice of in
tercollegiate athletics, becauso tho ab
benco of such co-operation would bo
misunderstood and would glvo cause
for suspicion where none ought to ex
ist. But I cannot conceal tho fact that
the majority of such rules can only
touch the surface of the difficulty; and
that so far as they distract attention
from tho moral element In the case
which is beyond all reach of rules, they
may prove a positive hindrance to
progress. If wo can enter into ath
letics for tho lovo of honor, in the
broadest sense of tho word, unmixed
with tho lovo of gain in any sense, wo
may now and then lose a few students,
but we shall grow better year after
year in all that makes for sound uni
versity life."