h fHIS NEIJRVSKAN-HKSW2RIAN. The library of tho European history semlnnr has been Increased recently by a number of rare and valuable con temporary works on the French revo lution. Delta Epsllon has sent three men, W. L. Hall and Raymond Pollard from hero and J. Emery Lester from Chicago to the sixty-fifth convention of Delta Epsllon held at Ann Arbor and Detroit. Wo are still looking for a fountain pen to equal that which ve sell for 69c. We do not' expect to find any thing to equal It in valuo for the price and do not bellevo that you will cither. Every pen is warranted. Wo also carry a full line of Waterman's "Ideal" fountain pens, the "Remex" and all other reliable makes. Book Dept., Herpolsheimer & Co. Kappa Kappa Gamma initiated seven pledges Saturday night at tho home Qf Miss Mabel Richards. The new mem bers are: Misses Tinel Bradt, Teresa Sallee, Emily Jenkins, Constance Sau erbach, Blanche Emmons, Blendena Emmons and Blanche Edmiston. Flow ers were receiveo from Phi Kappa Psi, Sigma Alpha Epsilon and Delta Tau Delta. The attendance at he evening sketch class last Wednesday was fourteen. A little girl posed for the class. More students should take advantage of this opportunity to learn sketching. Each student receives individual instruction, so no requirements are asked upon en tering the class. Any person wishing to enter should see Miss Hayden, the instructor. The nnnual joint debate between the Delian boys' debating club and the Alpha Omega society of Doane will be held in the chapel Saturday evening. The question: "Resolved, That the at titude of the British government tow ards the Transvaal is just." . C. W. Jones, R. Sampson and J. F. Boomer will represent the Delians. Dr. H. B. Ward was in South Omaha last Friday and Saturday.attending the annual convention of the state Y. M. 0. A. He was re-elected chairman of the executive committee for the ensuing year. The university was represented also by a large delegation of students, and the college secretary, John S. Moore. Mr. Moore appeared twice on the general program. Manager Collett of the foot ball team has secured the following dates with the various western teams: October 21 at Lincoln against Missouri, October 28 at Kansas City against the Knnsas City medics, November 4 at Omaha against Iowa, November 11 at Dps Moines against Drake university eleven, November J8 at Lincoln against Kansas, Thanksgiving at Omaha against Grlnnell college. The club of civil engineers met last Thursday in mechanics art hall. A committee, composed of S. D. Clinton, A. E. Carter and G. W. Lyons, was ap pointed for the purpose of obtaining the services of well known and experi enced engineers o fill out their lecture courso. The committee is to report to the club" October 2C. Some valuable lectures arc anticipated. On Saturday evening the Palladlan boys debating club will debate the fol lowing question: "Resolved that the in come tax Is a just system of taxation." Louis Goodwill and B. R. Gordon will speak on the affirmative and R. L. Waterman and E. C. Finlay the nega tive. All men in the university are in vited to take part in the general dis cussion after the regular debate. The annual Y. M. C. A. committee man's dinner was given In tho rooms of that organization last Thursday even ing. International Secretary Rose was present and delivered an instructive talk. Three of the board of control, Drs. Paine, Ward and Hastings, were present and responded to toasts. Re- THE CENTURY DOUltliK-FEKI) PEN A'.Af..AlA. AfA. l. .- .! l l i. .i it. .. .. ... ... ... ... ... ... .. ... ... ... ... .. -a.M.e.MVfiri'VViP:' IS THE BEST Ft K. Edgerlon, Agent, University. PR JAMES 5T0CKFIELD, IMFNTKT m rect, Lincoln, Nob., op. ULIlilOli posltc the Post onicc. Painless Extractions. Uctitsclier .alniaizt. (lold 1111 iiiKstl.Maml up; Silver TUHnus fill cents ami up; While fllHiitfs 75 cents ami up. Ileal set of teclli $UMK); Cheap set of teeth s?o.OO. All Work Cuarantootl. Drs. Clutter & Shannon DENTISTS. Phone 426 1 136 O Street Lincoln l id 1 71 3 7'' V - laj 1 it a I be Booh Bepartment Herpplsheimer S Co., 1 E Headquarters for Fountain Pens, History mpor and hovers. Text Hooks and all l College Supplies. Music and Picture Department. We carry a full line of all late and popular Music at half the publishers' price. Pic tures and photos framed, from 25c upward. -w is if ?:y3iF3;:F3;ryT? ports of the various chairmen of com mittees were read and approved. The affair was very successful, about fifty partaking of the dinner. F. A. Barnes, physical director of the Omaha Y. M. C. A., was in Lincoln October 14 to referee the foot ball game between the Kansas City medics and Nebraska. He spoke very en couragingly of the prospects for indoor and outdoor athletics In Omaha. Since the association secured an athletic field a great deal of interest has developed in track and field sports and a meet be tween the representatives of the asso ciation and the university will be "ar ranged for next spring. The union society was favored last Friday evening with a story by Miss Grace Rushton and a short farce in terspersed with vocal and instrumental music. Tho play was a scene from mar ried life, "Things are not what they seem." Edna King was the wronged wife and Rena Chappell, her old maid friend, rendered their parts well. W. 11. Warner, the recreant husband, and C. J. Piatt, his accomplice, presented their parts in a natural manner. The stage was decorated for the occasion. The zoological club held a meeting in the zoological library last Thursday evening at 8 o'clock. Quite a 'number were present and listened to the pro gram, which was very Interesting. Dr. Ward discussed a paper on "Anoplo cephaline Costodes." The paper was the thesis of R. A. Lyman and is con sidered very strong work. Albert U. Lewis talked on the "Preliminary Sur vey of the Fauna of Lake Erie." Frank E. Watson, graduate fellow in the uni versity from Brown university, read a paper on tho "Work at the Woods Hall Marine Laboratory." The next indoor athletic contest will be that annually held In the gym nasium on charter day. Although this contest seems far distant, training has already commenced and the first pre liminary contest will be held Satur day afternoon. Tho event will be the standing high jump. As usual the three best in each event will contest on charter day. Dr. Hastings expects to make this exhibition even more inter esting than previous ones have been, as more students have registered for '.he training or athletic classes and greatpr interest Is being taken in the work. At a meeting of the athletic board held October Ifi it was decided to schedule a game of foot ball with Drake university at Dos Molnos on No vember 11. After diligent Inquiry the board found the charges of profes sionalism against tho Drake team to bo groundless and so agreed to fill a date with that eleven. A now rule requir ing candidates for the foot ball team who come from some other college and register in the university to attend school one year before entering Into tho foot ball arena was discussed at some length, but no action was taken upon It. This measure will como up iww ftflwnM fTwV fkaTiN. ijtsJnjt. ."Ww. jn.Jx't .tv...7 .:..".!. .T.,.T.,.t. ...; .T.istwt. j .iil.7" T iwhti .HtAt' dcifo-i t? 1 a Don't you know that there is only one place to have your Clothes made? They fit,-they -.wear, they 00k good FOREVER. Hj S. If Fine Tailoring of all kinds 4 3 L. T. Herzo 1032 0 Street. 5 t i I s- sVY?'? Without Work Without Price Inflate Your Tires You are invited to use our compressed air plant to inflate your tires. No work for you No 1 No charge from us. i C. L. SHADER, io2'i2th Bicycle Repairing Oliver Johnson, D. D. S. DENTIST, Out llurlc' llruir Store. I Telephone 7S1. Lincoln, Neb. Northwestern University Medical School The high standard and progressive meth ods which have given this School its envi able reputation for over thirty years are carefully maintained For circulars of detailed information ad dress the Secretary, DR. N. S. DAVIS, 2431 Dearborn St., Chicago, III. Monarch Bicycles The Heudy to Write IiiHtnmicnt of Today 1b Waterman's Ideal Fountain Pen An Indispensable convenience (or STATKHMKN. IlKI'OHTKHH LAWVKIIH. Huhinkhh Mhn. Piiyhicians, Tkaciikiih and AUTIIOltH. STUIIKNTS. Every PEN Warranted to Give Sat isfaction. Prises According to Value. Cataloges Furnlshod. L. E. WATERMAN CO., Lnri;e8t Fountain Pen MfrH In tho World. 157 HrouclWMy.Now Yor Ate recognized the world over as representing the highest type of excelJence in bicycle construction ARE NOW WITHIN REACH OF ALL Monarch Roadsters $50 Defiance Roadsters $35 King and Queen Roadsters $25 Why look further when machines ol established reputation can bo liad at tlioso prices Monarch ChainlGss $75 Bond for Catalogue Agonta wanted in open territory M0NAB0H 0Y0LE MPG. 00. Ilalstod and Fulton Sts., CHICAGO Church and ncado Sts., NEW YORK Rido a Monarch and Keep In Front 3 H I I, 1 ? BHMM