jjsa HM THE NKBRASKAN-HKSPKRIAN. !' it . f ' v j if t; f: ; W! M Ml ii'l 1-1 r !'J w ;3 r.i.r made twenty yards, when Benedict kicked the ball thirty-five yards. The ball was now on Missouri's five yard lino. The Nebraska lino at this stage of the game was like a stone wall and three attempts netted Missouri but one yard. They then kicked twenty yards and Benedict brought it back. Nebraska soon lost the ball and when time was called it was at the center of the field in the possession of Nebraska. The line-up was as follows: McCaslin 1j. E Drain Hartung U T Pearse Craig T,. G Brew Kramor C Koohler Bohort It. G Ringer Kruse It, T West over "Vallace Saunders Tt. B Cortolyou Houx Q Tukey Washer It. H Benedict Cooper L. H Crnndall Goodson Thurman P. B Carver McAlister Y. W. C. A. NOTES. The girls of the university should be sure not to miss the treat in store for thorn October 27-29. The state conven tion of the association will be held at that time in the First Presbyterian church of this city. Miss Coude of Chicago and other members of the in ternational board of the Y. W. C. A. will give addresses. Miss Margaret Kyle, secretary of the city association will speak. Fine music; all are cor dially invited. A cabinet meeting of the Y. W. C. A. was held last Wednesday, at which plans were discussed for the associa tion work. The outlook is most en couraging. The membership now reaches almost 200. This number, however, is small in comparison with the number o'f girls in tho .university. Why cannot all become identified with this association? Six bible classes have been formed in the university. All girls are cordially invited to join at least one of these classes. The list of bible study classes is as follows: Studies in the Life of Christ (one hour credit), 310 L, Tuesday, 5-G Dean Wilson The Life of Christ (Sharman). Y. W. C. A, room, Saturday, 3-4. . Miss Katharine Woods The Life of Christ (Sharman), Y. W. C. A. room, Friday, E-G... Miss May Hopper Historical Studies in the Old Test ament, Y. W. C. A. room, Sun day, 3-4 Miss Margaret Lynn Fundamental Principles of Chris tian Living (Miss Babcock). Y. W. C. A. room. Tuesday, 5-0 Mrs. Hodgman Fundamental Principles of Chris tian Living (Miss Babcock), Y. W. C. A. room. Friday. 4-5. Miss Bortha Walvoord Energy is being exerted toward ob taining a college secretary. The work of the association has become so heavy that this is an absolutely necessary addition. R .& . .& . $ Students ftebraskatts Hesperian Scholarship oifer will remain open for one more week. It will posi- tivel close October 81, unless; i some .tndent offers to take advan tage of it. . A fflk Or. 4 t -Tfc ,. ! V..KS' ?& WiSH r;i jw & && You Want the Finest We Have it HAVE YOU CALLED AT THE... University.... " Bool Store? You will find a complete line of school supplies, text books, note paper, his tory covers, drawing, botany and zoo logy instruments. Waterman's Ideal fountain pens, and in fact, everything that a student will possibly use a:come in.a: UNIVERSITY HALL, DOWN STAIRS. Newly Furnished, and Operated in First Class Style THE MODEL Dining Hall,- L C HOLADAY, Prop. Special attention given lo studants. make a apecialty of Sunday dinners. We :tl(J So. 12!h St., Lincoln, Neb. NEW DYNUMI3TBR. Director Hastings ha just received a standard dynoniotor, ordorod wmc we'ohs ago. TIiJb Interesting little ma rhlno. constructed from the flneat steal and put together with the grm eat Bkill, can by determining the sep arate Btrongth of the chet, buck jtnd legs, compute the trcngih of the en tire body in foot pound without the 8lightBt variance. The teats of the athletes and strong men of the unlvor Hlty will begin in November and -will be taken every Saturday thereafter. Accurate record of these ULs will be Itept in every ease, and Dr. Hasting is confident that Nobraha in on will show up well in the records of the na tional strength tasting association, in which are represented the recorflu of all leading colleges and universities of the country. We Want Student Boarders Ftiniixlif'il IUhuh in ( 'oninefioii THE PALACE. 1130 N St. Good Worh Popular Prices- Students. Especially lnvitod to Call B2. & C. BARBER SHOP 11 44 O Street. Francis Bro's l"MMMMHHnMMaHMHaMMM Capital Cafe 121 NORTH lltli STREET. Oysters, Fish and Game in Season. isc. Meals our Specialty. Open All Night. -S? Slarkson Laundry Company -s(ij?- 330-332-334-336-338-340 South Hth St. s & g ii M stE&wvWiM szxvmmm rJry IT I ' vIL VXS ft I nm rim MMfV sff' m wm j' ' '" " '" " "k '"'IW(VV(VVjJ"J'''JiJJ,Ciil' IJII! . . - ' f , 1 am moving my cnmnlpfp lin ti jl-il, r----"": Kodaks and Photo v , l. Supplies to: 11 "7 North nth St. ., Hi CALL AND SEE THEM. D. E. DePUTRON, $5.50 IS WHAT WE CHARGE FOR THE CADET TJNIFOR TROUS ERS MADE FROM THE WAR KENTON MILLS WOOLENS.... Got Lots of Wear in them. The B. L Paine Clothing Co. ;J!fci$!: i-W