The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, October 24, 1899, Image 1
THE NEBR ASKAN -HESPERIAN Vol. 8-29, No. 6. LINCOLN, OCTOBER 24. 1899. Five Cents, SOPHOMORE HOP A SUCCESS Largo Number f Students Enjoy a Very PleiMMt Evenly at Cnr- icr IIkH. The first university party of the sea son took place Friday evening, when the sophomore class gave their annual hop at Courier hall. A large crowd availed themselves of the opportunity and enjoyed the lively strains of dance music rendered by a local orchestra. During the evening refreshments were served and every one voted the party a success. Much of the success of the party was due to the management of the committee, of whom H. C. Barber was chairman. The following were the other members: Messrs. Crandall, Heuck, Horn, Hill, Bauman; Misse3 Hays, Llndell and Thomas. S. I. Kil Han was master of ceremonies. The dancers were: Misses Burruss, Hoi brook, Tukey, Miner, Woodward, Jen kins, Sarbach, DuTeil, Houtz, An drews, DeLashmatt, Whiting, Lasch, Honeywell, Cropsey, Millar, Woodford. Ricketts, Cunningham, Wetzel, Mc Pheely, Bennett, Reeves, Alderman, Hull, Stratton, Cady, Cole. Hays, Wlg genhorn, Wirt, Morgan, Thomas, Em mons, Salle, Gladwlthe, Parks, Loomis, Nance, Hazelwood, Schwartz, Llndell, Douglas; Messrs. Shick, Brown, Mus ser, Cunningham, Hedges, Reed, Rick ftts, St Clair, Mattson, Paine, Turpln, 0. Mudge, L. Mudge, Willis, Rose, Smith, Maasfelde, Moore, Sanders, Llebman, Hamlin, Ewert, Hedrlck, Theme, -Cllaton, D. Atwood, Garoutte, Johnson, Lyle, Egerton, C. Atwood, Morrison, Whedon, Sherman, Watklns, Everett, Williams, McKillup, Kline, Nielson, Tobey, Lewis, King, E. B. Saw yer, Roy Sawyer, Hancock, Andreson, Snuff, Schwartz, Abbott. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Woods enter tained a large company Friday evening at Walsh's hall. The reception oc curred from 8 to 10, after which danc ing to the music of Hagenow's band was enjoyed. The reception room in which Mr. and Mrs. Woods received ther guests was decorated with red roses and lighted by red Bhaded lamps. The hostess wore a handsome toilet of black silk grenadine over white taffeta, with a yoke of white applique. She was assisted in the reception room by Mes dames Cochrane, Ward, Wilson, Baker, Woods, Bowman, Misses Garten and Cochrane, ach of whom carried Amer ican Beauties. The refreshment room was one in pink streamers of tarleton extending from the corners of the table to the chandelier, from which was sus pended a cluster of carnations. Mrs. Mark Woods in a beautiful pink silk gown poured coffee. She was assisted by Misses Woods, Maoomber, Haecker and Cole. In the dancing ball old rose was the chosen color for decorations, this shade appearing in the hangings and In the chrysanthemums which soft oned the lights. In an artistically ar ranged corner Miss Wattrins, assisted by MIsseB Welch, Jackson, Macomber, Dost and Mulliken, Berved punch. MIbb Margaret Whedon entertained the members of Kappa Kappa Gamma yesterday morning at a swimming party. The following young ladied en joyed the plunge and the after-luncheon in the parlors of the sanitarium Mrs. Emory C. Hardy, MisBes Cropsey,' Hays, Hargreaves, Blanche Emmons, Blendena Emmons, Jenkins, Post, Richards, Burt, Outcalt, Ellen Gere, Frances Gere, Ricketts, Grigrgs, Ray mond, Edmlston, Hammond, Houtz, Wetzel, Sarbach, Bratt, Lotttie Whe don and Margaret Whedon. The geological department of the university gave a party last Wednes day evening at the conservatory of music In honor of Mr. Gould, new fcK low In geology from Kansas. Several hours were spent in social enjoyment Refreshments were served, the ice cream being colored to represent Da kota cretaceous leaves. Those present were: Mrs. Kimball and Missett Hazel wood, Cornell, Stringer and Barbour, and Messrs. Cornell, Kimball, Fisher, W. H. H. Moore, Gould and King. An informal hop was given Wednes day evening at 1037 H street by the Kappa Alpha Theta girls, which was enjoyed by the following: Misse; Ellen Wirt, Jessica Morgan, Selma Wiggen horn, Ellen Douglas, Jane MacFarland, Frances Cunningham, Margaret Loom is, Jessie MacFarland, Millar and Catharine Agnew; Messrs. Franlc Man chester, Marley, Johnston, La Rue Brown, Claude W. Reed, Mansfelde, Dfet Lau, Charley Abbott and Jeirerson Broady. The marriage of Miss Gertrude Han sen, Kappa Kappa Gamma, and Harry De BravoSigma, Chi, tookpluce at Fairbury last Tuesday evening. Quite a number of university people went down for the occasion. TIGERS TAKE A TURN. THE GRADUATE CLUB. Professor and Mrs. Candy enter tained the Graduate club Saturday evening, October 14, about forty mem bers being present Dean and Mrs. Edgren assisted in receiving and Mrs. Moritz, Mrs. Davison, Mrs. Reed, Miss Wheeler, Miss Grace Wheeler and Miss Bertha Quaintance helped serve. Professor Candy and Dean Edgren made short talks, suggesting new plans for the graduate club as an organiza tion. President Candy proposes to make the club a success this year if the graduate students will only co operate, but he is not Inclined to work for people who do not want his help. Those present who wished to be noti fied of future meetings were asked to register with the president and those not present are to be given the same chance, as membership in the graduate club is optional. It is expected that holding the meetings at the homes of members of the faculty will make these affairs pleasanter than those of last year, which were in university rooms. A "small contribution was asked from each member to defray expenses of these meetings. Dean Edgren spoke encouragingly of the growth of the eraduate school and thought it was time to be known to the world through some publication. As a title for this he suggested "Investigations of the Graduate School of the University of Nebraska," and the theses of doctors or masters would be the proper mate rial. This subject is to be dlscuBBed further at the next meeting of the club. After these talks refreshments were served and a social time enjoyed. The rooms were prettily decorated in the university ecarlot and cream and the sherbet glasoes were uniquely im bedded in gay flowers of the same colore. WIh Fhhh Nebraska in Hard Fought Contest m CampHB Saturday Afteriteen. Missouri university foot ball eleven defeated the University of Nebraska Saturday by a score of 11 to 0. The game was a battle of strength until the last, when time was called with the ball within two feet of the Missouri goal. The final brace was due to a thirty-yard run and a well placed kick, both by Benedict With one minute more Nebraska would have avoided a shut-out Many Nebraska students have looked forward to this game for weeks, yet the attendance was disappointing in the extreme. The enthusiastic persons present were scattered about the field in a way that prevented them from being of any actual service to the play ers during the game. The day was much too warm to be good for foot ball. The heat with a heavy wind from the southwest that sent cloud after cloud of dust flying across the gridiron, made life very burdensome to all who did come out Enthusiasm was considerably below par. None of the old-time tally-ho par ties, or the gayly decorated boxes, oc cupied by the fairer sex, were seen. Nothing characterized the gathering save a few megaphones. These were used with so little advantage that they were of absolutely no service. At 3:06 the Missouri team came on the field. The red and gold sweaters were worn by men of medium height well proportioned, who looked to be in fit condition for a hard game. Six minutes later the Nebraska men were on the field. There was no delay. Missouri won the toBS and Captain Kramer chose the south goal, with the wind on the backs of the Missouri men. The referee blew the whistle at 3:15. Benedict for Ne braska kicked off, but the ball went out of bounds. Benedict kicked again. The ball went to the twenty-flve-yard line of Missouri, who brought it back five yards. Missouri commenced by send ing her tackles through the line. They made eight yards. The right half made two yards. It was not fast enough for the men from Missouri and they tried a double pass for a gain of eighteen yards, Koehler making a neat tackle for Nebraska, stopping them finally. West and Kruse made two yards each through the line. Bohort started around Nebraska's left end and fumbled, but a Missouri man fell on the ball with a gain of fifteen yards. Washer made five more through the line. West and Kruse made good gains. Seven minutes after play commenced McCaslin carried the ball over for a touchdown. McCaslin kicked goal. The ball went back to the center of the field and Benedict kicked off to the ten-yard line. Drain and Pearse dropped the man on the spot Missouri sent their men through the lines for short gains, but were finally forced to kick, Thurman sending the ball to Nebraska's twenty-flve-yard line. Ben edict carried it back five yards. It was Nebraska's ball and Benedict made three yards and Carver four yards 9-NEB-HES 10-23 through the line. Benedict tried to punt, hut the hall was blocked. A Ne braska man fell on it Here the -university men started in to play .steady ball. Benedict, Carver, Westover, Pearse and Crandall made fair gains through the line for twenty yards, Pearse getting away once for twelve. They were finally forced to kick and Tukey dropped on the ball. Nebraska backs and Westover were sent Into the line again. For a few plays they gained and then the ball went to Mis souri on downs. ThuYman began the work with five yards through left half. Washer and Kruse kept up the gait Here West over was hurt in a mass play and Wal lace was substituted. Missouri started well again, but the ball soon went to Nebraska on downs. The ball changed hands again on downs, only to go back a few minutes later to Nebraska. Missouri soon had the ball again and by steady work soon pushed Hartsong over for the second touchdown.' Mc CasliR failed to kick goal. Benedict again kicked off to the twenty-yard line. Missouri slowly started the ball down the field anil when time was called the sphere was In the center of tne field. Score, 11 to 0 In favor of Missouri. The second half began at 4:26. Mis souri kicked to Nebraska's thlrty-flve-yard line. Benedict caught the ball and made five yards, when he was com pelled to kick, returning it to Mis souri's forty-flve-yard line. Nebraska took the ball on downs. Carver went through the line for eight yards, Bene dict followed for three a- Pearse went through l-;t guard an$ tackle for four yards. Benedict made - two more through the line. On the next play Tukey fumbled and a Missouri man got possession of the ball. Koehler made a good tackle on the following play be fore Missouri had advanced the ball more than a yard. Missouri then made eight yards in the next four plays. On the last play Cooper got injured and Goodson was substituted. Missouri played fast from now on, gaining nine teen yards in the following seven plays. The ball was quite a distance in the Nebraska territory by this time, so the men got down to hard work and kept Missouri from gaining on the next attempt Ringer stopped the fol lowing play by a beautiful tackle. Thurman was injured in this pfey ad Peeper took his place. Wallace tackled the man hard in the following play, forcing the ball back four yards. The Missouri fullback then punted, but Pearse succeeded in blocking the ball. A Missouri man, however, fell on it In their next few line-ups they failed to gain, which necessitated a kick. Ne braska got the ball and gained but a few yards. The signal was given for a kick and Benedict sent the ball thirty 3'ards. Missouri lost the ball on downs on the fourth play. Nebraska made but one yard in two attempts, when Benedict punted. A Missouri man caught the ball and made a touchback. The ball was then taken to the twenty-flve-yard line, where Missouri kicked to Nebraska's forty-flve-yard line. Drain caught it and carried it back fifteen yards. Soon Pearse with good team work went through the oppon ents' line for twenty-four yards. In a few minutes the ball went from Nebraska to Missouri and then back to Nebraska on downs. Then lacking, q few yards after the second down, Tukey attempted to kick a goal from the field, but the ball was blocked. The next sixteen plays netted Missouri flffo'-three yards, when they lost the ball on downs. In six plays Nebraska 's