Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 17, 1899)
THE NEBRASKAN-HESPKRIAN. 1 showing the rules of the library. Whenever one begins talking ho Is suddonly confronted with one of these cards and hears the cordla! Invitation, "Have a card?" The chapel was crowded Friday morning to hear the second weokly musical. The following program was enthusiastically received: Baritone solo, "Hungarian Folk Song," C. W. Kettorung; piano solo, "Cantiguo d' Amour," Liszt, Clara Dimmick; con tralto solo, "Hark, Hark, My Soul," Gordon, Sora Holmes. A good attendance characterized the meeting of the Palladian literary society Friday evening. L. C. Marsh read a humorous selection from Bob Burdette. Other readings and essays were given, which added greatly to the interest of the meeting. Two new members were taken in and sovM'al names offered for consideration. We are still looking for a fountain pen to equal that which we sell for 69c. We do not expect to find any thing to equal it in value for tho price and do not believe that you will oither. Every pen Is warranted. We also carry a full line of Waterman's "Ideal" fountain pons, the "Romox" and all other reliable makes. Book Dept., Herpolsheimer & Co. The building committee of the re gents has ordered one hundred feet of bleachers to bo built on tho west side of tho athletic field. They also promised the athletic board that they could hold the field for the rest of the season. Notice will be given when that part of the campus must be used for other purposes. This may occur in the May meeting of the regents. A few of the Kappa Alpha Theta girls entertained informally on Fri day evening at their chapter house on M street. The evening passed rapidly with music and dancing. A delight ful chafing dish lunch was"" served. Those present were tho Misses Stuart, Woodward, Wirt, Morgan, Wiggen horn and Douglas; Messrs. Lau, Reed, Weeks, Abbott, Roddy, Johm;on and Korsmeyer. The librarian is anxious to com plete old files of the college papers and other student publications. Any stu dent, alumni or members of the fac ulty having odd numbers of the Ne braskan, tho Hesperian or copies of tho class books previous to 1898 which they are willing to donate to tho uni versity library will in this, way con tribute to the formation of a complete collection of such material. The college settlement board mot Saturday afternoon and appointed tho following chairmen of committees: In struction, C. W. Jones; library and art, H. A. Hart; local improvement league, Miss Horron; social entertain ment, Mary Lynn; games and amuse ment, A. Fauquot; music, Lillian Chase; kindergarten, Margaret Davis; sowing school, Mrs. Hodgman. Active work will bo commenced this week. Tho floral department has boon re ceiving special attontlon from Profes sor Emerson and several changes have boon mado In tho greenhouses. A par tition has been built ucross tho center of tho second" groonhouBO and a cactus or "dry air" house haB boon made of tho south half. F. B. CroBS, $io new florist, has been busy propagating cut tings. Ho has between two and three thousand in pots. The new cadots havo boon issued riflcB and now fall in with their com panies. So many men arc drilling thlB year that rifles had to bo brought up from tho basement of tho arsenal. This is tho first time this haB occurred for Bovoral ycarB. After tho reading of tho orders tho now mon aro taken out on tho campus and drilled In squads. It -will be two Aveoks yot before the battalion will bo uniformed. n. PI t I fl I. I II II I I AfAlKMKAlr. Alf.AtK .! l il .1. .1. ... .i. .1. ... ... .. ... ... ... ... 1. r. .nnpiimpr q pr ustp h norma i v,j-""'c4v"i"-"-"viv'vv m. uiiuuu.uixui o iiiiuiu iiuumiuil a. fe Special attention given to all Diseases of Women. (All surgical diseases aro treated by the most approved methods Every con venience for Pelvic and Abdominal Surgery Baths for Ladles Only. Special atten tion given to Massage and Swedish Move ments in their most recent developments by the trained manipulator in charge. C.A. SHOEMAKER, M.D., 11 17 L St. THE CENTURY DOUKLE-FEED PEN IS THE BEST V. E. Udgcrloi), Agent, University. Pershing Rifles meet Thursday even ing for their first drill of tho season. F. L. Tyson, who started In to play center for Nebraska In the Ames game, sustained a severe dislocation at the elbow joint of his left arm just after the game commenced. The doc tors are not sure that tho bones are back In place, as the joint is so badly swollen. It will be several weeks at least before Tyson can resume practice. N id 1 ?l I 4 1 "VI a I Oi be lock Department Herpolsheimer & Go., Headquarters for Fountain Pens, History Paper and Covers. Text Books and all College Supplies. Music amid Picture Department. We carry a full line of all late and popular Music at half the publishers' price. Pic tures and photos framed, from 25c upward. STATE HISTORICAL. The 1898 edition of the annual re ports of the state board of agriculture were received this week. Duplicate reports of the Nebraska state horticultural and agricultural societies, together with the libraries of both, are now located In the state historical society rooms. The inten tion is to combine the libraries of the three societies. An attempt is being made to get all the newspapers of the state to send in copies regularly to the society. Cir culars are now being sent out for that purpose. , Valuable mapsof the state of Ne braska, some of them as early as 1865, are being mounted on rollers, whore they will be kept in a better state of preservation, and at the same time be easy of access. About five hundred copies of Pro fessor Bruner's "Studies In Entymol ogy" will be sont out from tho society rooms. Mr. Heath, editor of the Ne braska Farmer, has the supervision of this work. I re I I I I re !fe Vs. 337f?:i::f e'www SwA itww ninw 3fflww& Aww &ntw Twl fcnkn AnTniTi 1iT7 TtHjrfc A JVtmb A tT1"t rfafA rfiafeati t ! I a 1 n 4 f 1 4 4 K Don't you know that there is only one place to have your Clothes made? They fit, they wear, they look good FOREVER. Fine Tailoring of all kinds. L J. Herzo 1032 O Street. I a- I I- b- s w- ift-pTyWT?? Without Work Without Price A VICTIM OF FINE WEATHER. At golden autumn's harvest homo Tho loafer looks at heaven's dome And sighs, "What crops would bo my share Had not last April been so fair!" LIjE. Of all thy gifts, 0 Time, naught can wo spare. Tho past is beauteous, seen through distance rare; The future beckons with a radiant hand, And In thy glorious present proud we stand. DISENCHANTED, lie gazed upon her fair young face, Her starry eyes, her form of grace, And loaned to Hston whon she spoke These wore hor wordB: "That ain't no joke!" Inflate Your Tires You are invited to use our compressed air plant to inflate your tires. No work for you No No charge from us. C. L. SHADER, 3ia... Bicycle Repairing 2)0 I2lli - - ! Oliver Johnson, D. DB S. DENTIST, Lincoln, Neb. Out Horlcy' Telephone Drug Htorc. H4. Northwestern University Medical School The high standard . progressive meth ods which have givei this School its envi able reputation for over thirty years are carefully maintained For circulars of detailed information ad dress the Secretary, DR. N. S. DAVIS, 2431 Dearborn St., C&icago, 111. wvwwv Monarch Bicycles vj- MUSIC. Students desiring prlvato Instruc tion In music will find It to tholr ad vantage to call on G. 0. Monzondorf, former Instructor of music In the Uni versity o Nebraska. Tho following branches aro taught: Piano, violin, cello, mandolin and othor stringed In struments; also harmony and theory. Prlco of tuition modorato. Students studying music with Mr. Monzondorf aro not barred from taking such stud ies In tho unlvorslty as they aro prop orly prepared and qualified for. For further particulars call at studio, Brace bldg., room 405, cor. Plfteonth land 0 Btroots. Tho Keudy to Write IiiBtrutnuni of Today 1b Waterman's Ideal Fountain Pen An Indispensable convenience (or Statesmen. Jmwykuh, phyhioians. AUTHOKH, IttSI'OUTMIIH HtWINKBH MHN. TKAOHKItHUntl STtJDKNTB. Evory PEN Warranted to Give Sat isfaction. Prloes According to Value. Cataloffes Furnished. L. E. WATERMAN CO., LiirgBrtt'Fountuln Pen MfrH. ln'tlio 'World. 157 Broadway, New York Are recognized the world over as representing the highest type of excellence in bicycle construction ARE NOW WITHIN REACH OF ALL Monarch Roadsters $50 Defiance Roadsters $35 King and Queen Roadsters $25 Why look lurthor when machines ol established reputation can bo bad at tlieso prices ......... Monarch Chainless $75 Boud for Gutulopuo Agouti) 'wiintod lu opoti torrltory M0NAE0H 0Y0LE MF&. 00. Halstod and Fulton 8ts., CHICAGO Church and Roado Sts., NEW YORK Ride a Monarch and Keep in Front n