The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, October 17, 1899, Page 6, Image 6

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Reception to students at Grace M.
E. church. Twonty-seventh and R
streets, this evening. All are Invited.
Senior-junior foot ball game Thurs
day at 2:30 o'clock.
Pershing Rifle drill Thursday even
ing. Old members' program by Dellan so
ciety Friday evening.
Annual sophomoro hop at Courier
hall Friday evening.
Reception and ball by Mrs. Frank
Woods at Walsh's hall Friday even
Geneva meeting by Y. W. C. A. Sun
day afternoon at 4 o'clock.
J. Dean Ringer has been pledged to
the Phi Kappa Psl fraternity.
Kitty Agnow of Plattsmouth is one
of the new pledges of Kappa Alpha
Miss Marguerite Winger left Sunday
for Tecumseh, where she will spend
the winter.
Mrs. Anne Wetzel of Omaha is visit
ing her daughter, Miss Edna Wetzel,
for a few weeks.
Allan E. Sedgwick of York was in
itiated into the Phi Kappa Psl frater
nity on Wednesday evening.
Kate M. McHugh of Omaha was the
guest of the Delta Gamma fraternity
on Friday evening.
Edgar Banghardt, '98, principal of
the schools at Crete, Neb., was a
visitor over Sunday.
Adelaide Deily, one of last year's
conservatory pupils, has returned to
resume musical studies.
Miss Flora Bullock, a former in
structor In journalism, was visiting
the university last Friday.
Professor Powers, who has the chair
of biology at Doane college, was a
visitor at the university last Saturday.
S. B. Sloan, '99, and Keene Abbott
are taking work in English under Pro
fessor Ansley in the University of
Mrs. Willltts Sawyer, formerly Miss
Georglo Case, is visiting the Delta
Gammas and other old university
Robert Graham, '97, now principal
of the Arapahoe high school, attended
tho state meeting of superintendents
and principals last week.
In the practice game on Wednesday
Harry Crandall received a severe cut
over the right eye. Three stitches
were needed to close tho cut.
Howard Parmelee, formorly assist
ant in the freshman chemistry labora
tory and now with the Union" Pacific
at Omaha, spent Thursday at the uni
versity. Manager Collett returned Tuesday
from Omaha, where ho made arrange
ments with Manager McCutcheon of
Iowa for a game to be played on No
vember 1 in Omaha.
David Lamport, formerly of tho
class of 3900, has enllBtod in tho
Thirty-ninth volunteer regiment,
which is now at San Francisco. Mr.
Lamport was a member of Company
D, First Nebraska rogimont, but came
homo on account of sickness last Jan
Gregory tho Coal Man.
Now books. University Book Store.
Tho latest books In at Tho Co-op, 322
N. 11th.
Full line of writing tablets at Univer
sity Book Store.
Fine "Pennant" writing paper at
The Co-op, 322 N. 11th.
W. L. Boose, '99, of Plattsmouth,
was in town over Sunday.
Nebraskan subscriptions taken at
the University Book Store.
"Pennant" uni. writing paper in
boxes at The Co-op, 322 N. 11th.
Whatman, Crane and Weston draw
ing papers at University Boole Store.
The Palladlans are making arrange
ments for their annual Hallowe'en
Full line of tablets, writing pads and
notebooks nt tho University Book
"You'll have to hurry" and order
your shirts at Harper's shirt factory,
1012 0.
A student reception was held in the
First Presbyterian church Friday
Physical examinations are proceed
ing rapidly in the physical training
Our university pins have come and
are going fast. Get one at the Univer
sity Book Store.
Lowney chocolate bon bons fresh
every day at Hanna's drug store, cor
ner 14th and O.
Professor Lawrence Bruner spoke
before the science club of the Lincoln
high school Wednesday.
Large stock of U. of N. writing
paper now in at The Co-op, 322 N.
11th. Envelqpes to match.
Professor Hodgeman gave an Inter
esting talk in chapel Sunday morning
on the subject of bible study.
Walt for our new consignment of
V -nfflBiS)'
W. -Vr-J-M L" 1
VST- ' SRf
jQ v
Good Clothes
Are to Respectability what
the frame is to the picture..
Appearance go a long ways. More
than ever before do clothes have
an influence in determining one's
first impression, sense and charac
ter of the man. It pays to buy
stylish and well made clothing,
such as bear the trade mark of L.
Adler, Sons & Co. and Hart, Shaff
ner & Marx, and which compete
successfully everywhere with the
best custom work. We want every
man of taste to see the exceedingly
swell line of Fall and Winter
Suits and Overcoats from thcabove
named manufacturers. You will
be surprised at how handsorhejy
you may be dressed for less than
half what you have been paying
your tailor.
of the very latest design and fully
tailor made, at $10, $12.50, $15.00,
$10.50, SIB. 00 and $20.00.
"Gregory the Coal Man." Miss Ames of the library staff Is
The last of the physical training tlasslfyine nnd arranging the mass of
Waterman pens, every style, to be here I classes began as scheduled Monday. ' Government publications relating to
this week. University Book Store. Students coming into classes later j asriculturo which has been accumu-
Bicycle and camera supplies of all ' wlu ma1c "I all absences from that I lnted by the exl)erlment station during
kinds. Typewriting and mimeograph- late-
ing. At "The Co-op.," 322 N. 11th St. The October number of the School
Virgil Barber has gone to the west- Review, published by the University
orn part of the state in tho interests j of Chicago, contains a paper on recent
of the department of animal path- educational biblioKranhv bv Lihrnr'nn
I loved you, dearest, but you did not
Ah, well, I shall not pluo in black de
spair; Fato, for fond womankind, hoops bal
anco true
You'll love some prettier girl who
won't love you.
Dr. Major gave an address to the
teachers of the high school last Satur
day afternoon on "The New Educa
tion." The Delian society held an "autumn
leaf" picnic last Saturday in tho Ger
man club grounds west of tho peni
tentiary. Tho Delta Delta Delta fraternity
held a chafing dish party at the homo
of Miss Sails, 1112 Q street, last Sat
urday night.
Third year gymnasium classes mot
Tuesday for the first time. The work
will consist mainly of advanced ap
paratus work.
Tho Y. M. C. A. has fourteen bible
classes organized. This is tho largest
number of biblo classes in any univer
sity west of Cornell.
The V. W. c. A. will hold its Geneva
mooting, which was postponed from
lust week, noxt Sunday at 4 o'clock.
iwiBs Florence Worloy, will sing.
LuBt year at this time tho law school
had an enrollment of about ono hun
dred. There Is an enrollment of one
hundred and thirty-eight so far this
History covers, full Hlzo, leather
buck, 15c each at Horpolsho'mor's
Book Dopt. A full lino of students
notebooks, history paper, theme paper,
Pttber poncils, leud pencils, etc., at
lowest prices.
Sixteen seniors, members of the Pal
ladian society, met at the homo of
Miss Grace Cook Tuesday evening to
discuss plans for the improvement of
that society.
Hoop ball is now being played in
the gymnasium and will continue to
be the recreative game until Thanks
giving, when the basket ball season
will commence.
The various class teams may bo seen
every day practicing signalB and
games will soon be played. A. S.
Pearso and Fred Carver are coaching
the senior team.
Laboratory work in the department
of horticulture began October 7. The
testing of seeds and the stratification
of some walnuts was tho first work
done by tho students.
All coal will go higher very soon If
present conditions continue. It will
pay evory ono to arrange for tholr win
ter's coal at onco by seeing Gharlea B.
Gregory at 1044 O Btroot.
Tho junior law class met Tuesday
and elected tho following officers:
Claude S. Wilson, president; A. Mc
Crackon, vice president; H. G. Meyer,
socrotary and treasurer.
Training has begun In two of tho
events for tho annual charter day in
door athletic contest and the prelim
JnarJes for tho standing broad and
standing high jumpB Will be held In
i the past six years.
The agricultural department Is a
new yet flourishing department of the
university. Tho enrollment to date is
thirty-two; last year it was three. Tho
assistants in this department are
Misses Julia E. Longbrldge, Richard
Carr and William T. Horn.
The state convention of the Y. W.
C. A. will meet in Lincoln Octobor 27
29. The meotlngs will be held In tho
First Presbyterian church. Tho uni
versity association will look after tho
general management and the provid
ing of entertainment for the delegates.
A movement has been started in
Omaha to form a club of the alumni of
the Nebraska university in that city.
This club will bo similar to those of
Chicago and Washington. There is a
rumor that similar plans for a club
have been made in Now York and Den
ver. Slxty-slx volumes of tho French
"Comptes RondUB" havo Just been re
ceived to complete the library fllo of
this journal. It contains tho official
reports of tho sessions of tho Froneh
academy of sciences and is of tho ut
most value to all workers In scientific
Tho senior law olaBS perfected or
ganization at a Bpoclal mooting Friday
afternoon. Everything wont off
smoothly and the following officers
were elected: President, M. M. Alexan
der; vice prosidont, A. A. BIhIioIT; hoc-rotary-treasurer,
O'Connor; aor-goant-at-an.iB,
R. M. Harris.
Emllo Fauquot nan invented a now
method of admonishing people who are
Inclined to talk In tho library. Ho
has had printed a numnor of cara
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