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About The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 17, 1899)
Mftft2!fl9t THE NEBRASKAN-HESPERIAN. K252& f " Mi "I Fast Time on steel 1 The Burlington make all their fast timo ON STEEL Its much easier, however, to mVe fast time on pape but the Burlington prefer the steel as they can place more dependence in it. Leave Lincoln 4:65 p. m. arrive Chicago 8l 15 p. m, only 15 hours and 20 minutes and always on time. CVy Ticket Otfca, Cor. 10th and O Sis. A Telephone 33S. Hurllnr ton Ttepai, 7111 Sty Bet. P and Q. .iviuiJiiunc no. 6?ft6f tf 4& TLE POPULAR ROUTE -FOR ALL o WESTERN POINTS '. "S tVY rVr PICTO Denver and Salt Lake, San Francisco and Portland. The only direct route the fastest route. The best equipped route the safest route. For time tables, folders, illustrated books, pamphlets descriptive of the territory tra versed, call on K. 1). SLOSSON, Agent. eerted by President Tuck prevents the using of tho donation for building pur po-ds. Last Bpring Mr. Tuck deter mined upon founding this memorial to his, father, who was a trusteo of tho college from 1857 to 186G. It was whilo President Tucker was a guest of Mr. Tuck in Paris that he first dis closed his plans for tho memorial, and assured his college roommato that he had not forgotten his alma mater. REESE CLUB MEETING. The Reese club met in the law room Thursday night. The attendance was not so large as was expected, on ac count of the change In place of meet ing from the chapel to tho law room. Tho following speakers took part: Roscoe Pound, T. P. A. Williams, James Burleigh, E. L. Brown, Ed P. Brown. The following resolutions were adopted: "Believing that the ju diciary of tho state should be kept free from partisan politics, and that a man aspiring to the high office of justice of tho supreme court should do so from tho standpoint of competency and fitness, and not from political con sideration; and, furthermore, that Judge Reese is a most worthy aspirant to judicial honors, we, tho members of this club, pledge him our most loyal support." ' FRATERNITY NOTES. Phi Gamma Delta initiated Messrs. Kimball, Cunningham, Adams and Mann Friday evening at its chapter house on Thirteenth and H streets. The fraternity was the recipient of many kind remembrances from her friends. The program was an elab orate one, lasting far Into the night. PI Beta Phi gave a swimming party October 7 at the sanitarium. A lunch was afterwards served in the parlors. Sigma Alpha Epsilon has pledged Messrs. Shldeer, De Putran and Stew art. Kappa Alpha Thela entertained at a chafing dish party Friday evening at its chapter houuc on Sixteenth and M ' streets. FROM VARIOUS SOURCES. Short line and quick service to Nebraska City, FJls City, St. Louis and nil points South, East and West. City Tloket Office, 1039 "O" St. H. C, Townsbsd, G. P. & T. A. F. D. COKNBI.L, C. P & T. A. For: - your pastor h'ur the holldnyt or any otlttr day 7.-f ... C.. ..i.a.I fl.M I.I..I anfl .ni.l Htm tnctlrttutliiraclicaltwrtUf lor every -day uont!ieclrryrni'ileilc. l.CWtol2.00. A'tic-Ttitauunl Litlcvit. l.O0. your teacher TiacXen' Auli, of many kinds. CO cU. to 2XO. your boys and girls Bpcakera, (.lays, debito. dictionaries, trantta tlom, od tehooUiooXt of til' Hie publUhtri. your parents Cotnplrle alphabetical rataloeue of the school- hooka ui all tli publishers ieamd-lnnul c well iu new enabling msrkrd rtrduc tlon In Hie nnrnu for achooibooka. TMt cataloguemiMcilfrteUyuumenlioHXMtnii. HINDS & TTOBLE. Publishers 4-5-13-H Cooper Institute H. Y. City tichooiboou cjtMpvbUthcrt alone tiore. IN CROWDED CARS. Old axioms wo all revere; You must havo noticed that There's platform room for Just one more Especially if he's fat! A LA MODE. Little Miss Muffot Sat on a tuffot. Eating of curds and whey; . There came a big spider, Who sat down besido her, And "ho didn't do a t'Ing tor her!" THE INDISPENSABLE ITEM. How strange is woman! In her brain She has ono penchant, firm and clear, And though no other point she gain, To this ono thought she will adhere. Gloves may bo old and shoes posse, Her frock bo shabby ajl of that But on her head, big, towering, gay, Though skies may fall she'll havo a hat. IN THE DIM FUTURE. Stranger "They aro building a new postofllco in Chicago, I believe?" Chlcagoan "Oh, no; they'ro build ing a very old ono." THE ELOPEMENT. Ho "Do you' think father will over take us?" She "I hope not, dear; it would mortify mo to hayo you borrow money from him," &&&&&&&Q&&&&&&&&&&&&&GS4&&6feGi Put Your Best Foot Forward By having it clad in a pair of our styl ish, handsome and exquisitely fitting Shoes. The foot that is fitted with a ( pair of our up-to-date women's fine H 33.50 bhoes, or a pair of our men's $3.00 or S3. 50 Shoes, is a foot that is handsome to look at, comfortable to $ the owner, and will not need a new pair for many a day. Our shoes are unsurpassed for Beauty, Style and Durability. Perkins, Sheldon & Chamberlain Company, 1 129 O Street, LINCOLN. 9)&&G&&G4g&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&, &&9m f MILLER & PAINE PS J&J3C w Dry Goods. SEND WO MONEY SS BRADE DROP CAIINtTIUROICKSEWIMB MACHINE. r,.l,hl,C.o.l)..uLj,eltc,.iaU. unit, you can examine u at your iicurcaiireiKiitucHiianu uro ptrtrtllj aaturarlory, exactly as repruaented, equal to matblae aelhe r umitti aou.uv, aim mn usuiui iiaiiuai.i iuu !2,Viaraffl Special Offer Price $15.50 and freight chaiges. Machine weighs lKUpoundsamlthafrelglit will avoroge7ocentsfoi-eacuW0 miles. GIVE IT.THREE MONTHS' TRIAL In your own homo, and we will return your I5.W any day you are not sailBIICU. niHllsiitfrililiuHHHU RrHriti oavri.f BMHIRM ! 9D.AU, tla.uu, all.OO, ll.OOaadip, All fully described In nur fm Hsiflnr Hscblac I'alalosiJ, bUttlt.ftU for thll MROP DKMK CADISKT UUtDICK li the vrcntcat value ever offered by unr bouae. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS Vo'i',1 tuementi,otIerlnir uakaowa thlan under varlomnaineH, with concern oureulver- h varlauila dieramU. Writ torn frltad UClilii(aaa4UirunlioinrIUHaailwbaaraot. 1 Mil BUWmvIV KTKitr 0(ioo roixTov kvkiiy iikiii 3 MLIIIM Hi l$r 1 Ti Ml HwJ.10 iiBWW , 17 MB ' AW tw.tI I CoMHea Am m wjffilnfXarBinuvl S ft HSwcrJ551 r: l W -J -55-KS i (JUADK Mll'IIIXK UlUK, WIT1I TIIK ""n ur husk, aiode by the best mauera In America. from the bet material moner can buy. SOLID qURTER SAWED OAK fJSSSS& cloned (head dropping from tlulit) to be used an a tenUr Ufclt, ilaad ordetV, tho other open with full length table and bead In place for fiurr drawf n. Iilnt IhBO 1UIib rnmi. rurvoH nanliil. nm. botned and decorated cabinet flnlnh, llneat nickel drawer pulli. reita on four caitere, aajuauieireauie. Kcnuinenmyimron liana, viaetl Urr lilia Ana bad, poiitlvo four motion feed, eeif threading vibrating shuttle, automatic bobbin winder. adjuatabln bearings, patent tenalon libera tor.tmprovedlooio Mrhoel. adjuitable preaaurefpot, Improved shuttle carrier, patent needle bar, patent dreas guard, bead la baadumclr drtsraUd sad oniinraUd aad btaatirully altkal trimmed. GUARANTEED Iballableatrnanlat, OMtdarableaad Bfamt Rftlatleaa aithloe made . kttry liaawa alUcSHtit la farnUbrd and our Freo In struction Book tollajiiatliovranyonecanmnltand do either plain or any kind of lancy work. A 0-tf am' llld! Ouaraalce la sent with every machine, IT COSTS V0U NOTHING u"ua " "laMblasaeble, compare It with eeo.OO, and then If convinced that you aro saving rtf.ou to 9(0.00, pay your frelglit agent the $10. BO. UK TO BKTUttS YOl'lt If at any time within three months you say you aro not satisfied. ORDSB TO-DAY, DON'T DEIAY. (Hoars, ltoebuck A Co. are thnroutihly rollablo.-Kdltor.) Address, 8EAR6, ROEBUCK c CO. (Inc.) Chicago, III.