The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, October 17, 1899, Page 2, Image 2
ehhsheb THK NEBRASKAN-HESPKRIAN. would not bo called "upon to select the first list of names. It has been suggested that local de bating clubs and public speaking classes agree upon some plan of se lecting a certain number of contest ants. A more satisfactory provision must be made for placing the debating asso ciation on a firmer financial basis. A reasonable fee should be paid by each contestant. Last year the deposit of ?1 was returned to those who failcu to get places. This plan was not ade quate to meet necessary expenses. We must entertain Kansas and Col orado debaters this year and more funds must bo provided. The outlook for a successful debating season is very encouraging, the personnel of each of the clubs being good. F. G. 1IAWXI3Y. HAVE YOU CALLED AT THE... l University.... Book; Store? Editors Nebraskan-Hcsporlan: Dear Sirs I note your issue of October 10, in which you say that there is gen eral satisfaction concerning the ap pointment of officers for the cadet bat talion. I wish to contradict this, as 1 have heard very many complaints. As you say, the appointments have been made in regular order of promo tion, but I wish to say that the fra ternities got all the big appointments, and, in fact, nearly all. This brings us down to the root of the evil. The way the start of the regular order of promotion is made is by appointing corporals and nine-tenths of the offi cers and non-commissioned officers now belong to tho fraternities. Be sides this, in tho selection of tho cor porals at this time, any cadet who has drilled here before may be selected, tho choice being devolved on those who are most efficient in drilling squads. Now, I find on investigating that nine-tenths of the men who are drilling squads are "frat" men, and they are tho same ones who drill tho new men every evening, I speak this as an interested out sider and say that the fact of the fra ternities controlling not only the cadet battalion, but also the foot ball and base ball management, is a disgrace to the university. Yours truly, FRANK M. BROWN. PALLADIAN GIRLS ENTERTAIN. During tho week the Palladiau boys received neat invitation cards, stating that' the Palladian girls would be at home to them in the society hall Sat urday at 5:30 o'clock. The hall was tastily decorated and converted for the time Into a parlor with comfortable rocking chairs and lounges in abundance. Fifty Palla dians were present and some ten In vited guests. The evening was pleas antly spent in social converse and In partaking of light refreshments. Ices, candles, nuts and wafers were served. Rena Alderman and Florence Edith Payne presided over the punch bowl. The evening throughout was an ex ceedingly bright and enjoyable one to all who participated. Before parting the merry crowd gathered about the piano, as their custom Is, and sang some favorite college songs. To the Palladian girls is due all honor and credit for the successful ac complishment of their brilliant undertaking. AMOS TUCK ENDOWMENT. Through the beneficence of Edward Tuck of New York the endowment fund of Dartmouth coHeue in Hanover, N. H., has been increased to $300,000. The gift Is known as the Amos Tuck en dowment fund, and the securities in which It 1b invested aic not to be changed during Mr. Tuck's lifetime without his consent. It is also pro vided in tho deed of transfor that tho annual income, which at present is $12,000, shall be applied exclusively to purposes of instruction. A clause In- You will find a complete line of school supplies, text books, note paper, his tory covers, drawing, botany and zoo logy instruments, Waterman's Ideal fountain pens, and in fact, everything that a student will possibly use a:come ikx UNIVERSITY HALL, DOWN STAIRS. I). I). DAYTON. A. D. DAYTON. $ .MEALS, 15c. AND UP. Utopia J3C Dining Hallf 131 SOUTHOllth STREET. A Thoroughly Uj)-to-J)ate Re sort for Hungry People.... New and Original Features Open All Night. ? Newly Furnished, and Operated in Firsl Class Style. THE MODEL Dining HalL- L C. HOLADAY, Prop, Special attention given to students. We make a specialty of Sunday dinners. 81tt So. 12th St., Lincoln, Neb. We Want- StUdent Boarders Furnixherf Rooms in Connection THE PALACE. 1130 N St. Good Work Popular Prices. Students Especially Invited to Call R. 8 C. BARBER SHOP 11-14 O Street. Francis Bro's Capital Cafe 121 NORTH lltli STREET. Oysters, Fish and Game in Season, 15c Meals our Specialty. Open AH Night. & && & You Want the Finest We Have it -ii?- larksori Laundry Company s $g W 4 330-332-334-336-338-340 South 11th St. Jt m m w--Mmmu itmjm 1 1 n 11 irr.i Eastman Kodaks 1 1 1 Premo Cameras... Mill.' I " is, Cyclone Cameras Photo Supplies of all Kinds. D- E. DePUTRON, Room 6.... 1041 O Street. 9JniJ f IS WHAT WE CHARGE FOR THE CADET UNIFOR TROUS ERSMADE FROM THE WAR RENTON MILLS WOOLENS.... Got Lots of Wear in them. The B. L Paine Clothing Co. 4i r&