The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, October 17, 1899, Image 1

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i MlllJ.n'lt
Vol. 8-29, No. 5.
Five Cents.
Exciting Contest on Campus Friilay
Honors Equally Divided with
Sc.orc for Each.
Several surprises were given lo the
students of the university and to the
people of Lincoln Saturday afternoon,
when the university team tied the
score with the strong aggregation of
KanFas City medics. It was thought
by a large number that the result
would be along the same line as it was
the week before at Ames. After the
first ten minutes of play the visitors"
were thrown almost wholly on the de
fensive. When tliey did take the ball
good gains were made through the
line, but the end plays did not count
for a great deal.
The weatner bureau opened a choice
lot of foot ball weather early Saturday
morning and the campus ground was
in excellent condition. The attend
ance was good, but the rooting not as
effective as it should have been. The
usual quantity of scarlet and cream
streamers were not as much in evi
dence as they have been at games in
previous years.
The medics came on the field at
3:10. They were an even, well-built
lot of fellows, who tossed the ball
about the enclosure as if they were
used to doing that sort of thing. The
crowd began to fear the outcome.
Some minutes later Nebraska appear
ed. They seemed to be very uneven
in size and their well-padded clothes
did not make them appear to pood' ad
vantage, but to the close observer the
individuals looked like men who had
been in the game before.
The medics won the toss, chose the
south side of the field and prepared
to kick off at ?,: -45. Holman com
menced the trouble, but the ball went
out of bounds at the north end. The
univcrs'ty brought the ball back to
the fifteen-yard for a free kick.
Benedict sent the sphere across the
center and the medic was tackled in
the center of the field
The medics began a series of rushes
through Nebraska's line, sending the
halves through alone and using mass
plays for gains of three and five yards.
Nebraska's new men in the line could
not break up the interference and in
spite of good tackling by Tukey and
Wlliams back of the line the ball was
within five yards of the Nebraska goal
before the medics were stopped. Here
the university men got into their old
time form and held the doctors for
two downs. On the th'rd attempt
Morley of the medics fumbled and Ne
braska had the ball within two yards
of their own goal. Carver ntarted the
work by plunging through the enter
for eight yards. Benedict anu Pearse
kept the pigskin going down the field
with an end run of five am1, a tackle
buck of six yards. Nebraska continued
her good work until time was called,
when the ball was dangerously near
the Missouri goal. No score was made
in the first half.
The second half opened with a kick
off for Nebraska by Benedict. The
medics, a'ded by good interference,
here brought the ball back fifteen
yards until stopped by a clever tackle
by Koehler. The mafcj play was tried
for a short gain, but Nebraska had
learned the game oi the visitors and
secured the ball on downs. Then Ne
braska backs commenced the work
laid out for them. Williams, Carver,
Westover and Pearse hit the line for
three and five-yard gains, while Bene-,
diet made as much around left end.
The ball was on the ten-yard line when
time was taken out while an injurod
medic1 recovered. Then Williams
placed the ball within three yards of
the goal and Carver carried it over.
After the noise of the cheering
crowd had subsided Williams kicked
goal. Score, 6 to 0 in favor of Ne
braska. The ball went back to the center of
the field and Holman again kicked off.
Williams fell on the ball without a
gain on the twenty-five-yard line. Ne
braska tried the line, but failed to
make a gain. Benedict punted. The
medics got the ball on the fifty-yard
lino and by steady work through the
line and around the ends, aided by
offside plays by Nebraska, secured a
touchdown. Goal was kicked, making
the score stand (5 to G.
From this time on Nebraska bad
clearly the best of the game, taking
the ball within five yards of the
medics' goal and keeping it danger
ously near until time was called, with
the score still even.
For the university the new men did
good work: Carver, Westover, Ringer
and Koehler deserve special mention,
while Tukey played a steady game
without a fumble at quarter. Bene
dict, Williams, Pearse and Brew did
steady playing throughout the game.
Increased strength was also seen . in
the end men, Morley and Heller. For
Kansas the halves carried off the
The work of Coach Branch was seen
in the line work of the Nebraska men.
Never before so early in the season
did they go into. the line so well to
gether. The team was handled well,
Captain Williams directing through
the quarter.
The line-up was as follows:
Medics. Nebraska.
Lewis, 1. e r. e., Cortelyou
Settle, 1. t r. t., Pearse
Hill, 1. g r. g Ringer
Baum, c c, Koehler
Mysong, r. g 1. g., Brew
Grady, r. t 1. t., Westover
Poorman, r. e 1. e., Drain
Wyatt, q q., Tukey
Morley, 1. h r. h Benedict
Heller, r. h 1. h Williams
Holman, r. b f. b., Carver
Officials: Buchholz, referee; Barnes,
umpire; Liebman, Settle, timekeepers.
Time, twenty-minute halves.
George Shedd, principal of the Ash
land high school and captain of -the
university pennant foot ball team of
'97, was at the university last Satur
day. He said in reference to the foot
ball game with Ames:
"The result of this game is no index
to what the team will do this year
and I am surprised at some of the
student voicing such a sentiment. On
the contrary, it should put to rest any
private opinion as to who should play
and what should be done. It has fully
demonstrated to every player that his
best efforts, and only his best work, is
wanted from this on. It will give the
team vigor and a snap that can be
gotten in no other way than by defeat,
and which if rightly used will turn all
our future games into victory. It
might be added that the personal in
fluence of every student will materially
aid, the team at all times, but espe
cially after a defeat. We can't always
win, but wo can always have enthusiasm."
First Faculty Entertainment of the
Year Fills Itoom to Utmost
The first concert of the season at
the chapel of the state university was
given by the collective forces of the
faculty of the school of music Wednes
day evening. A very large audience
was present. The concert was notable
in that it introduced a new and val
uable addition of the faculty force,
Mrs. Marie Soehlke Powers, who is an
artist of much technical attainment
and temperamental fervor. Her first
appearance gives promise of pleasure
in the future for concert-goers in Lin
coln. iMrs. Will Owen Jones was heard in
a group of three numbers, which dis
played her graceful art at Its best.
Mrs. Jones can always be depended
upon to give pleasure by the novelty
of her selections as well as the intelli
gence and finish of her interpretation.
Mr. Henry Eames, the director of
the pianoforte department and who is
an enthusiastic believer in the value
of chamber music, was heard with
Miss Eiche and Charles Hagenow in a
sonata of Grieg and in the trio, opus
72 of Godard for piano, 'cello and vio
lin. Mr. Eames demonstrated again
the range of his attainment and the
depth of his scholarship. His own
performance can be counted upon to
express technically and artistically
whatever the composer demands, and
hti'Teadipgs are moreover enriched by
a personal subjective faculty of inter
pretation in the highest degree de
lightful. Mr. Eames has proved in the
last year the breadth of his musical
culture as well as his skill in teaching
and in public performance. He is to
be congratulated upon his success and
upon the Influence he exerts for musi
cal righteousness in Lincoln. It is to
be hoped that he and coadjutors Miss
Eiche and Mr. Hagenow may be heard
in ensemble music again.
Professor August Hagenow by uni
versal opinion played his violin solo,
"A Hungarian Rhapsody," by Vieux
temps, in h:s very best style. In fact,
Mr. Hagenow seemed in better form
than at any recent concert and en
couraged the hope that his other du
ties as orchestral director and band
master may not deprive us of hearing
him as a soloist a number of times this
year. Th vocal department was rep
resented upon the program by four
teachers in that branch.
Mr. John Randolph, the director of
the department, sang a Spanish song
of Leslie Stuart, a composition which
has not been heard before in Lincoln.
He sang In his ubual good taste with
a substantial tone quality and perfect
control of breath.
Miss Florence Worley, a recent addi
tion to the faculty of the school of
music and who is well known through
out the state, sang a florid number by
the Irench composer, Bember. Miss
Worley was Buffering from a severe
cold, but nevertheless sang with ease
and grace and was recalled by the au
dience. Miss Reynolds and Miss Hearn, as
sistants in the department, were
heard to good advantage in English
ballads. The rapid development of
both in voice and authority was gen
erally commented upon after the con
clusion of the program. Altogether
the concert was one of the most suc
cessful yet given by the faculty of the
school of music.
The program complete follows:
Sonata, piano and 'cello Op. 3C..Grleg
Andante molto tranquillo
Henry Eames and Lillian Eiche.
Contralto Solo A Red, Red Rose.
F. H. Hastings
Grace Reynolds.
Piano Solo The Wanderer
Mrs. Marie Soehlke Powers.
Soprano Solo My Love's an Ar
butus C. Villiers Stanford
Winnifred Hearn.
Fantaisie Caprice Vleutempa
August Hagenow.
Baritone Solo The Bandolera. . .
Leslie Stuart
John Randolph.
Piano Solo Nocturne Op. 51
The Elf Schumann
Fruehlingsrauschen Sindlng
Mrs. Will Owen Jones.
Soprano Solo Nymphs -and
Fawns Bemberg
Florence Worley.
Trio, piano, 'cello and violin Op.
72 Godard
Allegro moderato
Allegro vivace
Henry Eames, Lillian Eiche and
Charles Hagenow.
Tip literary editor .of the Omaha
Bee aaid of -itilf first edition of "Corn
Tassels:" "In a volume of fugitive
verses from the pen of William' Reed
Dunroy, which he has gathered under
the title of 'Corn Tassels,' there are
glimpses here and there of the prairie
life as it actually is, artistically ex
pressed. He has seen the 'cornfield
dipped in amber dye,' and has been
where 'the prairies are clad for many
a mile with the tossing plumes of
corn.' His lines to the River Platte
show that he often comes close to the
heart of nature. He sees the wild
flower 'jewels strewn upon the ground'
and the 'waters lisp and kiss the
banks.' He has done well to put the
verses in book form, where they may
be better studied by all lovers of west
ern life and art."
A Nebraska writer, in speaking of
William Reed Dunroy and his work,
had the following to say: "William
Reed Dunroy is a young man in whose
mind there is evidently planted the
germ of a high order of literary effort.
He has lived in Nebraska a long time.
He loves the state. He sees its beau
ties and callp to them the attention of
others by making them into word pic
tures, which in their rhythm and
measure proclaim their author to be a
wonderfully true delineator of his
To the Editors of the Nebraskan
Hesperian: It is evident from the
widespread complaint against the
method of conducting the debating
contents last year that some new
scheme Is demanded.
The heads of the departments who
served so faithfully on the two dif
ferent committees last year were
obliged to sacrifice more time than
they could spare. Nerfrly all of these
professors suggested that the prelim
inaries be so conducted that they