The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, October 10, 1899, Page 7, Image 7

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Tho short musical given In tho chapel
ltiBt Friday morning was well attended.
All the numbers received deserved ap
plause. Those who rendered the pro
gram were Silence Dales, Eleanor Ray
mond and John Martin.
The department of zoology has re
ceived a consignment of microscopes
from B. Litz & Co. of Wetzlar, Ger
many, and also another consignment of
miscellaneous apparatus from Drs.
Peter and Host, Berlin.
The Union literary society gave a
Kipling program last Friday evening.
Some very fine selections were ren
dered and many new and valuable facts
concerning Kipling were brought out.
During the program E. A. Boostrom
rendered the "Recessional."
Professor Fossler has given to'tho
university library a set of Gccthe's
works in twenty volumes and of Schil
ler's works in twenty-four volumes.
Gifts of this kind from members of the
faculty and alumni are not so numer
ous as would seem natural.
The law students of both classes met
in the lecture room Tuesday night to
practice the law school yell. They then
proceeded to the Oliver theatre, where
a republican ratification meeting was
in progress, and concluded their noisy
demonstrations of enthusiasm.
The members of the preparatory
chemistry class unanimously voted to
deduct-ten cents from the deposit of ?G
made by each member for the purpose
of buying reference books. As the class
is very large the fund will be sufficient
to secure several very helpful books.
New shelving has been put in on the
north side of me library, where newly
bound copies of the following maga
zines have been correctly catalogued
and arranged: Quarterly Review, Lon
don literary magazine, Edinburgh Re
view, MacMillan's and the Fortnightly
The greatest feast of musical and In
tellectual good things ever seen in Lin
coln is offered in the Y. M. C .A. course.
The famous London glee singers and
the Boston ladies' symphony orchestra
of twenty-three members are among
the attractions. One dollar for ten
At a meeting of the Maxwell club
Saturday evening the following officers
were elected for the ensuing year: A.
I. Boys, president; E. R. Morrison, vice
president; C. J. Piatt, secretary; N. C.
Abbott, treasurer; H. C. Traphagen,
sergeant-at-anns. The meeting was
called to order by Vice President O'Con
ner. Much enthusiasm characterized
the meeting throughout.
Wayne A. Larraboe, who was in the
university from 1895 to 1897, died
Wednesday morning at San Francisco
of smallpox. He was a corporal in
Company M, First South Dakota regi
ment. He and the late Captain Jonas
Lien were the only university students
who were in the South Dakota regi
ment. Mr. Larrabee's home is at Rapid
City, South Dakota, but his body can
not be sent there for burial.
The Union Boys' Debating club held
a very interesting debate Saturday
evening. The quection discussed was,
"Resolved, That the action of tho Brit
ish in South Africa is justifiable." The
leaders on the affirmative, Messrs. T.
Maxwell and Fox; on the negative,
Hawxby and PhilllpB. The Palladlan
boys Bent in several baskets of apples
during the meeting, for which, after
much discuBsian. the U. B. D. C. re
fused to return thanks.
A meeting was called for Friday
evening to organize a non-partisan
Reese club. A large number of stu
dents met in the law room to discuBS
the situation at tho time named and a
ticket was finally elected. Later in the
evening certain members considered
that 'the election had not been exactly
The Students Co-Operative
Book Company.
Books and Supplies.
Leave bundles at the Store. Best work guaranteed.
p 322 North
Alias THE CO-OP, 822 No. 11th.
At the sign of the...
I ith St.
Your Tires
Without Work, Without
Price. You are invited
to use our compressed air
plant to inflate your tires.
No work for you No
No charge from us.
lo.Tath Bicycle Repairing
Oliver Johnson, D. D. S.
Over Ilarlcy's I)rur Store.
Telephone 784.
Lincoln, Neb.
F. E. Edgcrtn, Agent, University.
as it ought to be, and another meeting
was called. It consisted in the main of
the republican members. Another corps
of officers was finally elected.
Vernon "Wrightman, a member of the
class of 1903, died at 1303 T street last
Wednesday morning and was burled at
Wyuka cemetery on the afternoon of
the same day. Wrightman came from
Lexington and had just entered the uni
versity, when he contracted a severe
cold, which soon developed into diph
theria . The f. M. C. A. took charge of
him and removed him from his room at
1327 0 street to the above address. His
father came on Tuesday and was with
the young man when he died.
VTt Z3fc$w& I
The Ready to Write Instrument of Today is
Waterman's Ideal
Fountain Pen
An Indispensable convenience for
business mkn.
Teachers and
Director Kimball of the School. of
Music is getting up a party to attend
the Maurice Grau grand opera, which
will be In Kansas City the latter part
of the month. This world-famed com
pany will give three operas, "Carmen,"
"Faust" or "Lohengrin." and "Lucia"
or "111 Barbiere," in which such artists
as Cnlve, Eames, Sembrich, Campunarl,
Do Reszke and others will appear. A
private car and season tickets to tho
opera have been secured at a very low
,-ate. Mr. Kimball will gladly g've any
.nformation desired.
Every PEN Warranted to Give Sat
isfaction. Prices According to
Value. Catalotjes Furnished.
Largest Fountain Pen Mfre. In tho World.
157 Broadway, Naw Yerk.
Monarch Bieyeli;
Ate recognized the world over
as representing the highest
type of excellence in
bicycle construction
Monarch Roadsters $50
Defiance Roadsters $35
King and Queen Roadsters $25
Why look further when machines
ol established reputation can fee
bad at these prices
Monarch Chainlsss $75
Bond for Catalogue
Agonta wanted in opon territory
Halstcdand Fulton Sts., CHICAGO ,
Church and Reade Sts., HEW YORK
Ride a loatrcli aid Keep in Frost
Students desiring private instruc
tion in music will And it to their ad
vantage to call on G. C. Menzendorf,
Jormer instructor of music in the Uni
versity of Nebraska. The following
branches are taught: Piano, violin,
aello, mandolin and other stringed in
struments; also harmony and theory.
Price of tuition moderate. Students
studying music with Mr. Menzendorf
are not barred from talcing such Etud
es in the university as they are prop
srly prepared and qualified for. For
'urther particulars call at studio,
Brace bldg., room 405, cor. Fifteenth
Recites. Tells
Hung into it, stories told to it
Thd fifHTl Just out. Cut this ad. t
1 1IC VJG11 out and tcnd jt to us JK I
with Si. no and we will send vou one cftliL '
new Gem Graphonhoncs bv Express. C O. D.
subject to examination. You can examine it at
your express office and if found exactly as represented,
entirely satisfactory in every way, and the equal in
value to any machine sold at $10 and $12, pay our agent
Our Special Oiler Price, $5.00. and express charges,
less the $1 sent with order. For home amusement this
Kine of Merry-Makers Ve
Winds up like a clock Plays all the pieces of Sousa's and Gilmore's Hinds;
Funny btories, will repeat yom own voice, your friend s voice, songs
es told to it. You can make vour records easily and reproduce them
at once, as often as desired. Price Sx.oo includes Improved Gem Grapliophone. one
extra loud alumnium Reproducer, one 10-inch horn, one Heai ing Tube. Best Exhi
bition Records (musical or talking) $5 a dozen, 42c each.
Slot Country dealers will find a veritable gold mine in our two new Mot
. machines, The "Ideal" Graphoplione Sao and wonderful "Ray"
UlUblllllCb. Kinetoscope (or movinc picture -machine) Si5. operates automatic
ally, requires no attention whatever, can be placed on top of show case or counter Machines pay for them
selves in two weeks. The Kinetoscope does for the eye what the Graphoplione does for the car. Ob- Q?
lects act and move as If alive Reproduces In miniature the same subjects as the large hundred dollar PJ
Moving Picture Machines. The parlor "Ray" Moving Picture Machine, three belts with each machine.
Send us $1 and we will send you cither machine by Express C. O. D.. subject to examination. II found
exactly as represented and entirely satisfactory in every way, pay the agent our price, less the $1 sent with
order Complete new Illustrated Kinetoscope. Graphoplione and Record Catalogue, containing lull descrip
tion of large exhibition show outfits, ranging from $10 to $50, sent tree on request. ,
Harger & Blish, Western Selling Agts. 904-910 Main St., Dubuque, Iowa