KS5PJSJB(m5rWL THE NEBRASKAN-HESPERIAN. s n Fast Time on Steel The Burlington make all their fast time ON STEEL. Its much easier, however, to make fast time on pape but the Burlington prefer the steel as they can place more dependence in it. Leave Lincoln 4:55 p. m. arrive Chicago 8: Ifi p, in. only 15 hours and 20 minutes and always on time. Cltv Ticket Office, Cor. 10th and O Sis. Telephone 235. Burlington l)et"i ? Si., Bet. P and Q. Telephone S.". ,w GENEVA MEETING. The Y. W. C. A. will hold Its Geneva meeting In the chapel Sunday after noon, The delegates to the Geneva con ference last summer. Miss Marie Jen sen, Miss Bertha Walvoord and others, will report on what was done there. Of ficers of the International board of tho Y. W. C. A. were present at this con ference. All tho prominent eastern col leges, Including Wellesley, Smith, Vas ear and Bryn Mawr, were well repre sented. ThlB meeting cannot fail to bo especially Interesting. Special music will be given and all young ladies are cordially invited. &&6&frfr3333333344fc- Tl POPULAR ROUTE -FOR ALL- WESTERN POINTS Bi iiihJ' t 'jCn S '. C ..v RV- PlCTO Denver and Salt Lake, San Francisco and Portland The only direct route the fastest route. The best equipped route the safest route. For time tables, folders, illustrated books, pamphlets descriptive of the territory tra versed, call on E. B. SLOSSON, Agent. WMMMmm Short line and quick service to Nebraska City, Falls City, St. Louis and all points South, East and West. Gitu Ticket Olllce, 1039 "O" St. H C. ToWNSBM), G P &T A. F D. Cornell, C P & T. A. LW -1 -T-J LLVlCj rrg5TiH m wmmm m kV. COLLEGE SETTLEMENT. The mass meeting in tho chapel Tuesday morning elected tho following student members on the college settle ment board: Grace E. Coolc, Jennie L. Fox, Emlle Fauquet and Robert C. Lansing. Tho faculty members elected Inst spring are Professors Swezey, Cald well and Candy. The first meeting of the new board was called for Wednes day at 5 o'clock In Prof. Swezey's office. Officers elected for the coming year are: Professor Swezey, president; Miss Cook, secretary, and Mr. Lansing, treas urer. Plans were discussed for tho year's work, but no new features are yet decided upon. The ' work now in hand is to select superintendents and procure the teaching force. O. L. An derson, '94, and wife are tho residents at the college settlement to succeed Mr. and Mrs. Fauquet. ........ . . Put Your Best Foot Forward liHBVil Literal Interlinear 133 Volumes m Bictidttarfes S German. French. Italian, finanlih 4rvi Latin, Greek X& tutorial series aoovnU.gpeclalljrdeilpnedforcoadiJns ((Gj Ut exams, in all college studies $CEV SchoolbooVa of all Publishers Cooper Institute, New York city ft-! mm, HISTORICAL SOCIETY NOTES. The annual meeting of the Nebraska state historical society -will bo held on the second Tuesday and Wednesday In January. One entire evening will bo devoted to the discussion of the old overland freighting business. Requests are being sent out now to all of the old freighters for information. Miss Daisy Palin has been at work all summer preparing papers for the bindery. The society is preparing a card index of the names of all the cities. townB and postofllces In Nebraska. Mrs. M. Frltsche has loaned to the society an old family crest. It Is hand painted and Is estimated to be between two hundred and three hundred years old. It is the crest of the Lummer family, of which Mrs. Frltsche 13 a de scendant The family habitat was Koln of the lower Rhine. The crest will be framed and photographs of it will bo sent to the historical society of the lower Rhino with a request for more information. Mrs. Frltsche also brought In a penholder, silver mounted and made of wood from the Mexican orange tree. A large glass case is being construct ed, which will contain all relics col lected by the First Nebraska regiment in the Philippines. It will be called the First Nebraska Philippine collec tion. Lieutenant Colonel F. D. Eager has donated a fine collection. Luther Abbott of Fremont has also contributed some Interesting relics. The society Is now considering the advisability of sending out to all tho school districts surplui reports of the state agricultural and horticultural so cieties. Librarian J. Barrett has In prepara tion a large map of the state of Ne braska twelve feet long. The map is to be strictly accurate and one up-to-date. Mr. Barrett Is also getting up a physi cal geography of tho state for use in the schools. J3y having it clad in a pair of our styl ish, handsome and exquisitely fitting Shoes. The foot that U fitted with a fj pair of our up-to-date women's fine $ $3.50 Shoes, or a pair of our men's S3. 00 or $3.50 Shoes, is a foot that is handsome to look at, comfortable to the owner, and will not need a new pair for many a day. Our sho.es are unsurpassed for Beauty, Style, and Durability. Perkins, Sheldon & Chamberlain Company, 1129 O Street, LINCOLN. &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&, &&&Q ' I'l.. II III L X . - . . . mmmmm SURELY PAINT. There was a sign upon the fenco Twas "Paint!" And every sinner that passed by And saint Touched a finger to it and "Geo whiz!" They'd flay, and wipe it off; "Why, bo 'tis!" i N MILLER & PAINE " Dry Goods. SEND NO MONEY rasSBHtettffii MADE HUH. HP ruIIMFTBllRfili'f KFWIMB MACHINE br r.tlilil.C.O.U.ulJecttuiaia)iia. - -"-"'-1--7-:-".:"v-::v"','"l.'j - .. . oucuii exuuiii0iiatyiurueurviiri:iK'iiuL-Fnciinu u ioubu trrrllritlrirtirf,eKiictly arepreaentod,iuilUinirliliirithnifl M MhM 00.1)0, ItllU TIP UHKATUtT IUIIU11A VUU SS.r Special Offer Price $IS.S0 unci freight chaises. Machine- Melghkizo pYnihdsaiidtliafrelBhtwIll averaau 74 tents for each WW miles. GIVE IT THBEE MflHTHS TRIAL in yourown Inline, and wo wll return yiSurdiB.Souny ifnyyou are not aatUfled. Vfrteit Mtttnal utlm tnti gntlmtt ftenlor lUtblsrail tU.hO, 10.00, CU.OO, $18.00 and up. all fully described In our Vrr Sfentlnc atblnn CaUlO(U, buttU.iO fjr tlil 1)1101' DEHK fUDIKpj pl'JlOlCK It III (crcuirafc mmc eirr uuyrru uj uny nouiic. BEWARE OF irVIITATIONS aVifi$Sffi U3mojiU,otrtinif uukown uaclilac untltr VArloflgnamiK, vvllh tarloutla. ittrmtaU. M rile mnie ftlfad la CbUifo lad learn wlio arrrellalil and w lia are not, iiaa every huikui inriiovKHKT, EKHY (illOU I'lllSTOV EVtllV IIII.'II (JU1IIK Hillll&K UMIK, H1TU TIIK 1IKMXTB UK AUSK. Jllndc Ity tlie beat tnnLrra In Amcrlifn. Train the beat material Doner HBBtxakBsaBaaelkninaBaajBnlVVTTT n.M i... r r a TTMmat.f iiBHf rsnai f vw. -I THEBURDICK a aBSaSSSBHrfBHfii 4 WRXViiialVlwDi mm Mitism0 "WBBnVt-kl-BVnC .'' J HBS-1 SOLID QUARTER SAWED Omhmri ciuncu ucauuruiiiiiKirtim bikiii) to Deyiea III a ceaitr taow, anna rdttttlie other oenwth full length table and bead In flapefor newlnL'. 4 fmrr dnnrn. Ulnt 18DO kttlrtcn tnmm. rarvnil. nanelpd. ein- tiojtt (1 and decorated calilnrt flnltb, tluejit nickel drawer pulls, rcata on four canters, aaiuitanieirt-uuie. Kcnuineomyiniron (tana. nal irf iiitn Arm bead, posltfvo four motion feed, elC threading vlbratlnjr (buttle, automatic bobbin winder, adjustable beaiinirs, patent tension llberator.lmproved loose wueei, auju juiuio in cui o loyi, imiiruycu aiiuim earner, patent ncetue imr, ru. bmou uioumir arraraira ana ernsneaiea aaa ixauuruiiy GUARANTEED luallatilrttrnaaUr. uoitduralU and nrtrrtt noIf lm roithloe mad, fctrry incmn attacbmtal Is furoltlird and our FrOO In patent dress gua nicMii irininry. traction Hook tells Just bow anyone ran run it and do cither plain or any mnajOi lancy wurK. a xu.irara- umoior uutrinims sentwuu every niacnine. IT COSTS YOU NOTHING tsaeeandeianlaalbUaistlilss. combare itwltb those your storekeeper sells at j$40.00 to $80.00, and then if convinced that you are saving vu.ot) to tlOJSO, pay your frclKbt aprent tho 910.RO, VTE TO IHCTIKX YOL'lt $lj.lo it at any time within three innnthsyou say you nre not satlslled. OOKU TO, OAT. (oars, itoeuucic c uo.oro innroui-jiiy rcuume, ruuvr.; DON'T BBI.AY. Address, SEARS, KpEHMPK QO. (.no,) Cnicagp, j. IT