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About The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 3, 1899)
BWBKBBHPRSSKu'i THE NEBRASKAN-HKSPKRIAN. The senior class met Friday after noon to elect av'momber to the unlyfer-l .. . ..V . . i. .A . . J .. J... 1 Blty council ana to auena ,10 ousiness of minor Importance. R. C. Roper and Mlsp Grace Cook were nominated. Missi Oook received a majority of votes and was declared elected. W. T. Heart was elected manager of the class foot ball team. The JDelian literary society held Its first meeting in the chapel Friday evening. Many new students were seen in the audience. After tho close of the program a recess was taken, in which every effort was made to make the younger generation feel at homo, while tho older students renewed old acquaintances,. Boyd's Constitutional Law;, Fowler's Mcnicchmi, Woodbury's Constitution, Stoehr's Histology, Burnsldo and Pan ton's Theory of Equations, Power Catechism, Imray and Biggs' Mechan ical Engineering, Freshman and Pre paratory Chemistry Manuals these are a few of the books that we handle exclusively. University Book Co. The first prize which was offered by the amusement committee of the street fair association to tho person .wearing the best costume in the masque car nival was won by A. C. Pierson, a mem ber of the junior class. Pierson was dressed as an Apache Indian chief and made a very fine appearance. The prize was a beautiful set ring valued at $10. The courses in animal husbandry have T3een arranged. Professor Bur nett has revised courses 3 and 4 in ag riculture and offers them as courses 1 and 2 in animal husbandry. They take up the sciontific principles which un derlie the feeding and breeding of do mestic animnlaand the applications of these principles to the practical work of the stock grower. The first meeting of the union soci ety occurred Friday evening. The at tendance was good and the program interesting. Several vocal solos were rendered and the few short speeches that were given showed clearly the good feeling that is noticeable among the members of the society. The pros pect is good that tho society will ex perience a most profitable year. Entries in the coming freshman sophomore contest are all in and the men are now training every night. One of the Interesting features of this con test will be tho relay race arranged between the seniors and juniors, in which W. E. Andreson and R. D. An dreson, who both hold records in track events, will run agulnst each other. Tho personnel of the teams will be an nounced later. The evening sketch class held their first meeting of this semester in the art studio "Wednesday evening 'from 7:30 until i) o'clock. Owing to the dis agreeable weather there were only five persons present. Miss Hayden will give ibis class a course In npld sketch ing. The members ure to pose in turn. Formerly there was nn entrance fee of flvo dollars, but now tho class is free to students in tho school of fine urts. The Palludlan literary society hold its first meeting of tho year Friday evening with a large number of mem bers present. From start to finish the program was one intended to satisfy those In attendance. After tho oxer cIsob wore completed a short recess was taken. All-old members assisted in tho general attempt that followed to make tho new students feel at homo. Members of the Dolian society have been compelled to look for new quar ters this year. At one of the summer meetings of tho board of regents It was voted to take tho Dolian room for law school work. A doorway now con nects tho room with tho old law hall. Seven hundred new books have boon PM1S11 jov"ki aaai&xiiim&ixi ?,, ws& mm MJWW as tfB&SU The Students' Co-Operative 1 .,', , " T" '"-. '' T' . ." . . . T-"-- M- ' - l-l'JL Hi" LIM.1U JULg .. : Book Company. FULL LINE of all New Books in the University.. We also sell Second-Hand Books Thb Waterman Ideal Fountain Pen The Greatest Source of Satisfac tion in Student's Life Law Books.. ....Best Laundry Office Bring in Your Work Above all, Do Not Forget the Place THE CO-OP. 322 North 1 ith St. 322 North 1 ith St. 1 mrowrerevrevre Oliver Johnson, D. D, S. Our Florist G. H. Frey For Choice Cut FBowers 1131 O Street Long Dlfttnm-.c Phone 503 OcrwcMyort . i W "Gt OrCr ' Lincoln crcrcrorrccor 1" w v THE CENTURY DOUBLE-FEED PEN IS THE BEST F. E. Edgevton, Agent, University. DENTIST, Over Hrlc'! Drug Store. Telephone 784. Lincoln, Neb. Momrch Bieyclts added for tho law department, -which now makes the library one of the larg est in the city. The advanced chorus class under Mrs. P. V. M. Raymond -will meet every Friday in the chapel from 5 to 0 o'clock. The beautiful chorus, "St. John's Eve," -will be taken up this year. All who can sing are requested to make it a point to enter this class, as it affords invaluable training. It is the only class In the university -whose work is publicly shown at commence ment. The elementary chorus In sight singing meets on Thursdays from 5 to C in tho chapel. All interested should hog Mrs. Raymond at once. Dr. Hastings is contemplating the purchase of a-standard anthropometic tester, -which he will put in operation at the close of the foot ball season. This machine is the one adopted by the .American Strength Testing associa tion, which has a record of all the strong men in tho difforont colleges. Nebraska has never been represented in these records, and as Dr. Hastings is confident that Nebraska can make a good showing in tho tests, lie will ex amine a limited number of men as soon as tho machine arrives. Tho sophomore class hold its first meeting of the year Monday with Vice President Wells in the chair. The constitution was changed to make tho election of officers b!-onnlal and tho following officers wore elected: Presi dent, F. Nelson; first vice president, Melon second vice president, Brookes; secretary, Miss Reeves; treasurer, Miss Parks. Garrett was olocted to repre sent the class in the university council. Tho nowly elected president took the dhalr and made these appointments: Chairman of tho hop committee Barker; foot ball manager, Horno; foot ball captain, Voss; captain of tho track team, Popoon. The Ready to Write Instrument of Today is Waterman's Ideal Fountain Pen 4 An Indispensable convenience lor Statesmen. Rrpoiitkiim liAWYEIIH, TillHINKKH MhN. Physicians, Tkagiikhh and AUTIIOKH, STUI1KNTF. Every PEN Warranted to Give Sat isfaction. Prices According to Value. Cataloges Furnished. L. E. WATEttMAN CO., Largest Fountain Pen Mfn In the World. 157 Broadway, New Yorli. fc MifjyiMBf$fifftflcft Hf Arc t ecognizeel the world over as representing the highest type of excellence in bicycle construction ARE NOW WITHIN REACH OF ALL Monarch Roadsters $50 Defiance Roadsters $35 King and Queen Roadsters $25 Why look lurtbor wlien machines ol established reputation can be bad at these prices Monarch Chainless $75 Send for Catalogue Agonta -wanted la opoa torritory MONARCH OTOLE MFG. 00. ilalsted and Fullon Sts., CHICAGO , Church and Reade Sts., NEW YORK Ride a IomcIl and Keep ia Front The Machine that TalksTalk ThGiuiwfTH0,,E rjyiT Jj Thf fifm J""0" Cut this ad. f iw with $1.00 und we will tend you one of the T new Gem Graphophone by Express, COS. CUP subject to examination. You can examine It at " your express office and If found exactly as represented, entirely satisfactory In every way, and the equal In value to any machine sold at f 10 andd'J, pay our agent Our Special Olfer Price, $5.00, and express charges, less the $1 sent witli order, for home amusement this King; of Merry-Makers SE?!i,: hour Winds up like a clock Plays all the pieces of Sousa's and Gllmore's Hands; Recites, Tells Funny Stones . will repeat you. own -voice, your friend's voice, songs sung into lt.sto.ies told to it You ran make your records easily and reproduce them at once, as often as desired Price $5.00 Includes Improved Gem Graphophone, one extra loud alumnlum Reproducer, one 10-Inch horn, one Hearing Tube. Best exhi bition Records (musical or talking) fX a dozen, 412c each. Slot Country dealers will find a veritable gold mine In our two new slot MnnUinnn machines, The "Ideal" Graphophone $30 und wonderful "Ray" (uw.w.iw.7. Klnetoscopc (or moving picture machine) $15, operates automatic ally, requires no attention whatever, can be placed on top of show case or counter Machines pay for them selves in two weeks. The Kinetoscope docs for the eye what the Graphophone docs for the ear. Ob- j'C iectsact and move as If alive Reproduces In miniature the same subjects as the large hundred dollar PJ) loving Picture Machine. The parlor "Kay" Moving Picture Machine, three belts with each machine. v Send us f I and we will 5end you either muililnt by Express C O. D . subject to examination. II found exactly as represented and entirely satisfactory in every way, pay the agent our price, less the $1 sent with order Complete new Illustrated Kinetoscope Graphophone and Record Catalogue, containing lull descrip tion of large exhibition show outfits, ranging from $10 to fV), sent free on request. Harder & Blish, Western Selling Agts. 004-910 Main St., Dubuque, Iowa